Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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If you are able to afford an internet/3G/4G network, you must be blessed enough to be given a proper education. However, the majority of Internet users feel the need to, oh I don?t know, give off the idea that they?re illiterate?
1. Your vs You?re:
Seriously? You shouldn?t be making this mistake. ?Your? is used as a POSSESSIVE PRONOUN. I especially DESPISE this grammatical error; it?s been committed (and corrected by Grammar Nazis such as I) too many times that it?s not even amusing. It never
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Damn, you used to be a great worker, got things accomplished, helped out, but lately, you are slipping!
When there’s problems with a customers order, you are supposed to call them. Not just have them show up and have me explain and apologize for your mistakes. You realize we are out in the middle of the fucking nowhere and have tons of people that drive from all over the fucking hillbilly hell we work in? People that drive 30 miles just to find out that their order is not going to be ready and
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By the time you read this, I’ll still be alive. I’m not planning on killing myself… yet, but I know that I inevitably will one day.
Why? Because I know that barring some big change, I’ll probably end up with nothing when I get older. My father made poor choices, which means that he’ll have nothing to leave my sisters and I when he dies. He owns nothing. My mother is in a similar situation, having nothing to leave us either. What little my grandparents could leave my mother will probably be
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I guess that since I didn’t spring from the genitals of one of the many people who work here, I don’t matter like some of your family members do. If I was working at a small business, I wouldn’t really complain. After all, you know what you’re getting into with that crap. But no. This is a major multi-million dollar hospital and guess what? You and your family are actually breaking hospital rules by hiring everyone that shares your genetic material. You’re not the only one who does this- I’ve
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I mean seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you people? I can understand not clicking with somebody and just wanting to get the fuck on, trust me I get that! But who the fuck raised you? I mean honestly! Fucking meth-head redneck motherfuckers I’d wager! Isn’t there any little nugget inside you that says “Hey, maybe I shouldn’t be taking out any anger on people who haven’t earned it”? What excatly is that shit about? How can you sleep at night? How can you look at yourself in the mirror in
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I arrived at the point where I can safely say that I am over my ex boyfriend. Know that our relationship was important, but would never go back there again. Safe to say, while I was all heartbroken, I pushed myself forward to this point - cus everyone told me that I’d feel better… but now, I’m depressed and angry, and none of it has an anchor anymore.
Don’t get over it, it makes you feel worse about yourself./
Dear whoever-the-hell-thinks-I?m-able-to-be-thrown-around-like-a-dirty-rag-doll
F.U.C.K. Y.O.U.!!!
I?m sick of being treated like garbage at work - and people thinking that just because I?m not a glorified teacher, I can be tossed from here to there! AND T.G. - take your nastyass dresses and holier-than-thou attitude and EAT IT. Shove it in your enormous face, and choke on it.
And B.B. - how DARE you back-stab me!! Just because you?ve been there longer than me, gives you NO RIGHT to go back
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I’m pissed off!!!! I am sooo stressed out, i have so much on my plate right now it’s unreal, i barely have enough time to take a shower or wash my hair!!!A little background info…. we live together, have done for a while, we have a child together, i give our child all the attention she needs!! I’m up at 7am every day, i feed the baby….. numerous times a day, change it, bathe it, play with it etc etc etc… i do the cleaning, the laundry, the shopping, the cooking, car maintenance, garden
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You’re always telling me how great I am. You married me. We are great together. But the common thread that draws all our problems together is that I really don’t think you’re ready to move on. I think if you’d met me first, I would be exactly what you want. But without realizing it, you do things that show me that you can’t ever fully commit to me. It’s been years and you say that of course you are ready to move on. But you’re not. We have intimacy issues because you still feel like you’re
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Okay so today is Halloween and guess what! My mother has to be a bitch and RUIN it! A group of my friends (and some no-so-much friends) were hanging out at the local park. Most of them were guys, which happened to be the worst fucking thing ever. And so my mom starts to complain and says i have to walk around with fucking 8 yr olds! EIGHT YEAR OLDS!!!!! I AM 13 I DO NOT WALK AND HANG OUT WITH EIGHT YEAR OLDS!!!!!! and then she has the nerve to tell me to socialize more! WHAT THE HELL!? EVERY
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When will you finally realize that I really care about you? I?m sick of being put down by your words and actions. Can you care about me?. Think about my feelings for once? I don?t like how you?re treating me. I don?t like how our relationship is like this. I am still your friend, can you give me some respect? I just want to spend a day with you. Are you really too busy to make time for me? You can?t find a single day in a week and spend some hours with me? I know your relatives came. I know
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Don’t give a slow, long winded message, then state your telephone number in a fraction of a second, then continue on your slow, long winded message. STUPID CUSTOMERS!!!
Today has been a total shitbucket day and it is only noon. Fuck.
I met a nice guy on holiday, seemed nice anyway, gave me his number, blah blah blah now im starting to think that everything he said was complete and utter bullshit! the only thing i know is true is his name cos he showed me his passport!!!! why am i so trusting, i always let my guard down! not even a reply to a message asking if he was ok!
i dont poxy well give a damn any more i just wanna smack him in the face!
I sext my friend and tell him I love him just about every day and he tells me he loves me too and we aren’t even dating. Actually he broke up with his girlfriend a few weeks ago. I think we would make a cute couple, but when I asked him out he said no(this was before the sexting). We see each other at school most of the time and he is a huge flirt, but without us actually being and item it feels wrong to keep texting such nasty things to each other. Granted it is fun, but it’s still wrong.
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