Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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Periods. Not cool. Being horny at the wrong time, also not cool. Why do you want to torture me body? Should go do something with my time.
iv dealt with this ass cheating on me his drug use and him saying he does all this becouse of me . iv always been there the one with a clear head . i stopped drugs after im found my self yelling at then my one and a half old son so i stopped . have not done any sence .. my family is my life . he cheated year’s ago . then over the past years he got hep c from one girl / . iv never cheated iv had chances to but id stop the other in mid sentance by saying im sorry but i cant.. my husben and i had
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He called her babe and he’s not even dating her. Thats what he called me before we started dating, and he still calls me it. I just feels weird to see him say that to her.
i shag men and i most liekly shagged your dad
So annoying, the manager in work is such a bitch! I phoned up asking could i start early tomorrow so i could finish early as I’m going out and she said no because she isn’t happy about it…like wot the hell, shes allowed me several times before while saying it wasn’t a problem!!! Just rude . .. theres one rule for one person in the place and another for everyone else!!!
I just want to let you know that your voice is the most annoying thing I hear all day. Your constant talking about how great you are and could develop our product so much better than our developers, but yet, you’re a fucking support rep who has pissed so many people off that you’re on your way out the door. Plus your laugh is worse than a hyena. Just shut up already and do your job!!
All my life, my parents have been demanding, rude, and nosy towards me. I don’t have many friends in my age group, and my best friend abandoned me for popularity. My other friend started ignoring me because of her boyfriend, and I had to quit private viola lessons because of outrageous costs. I’m fine in academics, but school is absolutely miserable.
Oh life! Why must you be in the forms of demonic cordons that haunt our every step? Why must you dangle us over the worst angles that lead to
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Okay. I have a brother. And let me tell you, he is the most immature, disrespectful, rude, and awful person. To other people he seems funny and nice and normal. Not if you live with him. We’ve never gotten along. He was going through some things and he’s depressed and pretty sure he has more phychological issues. I was very argumentative and would fight with him all the time and now refuses to let that go. So thus he was a complete jerk to me. And he even started it! When I was ten he called me
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I will not beg for something I have not even remotely earned. I will not fucking keep working at it, just fucking let me be. I will not fucking do it, go, and, fuck, yourself! I’m done, let me fucking sit in the mess I made, god fucking damn it. I should have stayed in rehab longer. God fucking damn it. Someone fucking take me out.
I’ve ranted several times this past week, and nothing. Not one of them showed up. All they are is about the sucky life I’m having. Dang, you know your life sucks when even what you have to say about your life sucking doesn’t qualify for an anonymous rant board!
Why is it I can’t just keep CALM when I feel offended? Instead, if someone pisses me off, I feel I HAVE to talk back, even if it’s just to “defend” myself. I feel like I damn kid when I do it, and ashamed after, but at the time .. once someone’s pushed my buttons, I go freaking crazy!
What should I do?
Students at my school are so shallow minded. They automatically assume that when somebody doesn’t talk often, they have speech issues. If a person is reading, he/she gets labeled as a nerd. When a person is alone, they are considered retards. I know I’m being hypocritical, but it’s just so infuriating to have to listen to these immature kids make such narrow-minded assumptions such as these!
Having read the shit on here, i reckon the world is full of fucked up people, and I am pleased to announce I no longer feel like one. Thank you for making me realise there are some right loonies out there, and I don’t even remotely resemble you…..enjoy your web page, if you haven’t topped yourself already.
Lately i’ve been really confused with emotions. I swear to god if one more god damn person says it’s horomones im gonna punch a hole in my wall.. bottom line is, i’m not happy but i dont know why. It’s almost like i WANT to be sad. Dont get me wrong this isnt in anyway for attention but i just never want to talk to people, not only about how im feeling byt just in general. People dont understand how fucking annoying it is to believe that youre depressed but you dont know the cause. now im
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I really hate myself right now. I have lost ten pounds in the past two weeks and everyone is going to be so kissed at me. I know I should eat more but I hate myself and I can’t. I’m such a goodie two shoed and I know my boyfriend wants someone who will do fun things with him and that isn’t me and he hates me and I hate myself and my parents are going to be so mad and I hate myself and I want to die I want to kill myself I want this to BE OVER
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Be it a confession, a rant about how your customers suck or just tell us why you hate your life. Feel free to vent your rage on here!