Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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i am so annoyed. the guy i love doesn’t love me back. i dont really have my own place so i dont have a home. all my stuff is in my car and my car isn’t even parked somewhere safe. i work all over the country and my car is parked on the other side of the country from where i work and the other day some jerk stole my bike rack from the back of it so now my bike is INSIDE my car under a tarp. i need a place to live where i can put all my things and park outside and go into and drink wine, lsiten
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So my brother takes my phone charger and gives it to my mum , i ask for it back and my mums using it , my mum say give me your phone ill charge it . im half way though telling my crush i fancy her. my dad screams at me telling me to take my phone down stairs and what im hiding, i quickly delete the message the thing is my crush , is a girl and i dont want my parents to find out im bi now my dad thinks im hiding sommit and hes looking though my phone . what if he sees my messages like when my
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how can someone sympathise with someone who is sick but doesn’t show symptoms? I have irritable bowel syndrome and it has terrible bloating that makes me breathless and constipated and hurts my back all the time. No one knows or understands how much it affects me. I cry sometimes and i don’t know how to explain why. i just feel like it affects me everyday. I’m so stressed.
So I’m completely in love with my boyfriend and I don’t wanna be with anyone else but I have a tiny crush on one of his friends. I can’t believe I’m even saying this but I find his smile incredibly contagious and sometimes I feel like he either knows I like him or hes a little flirty with me too. I’ve never done anything with him and I don’t plan to, I just feel so guilty thinking he’s attractive
I hate house guests that won’t go away!
Halloween is my favorite holiday. Always has been. And this year I don’t get to do anything. I’m literally sitting at home wanting to cry because it’s my favorite holiday and I didn’t get to do anything for it. It’s upsetting
My boyfriend left half his lunch at my house because i forgot my money and he was already passing or apartment. He was on the phone with me and i clearly heard him say to her put it in the fridge for me and when i came back 20 mins later it was gone and her two boy toys bring her food and when i asked for some she wouldn’t give me any. Shes just so frustrating
I ran into my “best friend” from high school whom I haven’t really spoken to since I got married 5 years ago. Shes your typical I’m hot, most popular type of girl. I like to refer to her as the ‘Kim Kardashian wanna be’ since that is exactly who she is trying to be like.
I ran into her the other day in a restaurant, well she sat down at the table behind us. I just tried to hide from her and pretend like I didn’t notice. I’m not the skinny mini I was in high school, I’ve been married, had a kid
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when people flirt with you and give you mixed signals and when you finally like them you find out they dont like you. THIS PERSON HAS OFFENDED ME SO MUCH
im at a really good school but my guidance counsler bitches about everything, and i have short term memory loss diagnosed by doctor but still i get bitched at by the guidance counsler whenever i forget something even though i tell him that i have short term memory loss and it is diagnosed.
It’s my 22nd birthday today. No one in my family remembered.
What the fuck is wrong with my girlfriend. Everything is a fucking issue with her, yet when I ask her what’s wrong she will give the usual answer, “nothing” then ignore me for the rest of the day. This fucking silent treatment does nothing to improve our relationship. In fact, it hurts our relationship.
I am happily married to the most amazing, considerate, sweethearted ass hole in existence and it is wonderful. My life has nothing to complain about in it except for what is in my own head. He is always going out of his way to make me happy but my depression comes out of nowhere and I just feel sad all the time. I know it upsets him and it it hurting our marriage. I truly believe he is the only man who would stand by me through anything and everything. I don’t want to hurt him anymore.
My life seems so bad right now,i dont know for sure but im pretty sure im medically depressed(is that how you say it, i dont even know) i feel like crying every moment of the day,24/7, and cant do anything becouse of hiw do n i am. Im so.stressed that i shake and cant do anything but hide away and cry. Im becoming really lonley, my freinds are becomig closer to each other leaving me behind,and i think im trying to hard for the guy m. I cant even tell my mom im a vegetarian because im scared and
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I recently asked you personally for help, I cried in front of you, you saw me broke down and strip any decency by asking your help. You promised help, you seems sincere and I was grateful, after a week waiting for the help you promised you suddenly vanished in thin air I tried to contact you not even a call or text and the best part is you post your decision to not help me on Facebook?! What the fuck are you? a teenager you’re a grown man and should have said it straight to my face that you’re
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