Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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Tired of being taken for a dick head constantly just because I have no intention to get into a fight with someone when I’m pissed off.
Fucking hate being the easy target.
4 years ago I beat a homeless guy until he was unconscious with his shoe untilI found a hammer then I broke his hand. . I drug him under a bus stop because it was winter and I felt bad this was north side PGH. This was the third time this man said he was gunna kill me if I dint give him everything I had he was waving a bottle at me and I snapped. He was crying and peeing before he blacked out something I’m sure he did a lot of. Personally I hope he fucking froze to death. I left that city. but
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Hope she’s happy. Things turned out well for her, and that’s good–wonder why she had to fuck things up for someone else, though. She lied.
You’re always telling me how great I am. You married me. We are great together. But the common thread that draws all our problems together is that I really don’t think you’re ready to move on. I think if you’d met me first, I would be exactly what you want. But without realizing it, you do things that show me that you can’t ever fully commit to me. It’s been years and you say that of course you are ready to move on. But you’re not. We have intimacy issues because you still feel like you’re
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i’m head over heels for a girl i know, but because she’s just come out of a long term relationship thats messed her about a bit, im trying to take things slowly. her friends have told me she’s said she’s not ready for a relationship, and im willing to wait for her.
but this weekend while drunk she was snogging a guy that i think is a complete dick, and i know he likes her too.
am i being paranoid, or am i losing my chance with her??
Life is unfair. It didn?t take me long to figure this out either. Even when I was young, I understood this. At the mere age of 10, life took away the only person I loved. Sadly, he can never return. This doesn?t make me sad. I honestly don?t care anymore. Life is a bitch. So is karma. Let it bite you. Get over it, suck it up, and stop being a child. I stopped being a child, so you can too. I grew up, you should do the same. I?m sick of hearing people whine and complain about how your life sucks
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I like to geocache and we recently went geocaching with some friends who pointed out that I desperately needed an updated GPS. My husband mentioned that I had a birthday coming up and that he would get me a GPS for my birthday. Our friend recommended the type she uses and my husband wrote down the name.
On the day of my birthday I seem to remember my husband saying (something to the effect of) it wasn?t the same GPS as my friend?s, but it was close?that the store he bought it at wasn?t going
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but you have turned into a complete and utter cunt. you have CHANGED. and it’s not for the better. you really upset me sometimes. i wish you were still the person i once met.
I want you to e-mail me. I’m worried that I came on too strong and hinted too much that I was falling in love with you. People keep losing interest in me just when I was starting to feel really close to them.
For years you lived in my house, ate my food, slept in my beds, and we helped take care of your kid. All while you went to school.
Then when I said that I had problems going to school because of finances, you said “if I can do it, you can”. Funny, but you forget that you get thousands upon thousands of dollars of Federal aid because you squirted out a kid. So much financial aid that you actually went and took a trip to Vegas on what was left over, rather than paying your babysitter (the one
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Dear husband: moving is hard. There’s lot to pack, lots to arrange, lots of stress. I’ve done it ALL, while feeding you and the kid day in and day out, and doing regular housework. What have YOU done? I mean, it’d be ok if you had a job (which you don’t). WHAT have you been doing? Oh yes, you’re a freelancer and are working in this project… that has given us no money so far. Cool, I can wait, but you know what? When I’m exhausted and my back hurts, and I’m stressed because moving day is near
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I don’t want to go to my employer’s dinner party tomorrow night. I just want to go home, eat what I want, and watch TV.
My dog just took a diarrhea shit all over my shoes. It looks like a pile of sloppy joes. Being the dumbass I am I smelled my shoe as I was washing it off, I almost died. Now I feel sick :/
Can’t believe I fell for it again! You tell me the stuff I want to hear and get me to trust you again, then you do your usual selfish thing and kick me in the teeth!
I will not fall for it anymore and the sooner you are out my life the better!
I hate it when other parents get under my skin. I love my children, often I love being a parent, but I fucking despise other parents with their smug self-righteousness and overblown sense of improtance.
I am a mother of seven. Most of our children were adopted through foster care. There is this crunchy woman in the neighborhood who takes her kids to the same park we frequent and since we are the only parents with more than three kids in that particular park, she thinks we are destined to be
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