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Latest Comments

I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Comments from others 310

please don’t comment on the size or appetite about my children. Do not use the word husky to describe my children. Please don’t comment about how I look compared to how I used to look. I fact, let’s just sit in silence like primates and just make preverbal grunts and glances at each other. I know you are just trying to make civilized conversation because you are programmed to do so, but I’m just over socializing with language.

Untitled 311

Being forgotten when you know someone else was remembered is one thing. Sitting in a crowd hearing about a person being remembered, thinking that person is you, and feeling a tiny respite from the pain you’re hiding in your soul only to learn later that what actually happened in that room was a public announcement that you were completely forgotten is another. Yet another thing is carrying around this knowledge feeling ashamed that what hurts more is not that you weren’t remembered, not that …view more

I dont know… 310

Ive really just been down all the time lately…I don’t know why. Ive also been less interested in things i used too.. and im always tired though i get a good amount of sleep. But I’m also worried about my friend obbsession. I have a best friend but i get super jealous whenever she talks to other people. And she likes this girl but i dont trust her, gut instint. I feel like i am obseesed with my best friend like and she’s the only one who makes me happy. Im worried other people may want to take …view more

How not to 311

Okay so how do I vent without sounding like a total cliché? There was a girl, she broke my heart and tonight was the first time I’ve seen her since. She did break things off right after my dad died, but I was being an ass, I guess, but frankly I think she was just looking for an excuse. Worst of all is I technically shouldn’t even be angry, because she was clear she wanted to keep things casual from the start. But now apparently we should just pretend that the other doesn’t exist even if we are …view more

Never gunna get anywhere 310

If my friend isnt cheating off of me hes cheating off of someone else but complains and gets annoyed and even stops talking to me when i get As and Bs and he gets no higher than Cs most of the time. Maybe if youd stay off instagram and stop messing with tons of girls bringing them up in MY house when i say lets study your ass wouldnt be such a failure

Sister 311

My sister is a fatass who eats everything and asks for a lot, whenever I make a mistake, that ANYONE INCLUDING HER could have made, she makes a big deal out of it, she always assumes things about me and she always twists my words and actions when telling my mistakes to others, making them sound even worse.

Broken Promises 311

I am sick of people breaking promises to me. “Oh I’ll come visit you! I promise.”
I always wonder why people break promises to me, lie to me, and leave me. I do my best to be a good friend, always ask how they are, always there to listen, always there to care about them.
But when I open my mouth to talk about me, my problems. Everyone always walks away. I never get to talk about myself. I don’t know how to vocalize my various problems.

Almost a year ago I told my mother about my sever …view more

My boyfriend is an ass 310

Never would i ever hurt you the way you are hurting me. Man up and stop making everything about what you want and ignoring what i want. I’ve sacrificed so much for you and so much of my happiness for you. I would never do anything like this to you and make you feel as uncomfortable and unhappy as you make me feel. What’s worse is i told you it made me unhappy and uncomfortable and you still chose to do it anyway. Sure i like certain things, but i don’t do them because i know they would make you …view more

fucking abusive freak 312

Just because you fucked up your life, it doesn’t give you the right to fuck mine. I’m going to be the most ungrateful bitch ever but it doesn’t mean I’ll tolerate this unreasonable and domineering household. Your opinions are not the word of god so stop imposing while playing holier than thou to any of us. You’re the only one who can complain how your life sucks while we all should be grateful. We can’t be human only you can. God fucking piece of.

What fucks up kids? Abusive households. …view more

How to forget? 312

so, this is just an ordinary heartbreak actually. But this start to get annoying lately. I broke up with my bf for about more than a year. We had a relationship for about 3 years and he said he will marry me. I love him so much, I trust him.
But then, he cheated then he broke me up mercilessly.
I was really in a big mess at the first 3 month, but then I tried to get over it. About April or august (i forgot) last year I dreamed about him, two times in a week. It was horrible, i woke and cried …view more

i hate school 312

im lying in bed rn thinking about how i have to be up for school in about 4 hours and i camt sleep no matter how much i try bc SCHOOL STRESSES ME OUT SO FUCKING MUCH. I know i prbably sound like such a twat bc i should appriciate how i get to go to school and blah blah blah BUT i have a couple of weeks until my tests for exams come up and its the first year i have them so all i can feel is stress. i only have 2 proper friends, i hate all my teachers bc they somehow seem to be horrible (when in …view more

Dumbass friend 39

Just pick up the phone you fucking bitch. All you have to say is you’re busy or some shit like that, just answer me already. Like damn, I know you don’t like me as much as the others, but you don’t have to make it so fucking obvious that you don’t give a damn ’bout me and don’t want to see me before I leave. I mean you’re starting to act like M, ya cold-shouldered bitch. How ’bout you get over yourself and your dumbass boyfriend and make some effort in this friendship? You’re the person I call …view more

Screwed at work 38

I called out twice in 2 years and am doing the workload of 3 people, and am still getting shit on. WTF?! And here’s a shout out to K and J: you are absolutely the most vile gutter trash sluts in the known universe.

Fuck 311

My shit is never going to be posted, is it? Fucking great.

don’t assume i’m a prostitute just because i have a driver, you jerk 39

this stupid idiot today assumed i was a prostitiute just bc i wouldnt give him money for his crappy CD. i said, “i need it to tip my driver” which is true! And i didnt even need to tell him that.

i’m a flight attendant, not a whore and screw people who assume things about me that dont even know me.

I flippin cant stand aholes >:i

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