Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I sext my friend and tell him I love him just about every day and he tells me he loves me too and we aren’t even dating. Actually he broke up with his girlfriend a few weeks ago. I think we would make a cute couple, but when I asked him out he said no(this was before the sexting). We see each other at school most of the time and he is a huge flirt, but without us actually being and item it feels wrong to keep texting such nasty things to each other. Granted it is fun, but it’s still wrong.
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I am 20 years old. I’ve been sexually active since I was 16. I’ve had 6 different partners, most male, one female. 3 of those were regular partners that I had sex with multiple times. And yet, I have never had an orgasm. I’ve faked it every single time. What is wrong with me?
You used to complain to me 24/7 about how he stalks you, is totally in love with you and how you hate him. And you wonder why he doesn’t leave you alone. It’s because you flirt with him all the time and shit. I swear, something in your mind is fucked up, cause you’re also a compulsive liar, attention whore and full on poser of everything. I can’t believe we used to be best friends. And stop leading on guys who truly like you, when all you do behind their backs is talk shit about them and call
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I have no fucking idea if I still want to be married to you. I love our kids, I love you, but you don”t treat me like you love me even though you say you do. You fucked me over, left me, cheated on me,and lied to me. So why am I still here? I want to lve with my kids.
Can I just go through the motions? Can I somehow stop loving you and just act as if? That would be easier for sure. What I really want is for you to love me the way that I love you, but that ain’t happening.
Can’t believe I fell for it again! You tell me the stuff I want to hear and get me to trust you again, then you do your usual selfish thing and kick me in the teeth!
I will not fall for it anymore and the sooner you are out my life the better!
I have 2 groups of friends, one group of people from my neighbourhood & the other group from work. my neighbourhood friends never wanna hang out with me as a group but are fine when its one to one with me since my friend came back from australia & I kinda got with his ex about a year ago which only lasted a couple months anyway. my work friends are always too busy to hang out. I ended up going to a party at a club in town I heard about through facebook by myself last weekend & bumped into a few
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I love my friends but they are huge hypocrites. They’ll sit and bitch about someone until the sun comes up. As soon as someone does the same to them they start clucking around like old hens, accusing that person of being mean and trying to make their lives a living hell at school.
I bitch about the same things they do but it’s not like I try to deny that what I do is any different from what that other person does. Why is it so hard for some people to admit that sometimes what other people
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I’m a teenage girl and I’m so damn lazy. I don’t know why. I never get anything accomplished either. I love rock music so much, and I dream about becoming a rock star and being famous, but I’m too lazy to pick up a guitar. I have one and I do a few scales and then stop, because I get lazy and bored. I’m too lazy to even listen to music sometimes too. My friends will tell me a band to listen to, but I’m too lazy to even go to youtube and watch one of their music videos. All I ever want to do is
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“I told you I wanted the light on”! Dumb ass runt smarts off and Im expected to ignore it, Thats not how I was raised. When the light went off the kid shut his/her mouth and went to fucking sleep. But in this house is a fucking democracy and the ?older? kid as I have documented an pages is never at fault for very much. Coddled to the limit perhaps an over compensation for having a convict ?supa G? for a dad who is busy pumpin and pimpin the next blonde coloured moron for all her quid and eggs.
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I’m crying because of you again…. When will you stop being a jerk to me? You can lie to me that you love me. I just have to hear those words from you. Please… I love you so much Eric.. I really need you
i don’t want to be jealous of you, but i am. i know it’s not your fault and that you aren’t trying to make me feel bad about myself but you do. it’s not fair… everyone loves you. you’re so cool and unaffraid. i just want someone to notice me.
Why oh why does my boyfriend insist that Linkin Park is a better band than Nine Inch Nails? That is like saying Kidz Bop is a better band than Metallica: It makes NO SENSE!
I know that everyone has their opinion but come on!
Sick and tired of the BS that i get all the fing time about the past ex’s and the baby momma drama, from the inlaws, get the heck over it already, divorce is the end of an old way of life, now move on and stop treating ppl like crap, the world owes you nothing and everyone is entitled too a life, just because everyone wont bow down and do as you please, doesnt mean they dont like you, it means they dont like wth you are offering, suck it up and be a role model, not a problem maker, life goes on
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It has been 2 1/2 weeks since you said you would refund the money you owe me. That is 350 pound I no longer have. I have about 20 pound to my name and that has to last me through till the 21st of Jan… through New Years even. I need to get an immunisation so I can work here, and it costs 65 pound. Without it I can’t work, if I can’t work I can’t get paid, and if I can’t get paid, I can’t pay rent, can’t buy food. I’ve already had a loan from my parents, I already own my best friend here a couple
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WTF i am an american and i fully believe the english system is the dumbest shit on the fucking planet, i mean base 12 and cups and gallons it makes no damn sense and they always manage to put a question on a final with english units and i fuck it up. if you want to be taken seriously pull your head out of your ass and use metric you stupid cunts
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