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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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o-o 410

a nose never stops growing. just my luck. gezzzzzz

so unusally blah but i know tomorrow it will be gone and another fun filled day will be upon moi.

and idk if it’s relationship week orrr some peeps just really go that extra mile to get my attention. i would like to start with the zucine really aint like they r even ready. fuck off.

anddd sadest of sad. really tenants bf is starting to piss me off. ahhhh idk i suppose lonely girl looking to share a life will put up with all …view more

for sure and for certain soft is best bet 47

hard sell causes a fucked up mess. mostly as always i point out it should bee somewhere in the middle and relevant to protection. learning accepting what is. still aint going to make it right but it aint going away.

no trouble…..seriously i leave chewed up messes in my wake.

My ex is a lesbian 49

My ex wife is a lesbian. Her lover is the nastiest bull dyke you would ever want to meet. It all makes sense now. She’s also an abortion baby killer.

well aware of peanut game 48

enchanting. also deeply deeply aware of lastnights meeting. 2 different levels. from one it’s like playing with toys. i am not a toy. i DONOT consider others toys. see them walk their paths and do what i can. and hide alot. saying anything tends to make it worse. usually for me soooo sighhhhh. i have said a few things. things aint always what they appear. remain calm. idk a few. i think if i could say something it would be. dont be afraid. warry and skeptical and mad as fuck but dont let fear …view more

dont bug me already bugged 47

what is to say. wack jobs and wierdo’s centeral. some unbelievably sick and must bee addressed with great caution reality and otherwise. for me part of a journey from here to there orrr the other way round.

i learned much. symbolism and stuff lots and lots of stuff. theoretical and practical and some crazy fucking shit. i got fond memories of much but really way to over the top crazy to bee of much use. really u can scramble peeps brains to mush and ya still aint going to change the way we …view more

mornin 410

mostly just in pain today. arg. the last act of my journey could potencially bee called waiting for the pain meds to kick in blues. shrug. we r all gettin old.

i think in my heart i will always bee looking for a partner. i just dont expect to find one. it’s just part of my base. circumstance time o life and my present path make sex a moot point for moi. maybe ask somebody who knows. shrug for me a big question, i believe in monogamy in a world where there is no such thing. least for me. and i …view more

pot o gold @ the end of the rainbow 410

ahhhh for those who watched this little journey we all hope to make a living dewin what we love. join the circus, join a theater production anddd write. pushed to extremes in peeps that really aint paying attention as they r soooo overwhelmed by wtf . meh really mostly funny till others r hurt :(.

anddd at the end of the day my sucess or lack thereof is deeply based in hard fucking work i do in reality. after that it’s about chasing impossible dreams produced and directed by peeps who will …view more

My ex is a lesbian 48

Her lover is a bull dyke. I really knew for a long time that she was. She never would have sex. Always had an excuse. Then would lie to people about me having an affair, which I never did. And her bull dyke lover is disgusting. A convicted felon. A fall down drunk and pothead. A liar and man hater. Disgusting. Both of them.

baaahhaaaaaa 410

that pissed me off. birth of mousey….death of mousey. i was always her. believing the best of people and snoopy dancing my way through life. the issue was in reguards to realization how sick and sad some people r. shrug. some people get their jollies watching others suffer. they got a whole show for them anddd really i dont spend alot of time on the details as mostly i think those who dance that dance have enough issues of their own. karma’s a bitch and all i learned was how incredibly sad our …view more

Call it what it is 47

Its “babysitting” NOT “school” for your 3 year old that you send away for four days a week. Annoying that you have to justify it like that.



i do not and never have 410

denied my own responsibly and actions. i dont know why others motivations r relevant or of interest. ummm for sure i saw myself on a journey and the begining a very smal part of my big picture. all things considered i had a blast. i just think i was unreasonable isolated. still dew. and notwithstanding i am in agreement that new information potencially could of made my present ummm difficult. mostly i think i could of lived down quite a bit in time and knowledge. i woulda had a better time. …view more

is dumasses suitable 49

it’s NOT about the indies generally .. certainly i havent seen the indie in years assume same as moi. no idea what was up andddd found something better to do :D.

a character that peeps identify with anddd take it as far as they can go… some people dont know when to give it a rest. addicted to playing with others lives while conviencing themselves it’s for their own good. meh each to their own and really i think many many have tried. some that read the script picked a different route.< i think …view more

fabulous 49

heartburn , internal spasms and hotflashes. really dont know what right anybody has to address my oppinion of the journey i traveled. always going to bee conflicted but meh aint worth the effort and really sooner or later attackers find out what the string hanging outta their ass is fore. lmao

ya well they call me cunt with teeth sewww go chase your tale hummmmmmm

Gah I want to have a good old temper tantrum 49

My dad just went in for detox three days out he is stone out, he is already babbling. our family business is down the tubes and i am bleeding money. my brothers owes me a buss load of money when i ask for it he treats it as a big joke. my sis in law contributes a measly amount of money and expects my dad and i will pay for everything else. i lost my mother to a freak accident this year and in addition to an enormous guilt for suggesting the walk that ultimately killed her i have survivors guilt …view more

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