Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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Who are you to tell me that it’s ok to get married but please don’t have any kids…. Why are you getting married? really WTF!! What the hell does that have to do with you? Stay in your damn lane. People always have some dumb shit to say. My FH and I are very independent and very capable of making decisions and taking care of ourselves. What the fuck have we asked you for????? What the hell do you have???? NOTHING!!!!! Don’t even have a pot to piss in and making stupid comments. Get an education,
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Ok, you haven’t talked to your sister in over 6 months and now you email her and say that she is ruining your parent’s retirement? Dude really!?! You just have one side of what is happening and now you want to say that she is the one doing everything wrong. Your other sister want’s to say that I don’t know the meaning of family because my parents are divorced, but you take the cake in being an engineer and not caring about the facts. If you were really a man you would have called to ask
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I am a girl and I like boys…but this one girl? I REALLY like her. I’ve had a crush on her since I was little. I found out when we were a little older that she was a bisexual. We were always mutual friends until we figured that it was fun for us to hang out. When she kissed me for the first time, to her it was just for fun but to me? Lots more than that. When she fucked me for the first time, it was ok…but the second time? Fireworks! We fucked all the time until one day when everything stopped.
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I told my mum about me being bulimic…
and the first thing she said was “well at least you’ll fit into your prom dress.” and then “You don’t ’sick up’ in my bathroom do you?” fucking insensitive!
and now she won’t stop going on about my ‘jiggly bits’
ffs, hf;s bcxbcxzcxzbn cmnd
I hate it when people get angry at me over fucking nothing!!! Almsot everyone I have ever been close with just goes off about fucking shit that does not even matter!!! I want to punch them in the face until their eyes pop out!! And then afterwards they say how sorry they are!! Well fuck you idiots!!! I have always been the nice guy just taking fucking shit all day long!!! Not anymore!!! Today some idiot drove by and said something mean and i flipped him the bird!!! Finally!!! Fucking hell!!! I
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Being near him and feeling his heart beat makes me smile and when he holds me I feel like I could melt in his arms, but then he pushes me away and gets mad at me I just want him to be happy and try to make him see that I love him with everything I have and that nothing he does will ever make me stop loving him. when he kisses me I get butterflies, but also the most time it seems he wants to be around me or ‘loves me’ is when we have some sort of sexual contact. and i’m afraid of being used! but
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I have a long day of interning as a school social worker where I get to hear all the heartache in those poor children’s lives. When I get home, I clean up the mess of clothes consuming our bedroom floor (most of which are yours). I carefully load them all up, take them downstairs where there is yet another mess covering the basement floor (this would be your snowmobile gear that has been lying down there for well over a month along with old cable cords that you said you were getting rid of
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Those fucking retarded rental agency people need to get their fucking heads out of their asses. I fucking hate stupid fat bitches with their little JABBA THE HUT mouths.
First, we recieve a fucking notice for unauthorized tenants. FUCKING BULLSHIT. My bro dropped off a washer and dryer using a U-Haul one day and stayed for TEN FUCKING MINUTES, and some neighbor calls in a complaint saying we have MOTHERFUCKING UNAUTHORIZED TENANTS moving in! Well, fuck you fucking neighbor guy. I will kick the
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My friend ditched my birthday for her boyfriend. Twice. even though i decided to celebrate it late because of her scheduling conflicts.
F-YOU for ruining my budding relationship by encouraging my boyfriend to be a total codependent-can’t-do-anything-for-himself-child. I might as well fuck his TWO sponsors since they apparently are running his relationship for him. Fucking fucktard, fucktard, fucktard. TEN years sober and still relies on these people for dear fucking life.
I feel like I can achieve nothing. I’m not nearly as pretty as some of my friends and relatives, not nearly as smart or rich or impressive. And I feel so pathetic, not just because of my own inadequacy, but because I’m letting this affect me so much. I thought I was confident but I’m just so sick of myself and being me. I’m not even a teenager anymore and I feel like I’m wrong in every possible way.
I just wish I could be a better person. I’m so alone, I keep everyone at an arm’s length
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Damn, if any of us are even a few minutes late, you rip us a new one. How come you can show up an hour late and it’s no big deal?
You think we don’t do anything? Well, you know what, we do have lives, we do like to go out and do things, so dammit, fucking be there when you say you are going to. I bet you don’t do this to your friends, I bet you only reserve this for your family.
It’s not my fault you didn’t know, it wasn’t like a set the whole thing up. You should yell at my boss, not me. I didn’t know you didn’t know about the plan, I would have told you about it! Damn, even I found out about it last minute!
Once you found out the truth, you didn’t even apologize for your yelling at me for it.
why are all the hot ones mental?
You write about racial equality and gender issues, you consider yourself the ideal intelligent white man voyaging beyond reconciliation towards justice, but you are a fraud. I can’t believe how you are rising to recognition in your field for your work in progressive race theory while you take a black woman home and treat her like a $15 hooker, slapping her around, choking her and grabbing her by the hair, demanding she serve you and do demeaning and unhealthy things. After that you deny any
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