Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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it’s NOT about the indies generally .. certainly i havent seen the indie in years assume same as moi. no idea what was up andddd found something better to do :D.
a character that peeps identify with anddd take it as far as they can go… some people dont know when to give it a rest. addicted to playing with others lives while conviencing themselves it’s for their own good. meh each to their own and really i think many many have tried. some that read the script picked a different route.< i think
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heartburn , internal spasms and hotflashes. really dont know what right anybody has to address my oppinion of the journey i traveled. always going to bee conflicted but meh aint worth the effort and really sooner or later attackers find out what the string hanging outta their ass is fore. lmao
ya well they call me cunt with teeth sewww go chase your tale hummmmmmm
My dad just went in for detox three days out he is stone out, he is already babbling. our family business is down the tubes and i am bleeding money. my brothers owes me a buss load of money when i ask for it he treats it as a big joke. my sis in law contributes a measly amount of money and expects my dad and i will pay for everything else. i lost my mother to a freak accident this year and in addition to an enormous guilt for suggesting the walk that ultimately killed her i have survivors guilt
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Can people just stop telling me what I would be good at or how I should live my life. If I want to be a doctor, I’m gonna fucking working my ass of to be a doctor. If I want to be a fucking comedian, I’m going to be a comedian. Maybe you guys should ficus less on telling me how bad I would be at those things and support me like a friend or family member would instead of just constantly fucking grinding my hopes and dreams to nothing more than a thin layer of dust that will never be able to be
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oldest show on the road as it aint in my basement. lmaolmaolmaolmao.
i dont believe that world govt can work in the best interests of anybody. shrug. really i aint political and dont give it much tht.
There is this guy that always posts food he makes and captions it or hastags his pictures “and im single because?” “why am i f****** single?” “how am i still single?!” etccc. and the reason he single is because he is creepy, & ANNOYING. get over yourself- you made a sandwich *cue the applause* -_______-
I loved you at one point, even though you didn’t love me. We were attracted to eachother but it was only skin deep for you. you were the first guy I ever fooled around with, you were my best friend. You made out with my best friend and the feelings died but the late nights didn’t stop. You know me, my body, you get what I’m about. You only see me when it is convient for you, but I don’t blame you. I’m content with what we are, friends with benefits, but I miss you as my friend. We never talk
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Sooo right.
There’s this girl… in our class… shes realllyyy lonely and she tries to find a friend in me and my group of friends. We tried being nice but this girl is a psychotic lunatic freak!!! She stalks us and tries to get in on random private jokes and she’s really loud and obnoxious. She’s so fucking ratchet and stupid like ugh!
She’s FAT as hell, smells bad, her lip all tun up, also wearing clothes 10 sizes to small and doesnt know when ta shut the FUCCKKKK up. She acts like she knows
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You have no right to hit on me, force yourself on me (while I’m still in a relationship, btw) then blame me for not wanting you!! You’re a fucking horny asshole who can’t control himself. You forced yourself on me then spread rumors that I didn’t like you and ruined your night? Wow, fuck you. BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE. Just weeks after that, you force yourself on my best friend and BASICALLY FACE RAPE HER WHEN SHE POLITELY GIVES YOU A RIDE HOME?!?! UGH! YOU PIG!!! You CANNOT force your lips and
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AAAAHHH! Of all the people I could have been placed with it had to be you - you stupid blond loud mouth bimbo bitch!! Why, why, why!! All you do is fucking moan about everything and feel the need to be so loud about everything! Learn to have a fucking conversation rather than shout out everything with emphasis like your on some shit reality tv show cause your not, bitch. And why must you sing all the time cause you cant, its cringy and horrible and oh my god just shut up you cannot hold a tune
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I can’t believe that you haven’t realized by now that I don’t give a fuck about anything you have to say. But of course you wouldn’t, because that would mean observing something besides the inside of your own ass. I’ve never in my life seen someone so caught up in impressing their friends. At your age, it’s fucking pathetic. Thanks for the shirt birthday. Thanks for misspelling my name on my present that you just dumped loads of thought into…thanks for making plans over the ones we had. I could
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A few months ago you would have caught me saying “I’m not ready to graduate. I’m having too much fun to want to leave.” But it’s a different story now.
As of late I haven’t been feeling quite like myself. I’m not motivated to do my work. The drive to keep up my 4.0GPA isn’t there anymore. I’m sleepy. In fact all I want is sleep. I don’t want to watch TV (like I even had time to in the first place, ha). I haven’t been playing much guitar (but when I do I get sort of frustrated that I can’t
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Oh. I’m sorry. Did I ruin your Thanksgiving with a phone call that my kitchen was flooding? Was your family really pissed off that you had to handle my call about MY MOTHERFUCKING KITCHEN FLOODING? My apologies, I didn’t mean to interrupt your TURKEY DAY by having my KITCHEN FLOODING. Because here’s the thing, I actually didn’t get to MY Thanksgiving until about 8 p.m. and it started in the early afternoon. But don’t you worry. I’m sure your mildly annoyed family had good reason to be pissed at
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it drives me up the all when I get dirt stuck between my toes >:c
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