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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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If I were mute everything would be better 49

I feel like my family hates me and the source of that is my own mouth I tend to make jokes that go too far and piss everyone off or I start arguing with someone [which I guiltily enjoy] which causes tension my voice does nothing but condemn me to the outside circle with everyone glaring at me I want to see if there’s any way to make me mute without damaging my neck, is…is it wrong that I don’t want my voice to come out anymore?

what does it matter 410

would I b missed if I just disappeared? I’m to b strong and sometimes I wanna b weak…sometimes I wonder where did I go wrong…and nothing I can say or do make anything right…I don’t seem to matter….

fuck you 411

fuck you Julie. if we are best friends why are you always at kayli’s house and then when she yelled at you you texted her (but you accidentaly texted me) and you said “oh fuck alex she’s just a friend you are always there”. and when I talked to you about that you were like “god damn it alex you have always been my best friend why can’t you see that”. well im not doing this anymore. you cant have two best friends. and don’t ignore me and then afterwards tell me how im such an amazing help. shut …view more


You are a cunt, I hate you and, I hope you have a shit life, I really do, you ass hair. Furthermore I look like a fucking gypsy in your bridesmaid dress, an extra fuck you for that one.

Im fed up and stuck. 49

I live with my “fiance” right now and I’m just tired of it. I havnt worn my engagement ring in a few weeks, he hasn’t noticed. I don’t even want to get married anymore. We just moved I have a crap job his mom is old (50s) and needy wants to move out here with us and I just don’t like her. She needs to hear from him everyday texts and calls him I feel like they talk about me cause there will be deleted texts in their convo. I’m just tired of it he doesn’t listen to me. This eats at me and I want …view more

Frazzeled frosh. 410

I have to play a sport. That’s all my school really offers that involves team work. I want to be a teacher. And I need a scholarship to get into the school I want. And I need more than just good grades. And I already quit basketball for the sake of my grades. But volleyball is beginning to become hell. I used to love the sport. But it’s so different now being a highschooler. These girls aren’t my teammates. When I played 7/8 volleyball those girls became my team. And now I’m the lonely freshman …view more

fat slobs making out 410

Oh my fucking god, how gross!! Fat nasty roommates making out!!! Sick!!!! Yeah I am a scumbag, what else is new?

My sweet hypocrisy. 49

Christians ranting about atheists, then tries to shoves Christianity down my throat, then me ranting about them. AAAhhhh sweet hypocrisy.

fuck you, dad 410

i’m so fucking sick and tired of you and your bullshit. i cannot wait for the day when i finally get to get out of this stupid house and go to college. i hope you enjoy your hypocrisy and stupid daughter. how do you think i feel when you criticize me and threaten me when this little bitch gets off scot-free with all the shit she does? i’m done with this double standard. i don’t want to be somewhere where i’m emotionally abused and unappreciated.

Frustration, anger and depression and no idea what to do 49

I think I had potential. I think I am a good person. I worked very hard and I lost everything, again. You see I had dreams and I this country they tell you that if you follow your dreams and work hard you can make them come true. I believed. I believed in God. I believed in country. I believed in friends. I believed in me. Now I don’t believe in anything. 2 failed businesses and three small children and a wife and nothing else. I wish I had my placebos back.

Come ON!!! 49

Is it REALLY too much to ask that you ask a question if you want to have something? Really? Until tonight, I thought we were all adults in this place; obviously I’m dead wrong.

To the crappy child-masquerading-as-adult who decided to snarf some of the cupcakes for THE CHURCH FUNDRAISER THAT I TOLD EVERYONE ABOUT, thanks. Thanks a bunch. It is late. I am tired, especially after being kept up last night with toothache after my dental filling yesterday. We didn’t get in until nearly seven. I …view more


I FUCKING HATE FEELING LIKE I HAVE TO MAKE THINGS HAPPEN OR WORK OVERTIME!!! I do not have to make up for who I am!!! I am worthwhile!!! I have done enough!!! I am good enough!!! I am good enough to get what I want!!!! FUCK!!!


I’m sick of uptight women who thinks every guy wants to get in their pants. Well guess what??? I DON’T!!! FUCK YOU!!! Just because i like to be near pretty people doesn’t make me a fucking horny goat motherfucker!!!! FUCK YOU MEN AND WOMEN!!!

complete opposites 410

You just don’t get it, you don’t understand it, you don’t relate to it, but you don’t know any better. You come from parents who are together, and teach you right. I come from a divorced, dysfunctional family. It seems like nothing ever went wrong in your life, and every thing went wrong in mine. What happens if i tell you all the things that i’ve done, that my mom has done, what i’ve been through, what my siblings have been through? You will think it’s crazy….will you run off? Why are some …view more


You fucking piece of shit woman beater. I knew you couldn’t help yourself because you are piece of shit and would put your hands on me again because it’s the only way you can handle any kind of emotion or god forbid any confrontation about your shitty behavior. I tell you a joke and you take it the wrong way which turns you into pushing me like a fucking 5 years old bully would push around another child! Then you jump on top of me like you’re in fucking wrestling match, you little fucking …view more

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