Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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so maybe i sound like a spoilt selfish bitch here, but i got a smaller part than most of my friends in the drama production, and i know i deserve at least equal parts with them. nd i am 99% sure that the teacher just gave me a shitty part because i handed in a parent’s consent form in late.
so maybe i sound like a self-centered bitch, but i know i am a better actor these people. i hate how boastful this sounds, but it’s true. i consistently got better grades than them when we did drama
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i hate that you know so much about me, and yet don’t care.
i hate that i fell so hard for you and picked her over me.
i hate that you are the one guy i can’t say no too.
i hate that i can’t help having feelings for you after all this time.
i hate that you think its okay to play me, and i let you.
i hate that i hate you.
i hate that i don’t hate you, not even a little bit.
i hate that i don’t feel good enough.
i hate that my friends don’t pay
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I’m 28 and havevalways wanted a baby. I have been with my boyfriend now for a year and 8 months. I got pregnant soon into our relationship and then had a miscarriage. I am always thinking about the miscarriage and still wanting a baby but he’s not so sure cause he already has 3 from a previous marriage. Please help.
If you don’t want to see me, then don’t fucking invite me. Certainly don’t inconvenience my children and husband. I know what the modus is now. Jerks. But on the good side, I won’t be doing you any more favors, so, thank you for freeing up my time!
My mom’s an idiot. I mean in all honesty, she should really back off. Butt whenever I try to tell her that she turns it into I hate her and I’m self centered. When I get it back to she needs to back off, I had already prepared a mental note of what I’m going to say. But then it slips away. Dammit.
i’m going to kill myself if i make it to 30 and am still single and alone..
If your three year old granddaughter can do it, why are you paying me?
i’m embarrassed to date someone from online. but i really want to go for it and do it but i’m also kind of scared.
i dont know what to do or say… I’m so confused to wheather I should say something to him or not. My boyfriend has this girl that passed away as his number one on myspace. Yeah its just a myspace but he tells me I’m his everything and he’s never loved anyone like he’s loved me… it bugs me and eats at me. He’s never dated this girl they were just friends.. i dont know if i should say something or not… :(
I have the clap and I’m thinking of raping someone with it.
Although in all honesty I’ll probably just have a wank in my work colleagues mug.
I hate playing poker, stop inviting me to your games at the weekend. I like spending time with you guys, but I don’t give it shit if I win anything in your low stakes games, it’s boring and I spend the whole time wishing I wasn’t there. Can we all please go out and do something more interesting.
i hate you. i don’t even like to look at you. it’s not even your fault either and i know that. you are very stupid, but that’s no reason to feel this way toward you. it’s a little bit of jealousy, i know that. i’m waiting for you to wise up, but i know that isn’t going to happen. he will be unhappy with you. if you do stay together he will eventually cheat on you again. you will sat it’s ok… stupid. in a way, i’m glad you have him because i really don’t need him like that. but i do miss my best
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why cant you just leave me in peace? i hate my stupid ass-hole father, who can’t even go a day without lecturing me. he should get a life and mind his own fucking business. thanks to you idiots, i barely have any life, im just stuck at home all day doing nothing. you never encourage me, and only find ways to criticize me or lower my self esteem. i CANNOT wait until i get to go to college and leave you dumb-ass morons behind. from then on, i will leave and never look back. you can forget about
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you will never be happy with her llike you coulda been with me. she’s dull and you know it!! she just happens to be obsessed with you and i guess that’s giving you a little ego boost or something. not to mention she’s a cute lil carbon copy of every other faceless beauty. i may not have that, but i have so much more and YOU FUCKING KNOW IT! you know i’m the real deal. you know no one knows you like i do and no one will ever have what we have. i just won’t look cute on your arm like her. and
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I SWEAR IT! Only a moron would let men run all over them the way you do. There are worse things than being single! Namely, dating a guy (and you’re dating, don’t throw words at me) who can easily be led astray by vengeful ho-bags! If he did it once, he’ll do it again and if you think they didn’t fuck, I’ve got some swampland that would be great for developing! GAH! You waste of a college education, why do you do this? Why do you think so fucking little of yourself that you put getting a man -
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