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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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Life’s boring 39

Basically I don’t have many friends and the ones I do have we have no idea what we wanna do when we hang out. I don’t wanna look back on my last teenage years and think about how sad I was and how even in public I feel alone. I cry most times from being lonely even when I’m not alone. I feel I don’t have a lot to do in life because I have no one to do it with. I’ve been depressed for a year and I’m scared I won’t get better, not even if I make more friends.

i cant catch a break.. 39

Why is it that im so fucking stupid that everytime i get my life together i have to do something to fuck it up?! For 3 years ive been clean from smoking drugs and alcohol. I found a great guy who accepts my flaws and we have a beautiful son together. Its fucking boring!! I want to go out and not be tethered down. Im still young but i feel like im 60 years old. I miss the vicodin more than anything. I was a better person when i was on them. I could feel things.. Now im just this shell.. Im angry …view more

Sexual Tension 39

My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year.We cuddle and kiss all the time. I think that all that is great but I want to do a little more. And he is constantly trying to make out with me, or touch me. I want the same. But I am to shy and scared that it’ll be bad or I’ll do somethingembarrassing. How do I get over this? How do I tell him I want to but, I’m shy? My concern is if he’ll dump me or look some where else because he thinks I don’t want the same or just won’t.. Help! Advice!!

Originality 39

One thing I hate: being told I’m copying others. Okay, first things first, MY LIFE ISN’T MODELED AROUND YOURS, OKAY?! It’s my best friend who accused me of copying everything she did. Yes, we may have the same names, but really? I want to grow my hair long because I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SINCE I WAS LITTLE BUT MY MOM MADE ME CUT IT. I want to grow tall BECAUSE THAT’S WHAT MY DAD PRESSURES ME TO. I self-harm BECAUSE EVERYONE CONSTANTLY TELLS ME IT’S MY FAULT.
So please, never tell me or accuse me …view more

merp 310

I finally had enough courage to ask for help. When I got to school, I went straight to my teachers’ office. She said she was busy and just passed me along to the school counsellor, who was also (surprise surprise), too busy. I made an appointment with her in two weeks. In two weeks I won’t be brave enough and will probably just tell her everything is fine now.

Why am I so stupid? 38

So ive been friends with this girl named Meghan for at least 8 years now. ( Im 13) Shes always been a total jerk to me for as long as I can remember, but still I continue to run back to her. I have no idea why. A few weeks ago we got into a fight because she whipped a baseball at me and hit me. She then called me a baby when I wasn’t running my fastest. later when I threw the ball to her and she caught it barehanded, she started crying. She is such a hypocrite. She then hit me and made fun of …view more

UGH 38

so fucking annoying when people open your letters and packages for you like ITS PERSONAL god damn

Fuck you TFL 38

Stop being late!!! Because of you I missed out on being on time for work you cunts.

I made a mistake when I followed my mom and her new husband Pt3 38

It was then, at the freaking age of 18–you heard me people, 18!!–that I FINALLY realized the damn truth! That all my life, this balding son of a bitch was playing with my mother’s life and directing mine down the path to hell. I’ve been stuck in a dysfunctional situation with a narcissistic, emotionally abusive idiot who sought to control the lives of those around him. A little more on this bastard: He has the mental and emotional capacity of a two year old. He gets angry very easily, and often …view more

Fuck 37

Blitzed out of my skull because I’m depressed and this is the only time I’m happy and the only way I can stop myself from cutting myself.

High school is a bitch 38

I don’t know im just so stressed out for high school. My mom is making me go to a private all girls school but there is only one the entire city. If I don’t make it I have to move 15 states away. I’m so stressed. I’m not the best student either. I don’t understand why I can’t just go to a co-ed school. They’re perfectly fine. I have actual pains in my stomach every time I think about it and sometimes I even pass out from the stress and pain. I don’t want to loose what I have. I have amazing …view more


All of my friends have been just forgetting me lately like holy shit. I’m
A great friend and I don’t deserve to be treated like this.
You’re so selfish and don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself and your dumb stoner boyfriend. No one fucking cares about u two being together. And it’s so obnoxious to hear about it while I’m just trying to spend time with you. So I’m done. You’re a selfish bitch. Good luck.

wish i were a guy 38

There’s a guy I really like, but he’s gay. It makes me sad hearing him talk about his affection for all these other guys, but I’m happy for him. It just makes me really sad knowing I’ll never be able to be with him. He always says to me he wish there was someone to love him, just anyone. Here I am thinking, ME! I just cry every night. Why can’t I be a guy…

Well fuck, history does repeat itself 38

I see the same four walls every goddamned day. Being stuck in this cracker box all the goddamned time is enough to make a person mad. I feel crazy on top of my several body image issues. I’m doomed to be that broke fat lard that never leaves the house.

..and I really don’t want to be just like my father.

i cant go on. 39

i’m honestly truly thinking about suicide. i cant go on anymore. everything is just so damn hard. and i hate living. i just.. i don’t know how to leave. i don’t know the best way to die. should i use a gun? or pills? i’ve tried over dosing on pills before. and it obviously didn’t work. in fact, it made me hate myself even more. i just feel like I’m pretty much done. so I’m sorry. to my friends, to my family. to my teachers, to my peers. to the people i love, to the people i hate. i’m sorry i’m …view more

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