Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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really hard to say what others see orrr if they see at all. easy to see very early why any sane person would want to talk about it. that funny and i am not sure why. and some stuff fits easily with known in reality. weirdo’s and freaks, minds twisted to snot…and not necessarily a bad thing. lmao.
and really just makes me feel old. fits like a glove a world of insanity. i am fragile and generally fucked up in my own special ways. i did smile like crazy tho. i am old not stupid. lmao.
So, whenever you have a problem you usually go to someone so they can give you advice or cheer you up right? Yeah, I do the same. I usually go to one of my friends. And I text them a whole entire fucking paragraph and tell them what’s going on and I tell them how I feel. And wanna know what their response is? “Awe.” Like are you fucking kidding me? You’re not going to like give me advice or cheer me up? Or even tell me its gonna be okay? Fuck you, too then. Next time you have a problem and you
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I feel like shit, I am a shit, I always have been and always will be a shit, and nothing I ever try to do or think about doing will change the fact that I am a worthless piece of human excrement.
This guy and I have liked eachother since the 3rd grade. Let’s call him L. A little over a year ago I got into a different relationship with my first real boyfriend, but eventually he dumped me and I liked L again and he liked me. But now I don’t think he likes me anymore and he’s the only guy I’ve ever really liked. I don’t know what to do because it’s always been “Me and him.” He means the world to me.
natural tendencies and overwelming flooding makes for crazy enough to shoot your own foot. shrug. saddly the consquences r real and sew is the hurt.
i did bug me at first. anti cause cold people. i wanted to say, r u kidding me. i am a walking ball of pain and i dont miss my meds. upped them this week. but i get they effect people different and we all gotta find our own answers.
andddd doom and gloom take of 6 am andddddddd theee sun willl come outttt tomorrowwwwww bet yourrrr botttommmmm.
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oh wait i scream allll the time. i think tomorrow will bee the best day of my life but today feels like christmas eve. giggle.
and seriously aint no point in pitchin at moi. i dont get it. and really reality and my future is all my little brain can think of.
blah rather bee else where dancin and sing my song. rok on.
You fucking threw it all away because of the distance. If that’s the case, why did I waste two fucking years of my life with you. You’re an inconsiderate bastard, you know that? Okay, no, you ruined me emotionally, making me think I’m not even worth the effort. “Let’s be friends” my fucking ass. No, I want nothing to do with you. Hope you’re happy getting back all those stupid gifts. I mean who the fuck gets someone a calendar as a birthday present.
Why would he do this to us? We were friends. Really good friends. And suddenly that bastard has the AUDACITY to think he’s better than us and get up and leave when more “popular” people come along. WE STUCK WITH YOU FOR HOW MANY YEARS YOU PRICK. I was there for you when you told me that you were depressed, and suicidal, and just broken on the inside. AND YOU KNEW THAT I WAS TOO. But you LEFT me. You barely even glance at me when you walk past me like you don’t have monopoly on the “HEY LET’S BE
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To the idiot at the accident scene:
I was injured in a bad car accident, and it was clearly the other driver’s fault and it was NONE of your business. I don’t know who the hell you are, or who the hell you think you are. You were just driving by, yet you rolled down your window and started screaming at me about how I’m causing “traffic problems”? What the fuck is your issue? I hope someday you get fucked up in a car accident and someone comes along and curses you out. KARMA!
Oh by the way, you
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I’m stuck here for about a month now. I am extremely fucking bored and I hate it here. But I can’t tell them what I truly feel that’s why I’m still stuck here. Holyshit.
holding others resonsible vs blame. there is a difference. and really i look about and science guys u just give me a roaring headache. i suspect in english i would find it fasinating. ummmm counciling and faith based observations is helpful but living it pulls it all together.
it’s huge as a subject and it’s about how peeps think and most of them…dont. i think the intent to find the loser who did that and have the fix it is the intent but in extreme it’s another thing. blame. i think
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I didn’t make it in the bar exams last year. And my friends who did keep posting both intentionally, unintentionally, consciously and unconsciously, photos of their oathtaking and roll signing. Sucks that I didn’t make it. BUT I think I moved on. I mean, I have to move on quite fast BECAUSE I hate the feeling of having failed myself. I hope to make it this year if I will have the time and finances to do so. Feeling hopeful and positive except for the tinge bit of jealousy that creeps in when I
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ummm let me guess. torch bearing vamp slieghers for 100k alex. ummm seriously if thats it. ummm u r hot enough without the smoke. not often i pay attention. lmao. ummmm this world has friendly drug dealers and SERIOUSLY ive been there done that. MTH NOT EVEN ONCE! ummm mr. clean is a sponge. < to bee avoided at all possible costs.
feeling good with gusts of anger and fed up at the real games people play. easy trip to crazy land. andddd meh going to relax. got some yard work done and tired of
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lmao. ummm if u r drunk by noon i dont care if u hang with your mom, it dont impress me much. anddd reallly if u r going to annoy me while i am trying to forget my life….u should bee buyin the beers. i like clam in mine.
and some peeps got nothing to lose and want to bee famous for 2 seconds. shrug. it took alot of ballz will give ya that.
yard is moving along nicely anddd i am decompressing, yeah me. :D.
really they not get the sccript. stuck up bitch who doesnt say much out loud but SHUT
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Aaarrrrgggggg!!!!!!! I’m just so sick and tired of my life. I’m sick of being alone, I’m sick of working all the hours I can and still being in debt up to my eyeballs!!! All my friends are settling down getting married having baby’s sorting their lives out.
I just can’t seam to do this, how do you grow up?? Is there a manual that no-one told me about??
I know this is pathetic people have far bigger problems but I just feel defective! I’m 26 and still a kid treading water it’s tragic
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