Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I hate everyone else’s happiness
this is so freaking cliche but, my best friend is a guy, and i’m a girl. anyways as it always goes, everyone thinks we are secretly in love with each other. everyone is apparently saying i always flirt with him?? I don’t even know. Anyways its gotten really fucking annoying because his friends, who I don’t know that well, will call me and tell me to come hang out with them since my best friend is there. And my friends always laugh or get weird when I bring him up and start making fun of me for
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My “friends” planned a Disneyland trip recently and they occasionally openly talked about it in front of me. But they never officially invited me or in fact, even expressed concern for my absence.
Listen women, just because you had some guys kid does not mean you get a free ride. I’ve never seen the likes of it. Get up off your asses get a job and stop crying to the courts and milking the guy who actually puts effort in to his kids. My lazy ass ex had 3 university degree’s and is too lazy to get a job because the Province I live in thinks it’s ok for her to be a lazy ass. If she didn’t have her live in unemployed boyfriend living with her and actually took care of my 3 children some I
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I wish I could be more confident, to not feel like I am trash at every slight diss or joke. My friends would sometimes make fun of me for various reason and they think its funny. I pretend it is alright and I don’t care but deep down I get so troubled by it. I have no idea how to vent my frustration and I found this. There have been various times when these feelings turn into rage and I find myself becoming the kind of people I hate the most. I usually try to turn this rage into something more
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I am just done with life. There’s no reason for me to live anymore. All I feel is that I’m a nuisance and burden everyone around me.
So I saw this picture on my Facebook Feed and at first I thought it was just another generic graduation picture so I decided to read the caption since those are usually entertaining. Then holy fucking gawd when it got to the part where you thank your parents for spending tons of money on your crapness, the bitch in the grad photo actually called her mother “Mum.” And I seriously can’t explain why I hate that so much BUT PLEASE PEOPLE YOU CAN ONLY CALL YOUR MOTHER “MUM” IF THAT’S HOW YOU
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I just want to die but I’m too weak to actually off myself. My life is just full of disapointment and no one likes me anyways. I’m so fucking awkward and can’t make friends and the friends I do have think I’m capable of horrable things. I fucking can’t even spell. I have no purpose. I can’t take it anymore my father doesn’t even love me he only comes to see me because he wants to get back with my mom. I try and talk to people and they block me out of their lives forever. I’m annoying I’m ugly,
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I really have to rant. It’s keeping me up. I mean to offend no-one. So working in retail, and I don’t know if it’s my experience in Leicester that might be bias, considering it’s multicultural circumstance, but 90% of those of Indian descent think they are an exception to the rules of social etiquette. Why do they think they can bring 10 items to the till and then say ‘oh I don’t want those 9 anymore’ and leave all their crap with me. Or ‘this one has been out on the shop floor;give me a
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That freckly-assed son of a bitch has just damn near shoved me over the brink. There I was, just cruisin’ along, minding my own goddamn business. All of a sudden, I get a letter in the mail from my health insurance company. They are going to cancel my insurance policy, which I was payin’ $430 bucks a month for. That covered me, the old lady, and a pair of youngsters that turned up over the years. It was just the right amount of insurance for my taste. It would have kept me out of bankruptcy if
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I’m 30. “Black”. single. Undesirable. I’m not ugly. Gays look at me all the time. Older women comment me. …the women my age just irk me. What is with the women?! they don’t even look at me when we cross paths. Eyes to the floor. Always EYES TO THE FLOOR. NEVER a friendly gesture, a “hello”, a friendly smile. I don’t exist. The look so…tight ass. Women my age think they so highly of themselves. They think they look so cute. They think they are just the hottest things walking around. Too good for
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I am in highschool, it blows. On that note I came to this site not so much to rant but rather to empty some of my ideas, so get ready to hear a teenager bitch on the internet because here we go.
I understand that many of my peers will form groups that constitute as cliques and while some people think it is “cool” to be a part of a clique it appears to me that it’s even “cooler” to be a nonconformist, you know the type normally intelligent, conceptually independent, and full of good ideas. Now
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After I found out you and my fiance fucked while I was out of town I calmly confronted you and you filed a restraining order against me. I hope you have a miserable pathetic life, that’s more than you deserve.
I know ranting wont change anything, actions change things… but I have to rant. my teeth still hurt, 800 dollars for this!! I really hope my teeth feel better soon. I might have to pay for my entire AA degree myself. which means that is 5-6 grand I will have to put into school instead of a cow payment on a house. or to pay for my teeth fillings. sigh. and now I am so mad at myself for having this job I hate but being lazy and not looki g for another job, just because I am in school. also I
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I swear to fucking god, i hate when people think they can just “shush” me. No bitch, i will not “shush” because you think i should! I will do what i want, when i want. I’m not a pet, you can’t just command me to do what you want, especially when i don’t know you! Jeez, how about you shush?! Fuck. I’m going to punch a bitch in the face. -.-
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