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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Well fuck, history does repeat itself 38

I see the same four walls every goddamned day. Being stuck in this cracker box all the goddamned time is enough to make a person mad. I feel crazy on top of my several body image issues. I’m doomed to be that broke fat lard that never leaves the house.

..and I really don’t want to be just like my father.

i cant go on. 39

i’m honestly truly thinking about suicide. i cant go on anymore. everything is just so damn hard. and i hate living. i just.. i don’t know how to leave. i don’t know the best way to die. should i use a gun? or pills? i’ve tried over dosing on pills before. and it obviously didn’t work. in fact, it made me hate myself even more. i just feel like I’m pretty much done. so I’m sorry. to my friends, to my family. to my teachers, to my peers. to the people i love, to the people i hate. i’m sorry i’m …view more

I hate this feeling 310

I know that not all women are horrible but it seems the majority of the females in my life take great delight in making me feel like shit. I’m ugly, old and have nothing good in my life, and totally alone, with no hope of every finding joy ever. My entire life has been like this.
My entire body is a mass of scars. I haven’t done that for a long time, but every day these days is a struggle.

Thanks For Your Smile 38

The reason I didn’t jump at the 1st hint of you liking me & trying to ask me out is because I’m not quick to trust people, & I’ve been raised strictly, it took me a while to like you, & liking someone that much was still too new for me. I hope you are happy to know that when you’ve gone missing I squeezed every brain cell to remember your full name as I had overheard it and was so relieved to come across your video. I wasn’t playing games. I wasn’t playing hard to get. I wasn’t being an …view more

Massage your egos 38

I’m giving you feedback from the field. Maybe you should listen and act on it rather than spending fifteen minutes telling everyone how I and the people giving the feedback are wrong.

I Hate Users 39

There is a guy I’m involved with and everything was good until we had sex. He got distant and then was close and affectionate but then pretty much didn’t speak to me for 2 days. He admitted he wants to go my sister and that she’s sexy, talk about other chicks infront of me. Comments on hot girls. Calls me sexy when we are alone then tries it on me every night were together. Ignores me infront of other people, then will do the exact opposite and cuddle and kiss me in public. I feel like I’m just …view more

fu 38

u coudlnt spot talent if your lfie depended on it. pricks

Confession 38

I’m the only freshman who has never been asked out ever.

ugh 310

I could rant and rave about so much shit but I dont know where the hell to start.

hate everyone and everything 310

i hate everyone.

Thanks for being a man about this. 39

I can’t believe I cheated on him with you. You knew that I liked you for a long time and you took advantage of it. I thought maybe something would happen and that this was a sign. If you regretted what happen, then you should have stopped it before it went too far or should have at least been a man and talked about it afterward. I would have understand rejection and yes, it would have sucked, but this hurts so much worse — we have to see each other pretty much everyday and our companies have to …view more

yes….yes i am 38

giggly. freedom what a lovely sounding word. crushed for soooo many years. last one the last one. yup. and really i cant blame indies as shrug hard to say what they saw to come to the conclusion they have. that and most peeps are batshit crazy most of the time sooooo . i hope for healing and regrowth under far different circumstance. certainly was sick of doom and gloom and repression and blame and guilt andddd all that fun stuff. need to take it slow. i am going to go nutz on the homebase and …view more

Ahhhh 38

You can cut the disappointment in the room right now, they are all dreading ITS return

ah we meet agian 39

The prodigal son returns, he to show us why he is better then everyone else.
Should i give him the satisfaction of being there at recess or lunch?
I should swallow my pride and just go on my own for today, because i know that i want do anything stupid because we all know that he is special

r we having fun yet 310

blahhhh. was sewww hopin for a nice day, a walk in the valley and some sanity. gezzzzzzzzz. i get snow and stupid people who want to shoot them selves in the foot just to make my life miserable. nice. meh this too shall pass and i get to get on with my life. whatever that may bee. gotta love that.

anddd off and running. snowshoing gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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