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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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well things r moving along nicely 311

blekkkkkk. lmao. reforming and solidifin and moving the fuck forward. amazing. overwelming and amazing.

i want to celbrate and dance like no one is watchin :D.blast off…maybee i’ll get my house clean baaahhhhaaaaa

ummm yup little happy…excited and idk the future holds much and we shall see what’s to come. it’s a journey and one takes what happiness there is :D. attacked from all sides nerve racking gut renching, without support physically damaging. i believe that’s the moral of my story …view more

lmfao 312

squeze out any unecessary….ummm at no going back sign…write…u r fucked. after tha

is someone tickling moi. stop it. gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and somebody shit themselves. charming. dont know what that’s all about i just see what i see and feel what i feel. for most part a reflection of personality traits, potencially a complilation. shrug and i think ummmm every option available and idk i think mine was fed but in “normal” peed a little ummm we pick one of many or make our own compliation of …view more

A very evil person 39

I supported her my whole life. She spent and charged whatever she wanted. I then used all my 401k, stocks and settlement to keep us afloat. I contributed a lot more in financial support to this household than she did this year. And she hides food from me. She hides the coffee. She won’t give me $2 for a couple of cigars, but of course she always has her soda everyday, her moisturizing creams, her things. A selfish evil person. I hope she dies a horrible death.

what she said 39

fenominal. yup and i know to bee careful.for sure a night/experience to bee remembered. i tht i did quit well all things considerin. i appreciate ya pointing it out but i am very aware of my surroundings and possiblities and the fact i am batshit crazy. i have an amazing time and dew my best to keep my feet on the ground. and different levels. loved the happy hubby show that likes to look. nothing insulting to moi orrrr adorable wifey. i am VERY aware of the soles that surround me. why does …view more

o-o 39

a nose never stops growing. just my luck. gezzzzzz

so unusally blah but i know tomorrow it will be gone and another fun filled day will be upon moi.

and idk if it’s relationship week orrr some peeps just really go that extra mile to get my attention. i would like to start with the zucine really aint like they r even ready. fuck off.

anddd sadest of sad. really tenants bf is starting to piss me off. ahhhh idk i suppose lonely girl looking to share a life will put up with all …view more

well aware of peanut game 37

enchanting. also deeply deeply aware of lastnights meeting. 2 different levels. from one it’s like playing with toys. i am not a toy. i DONOT consider others toys. see them walk their paths and do what i can. and hide alot. saying anything tends to make it worse. usually for me soooo sighhhhh. i have said a few things. things aint always what they appear. remain calm. idk a few. i think if i could say something it would be. dont be afraid. warry and skeptical and mad as fuck but dont let fear …view more

dont bug me already bugged 37

what is to say. wack jobs and wierdo’s centeral. some unbelievably sick and must bee addressed with great caution reality and otherwise. for me part of a journey from here to there orrr the other way round.

i learned much. symbolism and stuff lots and lots of stuff. theoretical and practical and some crazy fucking shit. i got fond memories of much but really way to over the top crazy to bee of much use. really u can scramble peeps brains to mush and ya still aint going to change the way we …view more

pot o gold @ the end of the rainbow 39

ahhhh for those who watched this little journey we all hope to make a living dewin what we love. join the circus, join a theater production anddd write. pushed to extremes in peeps that really aint paying attention as they r soooo overwhelmed by wtf . meh really mostly funny till others r hurt :(.

anddd at the end of the day my sucess or lack thereof is deeply based in hard fucking work i do in reality. after that it’s about chasing impossible dreams produced and directed by peeps who will …view more

My ex is a lesbian 37

Her lover is a bull dyke. I really knew for a long time that she was. She never would have sex. Always had an excuse. Then would lie to people about me having an affair, which I never did. And her bull dyke lover is disgusting. A convicted felon. A fall down drunk and pothead. A liar and man hater. Disgusting. Both of them.

baaahhhaaaa salt in wounds 313

better than my stomach. andddd the peeps that play that game r masikists. they like that sorta thing.

i aint a fortune teller, it’s more of a been there done that . blahhhhhhhh

baaahhaaaaaa 39

that pissed me off. birth of mousey….death of mousey. i was always her. believing the best of people and snoopy dancing my way through life. the issue was in reguards to realization how sick and sad some people r. shrug. some people get their jollies watching others suffer. they got a whole show for them anddd really i dont spend alot of time on the details as mostly i think those who dance that dance have enough issues of their own. karma’s a bitch and all i learned was how incredibly sad our …view more

i do not and never have 39

denied my own responsibly and actions. i dont know why others motivations r relevant or of interest. ummm for sure i saw myself on a journey and the begining a very smal part of my big picture. all things considered i had a blast. i just think i was unreasonable isolated. still dew. and notwithstanding i am in agreement that new information potencially could of made my present ummm difficult. mostly i think i could of lived down quite a bit in time and knowledge. i woulda had a better time. …view more

Awkward 37

I fucked my best friend 3 days before christmas….I’m trying to act like normal but it is so hard especially now that I’ve just met him and his gf because I went to spend a day in the city….I don’t know how to act and shit ughhhh during the time spend at his house we kept having eye contact and he keeps on looking at me when we are alone I feel so bad for his gf and shit but I don’t know fuck pls don’t tell me I’m falling for my bff ughhhhhhhhh

just all kinds of wierdness today 37

i hate that…so easy to fall into script. everybody wants to think there is somebody out there for them. actually pretty sure there is… just not here. and maybe not for me. dont know why, just turned out that way.

ahhhh walk thts were of few beings can effect me so. :(. just makes me sad but whatever gets your rocks off i guess. shrug. the season i suppose… is in the air. and seriously bad timeing. in reality where i live i have little to identify with. shrug. i have a great many big …view more

Turning in my bull dyke neighbor 310

The Lesbian next door is a convicted felon. She has drugs in her home and grows pot too. She also has non registered handguns. I am going to turn her into to the sheriffs department. She’s a disgusting and dangerous fall down drunk who also threatened me. I want her put in jail and far away from my daughter.

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