Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I already feel like everything I touch breaks, like I am incapable of maintaning anything without it falling to pieces. But on this one thing I have been doing fairly well. I know I won’t really get the credit, and I have had to do everything myself, but at least it is done well. It made me feel useful and good. Do you really need to destroy that. I don’t know if I can take that.
life is great and people suck, did somone just say we should kill all catholics wtf kinda statement is that, im not religious but damn. You know im pissed man ever played and mmo yea im one of those guys, i play games inbetween psychology classes. ever had your account banned for no apparent reason with no responce after blowing countless dollars on a game for fun? dont look at me funny its a valid spending habit, you chose to go to the movies me and my girl chose to play games but wtf who
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Why oh why did my parents have to be poor? Now that one of them is sick, I have to be in debt because they have no other way of supporting themselves.
If someone says Happy Fucking Friday again today I?ll scream. It?s such a shitty, lame thing to say GROW UP your not at school!!!!!!
My fiance is being an ass again. Would it kill him to be romantic once in awhile? Would it really hurt him to try and make me feel loved? Sometimes I just REALLY hate him and want to break up but he says he won’t allow it. And on top of that my co-workers keep calling for bullsh*t reasons. No we are not doing an archeological dig on the property. No I am not writing up legal documents for you. No I will not go steal antique pictures for you.
I wake up at 2 pm everyday and stare at the ceiling. No mirrors in my room. I havent walked outside in weeks. I havent taken a shower?in weeks. I haven?t talked?.in weeks. I don?t want attention. I want death. It?s pathetic, right? Pathetic that I?m too scared to take my own life. I hate myself for being that much of a coward. I?m useless. Why am I here? My parents refuse to speak to me, I?m an embarrassment (so they say). I can?t afford a phone, so I don?t have friends. And this is my computer
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I don’t care what you think of me. I really don’t. Your opinions do not matter. I am a confident person and I know I make mistakes, but that’s my business. Not yours.
Sincerely, the one you’ll never know.
BASICALLY my school friends and I all go to the same college, we’re all 21-23 now and I find that some of us are growing up to be so different. But rather than opposites attract kinda thing, I have one friend that does not tolerate anyone else’s fucking opinion… I’m a FASHION student and she disses my style sense. I just want to tell her to shut the fuck up. The girl thinks CROCS and BOOTLEG JEANS are fashionable for Christsake! She doesn’t get my sense of humour, which is, and I’m not being
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Tired of being taken for a dick head constantly just because I have no intention to get into a fight with someone when I’m pissed off.
Fucking hate being the easy target.
Hope she’s happy. Things turned out well for her, and that’s good–wonder why she had to fuck things up for someone else, though. She lied.
my girlfriend is a so fucking unemotional i have to fucking fight with her just to get her to even come see me when she does come to see me its for like 2 mins then gets mad at me when she wants to go she wants to go across town to the library to do her homework when im 4 miles from her she pisses me off plus she gets me horny then just leaves who the fuck does that ive consitered cheating because she will do it so many times then not anwser her phone for like 4 hours shes unbelivable plus if i
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Life is unfair. It didn?t take me long to figure this out either. Even when I was young, I understood this. At the mere age of 10, life took away the only person I loved. Sadly, he can never return. This doesn?t make me sad. I honestly don?t care anymore. Life is a bitch. So is karma. Let it bite you. Get over it, suck it up, and stop being a child. I stopped being a child, so you can too. I grew up, you should do the same. I?m sick of hearing people whine and complain about how your life sucks
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I like to geocache and we recently went geocaching with some friends who pointed out that I desperately needed an updated GPS. My husband mentioned that I had a birthday coming up and that he would get me a GPS for my birthday. Our friend recommended the type she uses and my husband wrote down the name.
On the day of my birthday I seem to remember my husband saying (something to the effect of) it wasn?t the same GPS as my friend?s, but it was close?that the store he bought it at wasn?t going
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Fuck you , for having the cheek to fuck him and tell me you have feelings for me , fuck you for not having the courage to decide your place in my life , but provoking me still to lose my nerve just so you could say I haven’t had the patience and understanding for your tough situation. Fuck you for doubting am I enough for you , fuck you for running to me when he doesn’t treat you well , just so you could shut out why Im around when things are fine and dandy. To hell with your smug arrogant face
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but you have turned into a complete and utter cunt. you have CHANGED. and it’s not for the better. you really upset me sometimes. i wish you were still the person i once met.
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