Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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So, I’ve been struggling with depression for a while now and I’m just starting to reach a point in my life where I can sort of get out of it, but I’m struggling a lot of the time because I can finally start interacting woth friends and loved ones, again, but there are times when I suddenly and unexpecta
I just want the outside world to completely piss off and leave me alone in my darkness when where I am away from everything and everyone and its just me myself. I have tried this “recovery”bollocks (whatever the nhs calls it ) for depression and anxiety and it’s done absolutely nothing to how I truly feel about everything in my daily life. I have tried and tested all the groups that are available in my area and its just completely pointless/pathetic as no one fucking talks to me even though i
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My friends are such self idiots who only think for themselves and never think about me or my feelings, firstly yesterday I was ignored by a bunch tossers who barely acknowledged i existed the whole time I was there. so it was really pointless that i even bothered to go. I wouldn’t of bothered really. Then secondly K and B never bothered getting in touch with me so I am like pissed with them. Then G decided to be complete tosser and not invite me round. I couldn’t remember telling him that I
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I feel like my friends don’t listen to me.
I feel like, they like me when I’m not talking about the things I like or sending then links or videos of said things.
Really, they also don’t seem to take me seriously when I’m upset or seem even borderline angry, just telling me “lol” with whatever comment they have to say back.
It’s so frustrating not having most of the same interests as them. It makes me feel ignored, brushed off, and completely avoided. Whenever someone else in our group chat
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Stop fucking with my life will ya? I dont have enough patience to deal with you. Maybe yes, life, you expected me to be spongebob squarepants but guess what derp, I am squiward tentacles. I hate everyone and I hate everything.
i hate people judging me from the looks
i hate people interfering my life
i hate people ordering me around.
i hate everything.
Honestly, I don’t see why people hate LGBT people so much. They dont affect you and barely change you. It’s not like they are going around, killing people and giving their victim’s bodies to the other LGBT people for peace offerings. Seriously, my friend liked someone of the same sex and told me that I’m the only one who treated her like a human being! Who’s human, the one who will treat another like an animal for a single quality they don’t enjoy, or the one who was willing to see through
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apparently I’m known as being quiet, smart, fake, ugly, mean, a liar, tall, wears black, emo, band fanatic and youtubers fanatic, and annoying at my school. This is the complete opposite of what I was known for in elementary school. I was known as kind. Now, I became fake ever since 6th grade. Now, I’m making an effort to stop caring about what everyone thinks of me. I’m like the only one in my school who does that. I’m the second most hated person in the grade. People think I’m mean because a
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I make almost double money than my roommate who can barely afford to live paycheck to paycheck. We have been living together for two years now and things weren’t always this bad. She used to be able to pay her portion of the bills and put money towards food, but lately that’s a big negative. I buy all the groceries, food when we go out, and give her gas money from time to time. I can’t anymore! Where the hell is her money going? Her job hasn’t changed, in fact she got a raise. I am never going
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I dont have any food in my house except 3 boxes of cookies, a bunch of stuff to make coffee and a tub of protien powder (chocolate).
And its ben this way for like 5 days bc im waiting on my paycheck. Should be here soon.
I feel so awkward about it bc my roommates know i dont have food and offer me food and money to tide me over but i suck at accepting help. I just smile, say thanks but no thanks and hungrily go into the other room.
I dont know whats wrong with me.
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So I went away on a business trip and met a guy from another office, we got on straight away and started flirting quite a lot with each other. We went out for dinner and some drinks and the flirting kept getting more and more open and obvious, other colleagues were asking if we were seriously together. He has a girlfriend who didn’t come on the trip and I’ve never met her.
Anyway when we were out in the evening, a few drinks turned into a few more and it got so sexual between us that we ended
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I know no one will be reading so I can just rant, unlike on my social media which I always post something of mystical meaning that only myself understand and kind of establishes myself as an eccentric person but no, I am not capable of writing emotional post of expressing my frustration/sadness/anger like normal people and get likes out of it as I am a very private person that I don’t really want others to know what I am feeling. Oh, and partly because I have low self-esteem.
But the main
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A couple of my close friends are going out clubbing tonight and I wasn’t invited. I wasn’t even told and I only found out because one of them brought some kind of weird bag to school and I asked what was inside and they gave a vague answer; turns out it was clothes and makeup. One of them is going for the first time, I think, and I’m kind of offended that they didn’t invite me?? I’ve never been to a club before so it would be a great opportunity to bring me there right? I mean I would consider
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so today i forgot to turn a appliance insults were said like i wish you would wake up,you think your so smart and basically that im so lazy and as if i have some disability,oh and that apparently theylll have a big argument tonight which im told im the reason that causes i just do not understand why he insults me its like he thinks up the most strangest ideas then somehow its truth of the situation to him.oh and then me washing dishes at 5 mom comes home at 6 got me insulted again.
The wife of my co worker tried to steal my job because she’s a stuck up pretty bitch. My boss would demote or fire me in a second if he could because he wants to do her. She has f’ed up teeth and is a royal bitch but just because she is pretty she gets whatever she wants. Her husband is completely blind because she sluts around behind his back. Some day she’ll get what she deserves.
Dark Souls 1 is the WORST game I’ve ever played. Never been stuck on so many invisible walls, or witnessed double shots (no reloading) on crossbows. Absolutely retarded. You can’t shoot a crossbow twice. I should not have died from shit like that. But no, that’s just how it is, right? I loves Demon Souls, and I’m going to try the others, but this one sucked ass. Don’t waste your time with it.
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