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Latest Comments

I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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In Lust 37

I am in lust with my husband’s friend and can’t stop fantasizing about him. I do not want to have sex with my husband, I would rather masturbate and think about his friend.

Prison 39

We are all trapped in a prison of our own making and sometimes we are not even aware of this fact.

I’m scared. 38

My mom’s memory seems to be getting worse and worse. She mixes words, forgets names and places, mixes days and seems to just increasingly forget more and more. She also has increasing difficulties with speaking - stuttering, sticking in one subject etc.

I’m scared. What if one day I talk to her and she smiles at me with a blank face thinking “who the heck is this girl again?”

I’m frightened, but I don’t know if I should bring the subject up with anyone.

Realized you are actually a frenemy :( 39

Bummer. So pretty and charming, but behind the facade, you’re really weak. I understand why you are single now.

Do try and keep up, you copycat 39

O really? You want to now do the same creative things that I’m doing, using the same people that I use, the same venues, the SAME TECHNIQUES? I can really see you are grasping at straws just to keep yourself afloat, but really, its sad. You think you can run on my coat tails? Just because you buy yourself the equipment doesn’t mean you’ve got the imagination…I’m sorry I met you.

Figured out the Houseguest Syndrome 39

People who are single who just want to travel vast amounts of distance to come to your house for you to pamper them are running away from something and are spoiled brats living off someone else’s dime in their off time. Grow up!

Chatroulette sucks 37

Nothing but people jacking off… WTF?!?

another cheater 37

i got high with my best friend after promising my boyfriend i wouldn’t and then proceeded to have sex with him. hate me if you will but that was the best bang i’ve ever had and for some reason i just can’t make myself feel bad about it.

I have 315

a big dick and ladies love it.

Why am I friends with you? 37

I’ve asked myself this time and time again. Don’t get me wrong I’ve had good times with you. You’re honesty is refreshing at times however, your attitude is alarming. I understand you suck at life. But the thing is, that you’re partly to blame for all the shitty things that happen to you. I hate to say it, but it’s your fault. You have this chip on your shoulder and this stick up your A%$! You need to lighten up and enjoy life once in a while. And it’s not just me who feels this way. You’re …view more

this site 312

nobody here makes real comfessions.. i mean its fucking anonymus and still everybody tries to make themselves look nice.. why cant people just surrender their ego and admitt that they do have a really ugly and nasty side just like every human being does!
i think of ways to murder my bestest friend when the boy i like looks at her or speaks to her! i hate her for being so beautiful!

Life, who understands it… 311

Why is it if you give someone the world that they will turn on your anyway?!?!

Go on. Please. Tell me about your sex life. I am dying to hear. Its not like your 16 or anything 212

So during science I was at a table with 2 boys and a girl. (Me being another girl). Z was like, “yeah I had sex” and D was all like, “Nuh uh.” Well to prove it Z talked about sex for 2 hours with the other 2 people at the table. And there I was- dead to the world because I honestly didn’t want to know about your sex life, and those topics give me head aches . . .

Guys are stupid 210

Ok so they’re this guy and I met him the other day and we were talking about the future like what we wanna do with our lives and stuff like that. Then he asks me if I’m a virgin and talks about that stuff and said that he only does hook ups so I said well you’re talking to the wrong person. And he put the laughing emoji. After that I told him that I’m not going to have sex until I’m married and I’m big on keeping that promise with myself. And he just said oh. Like really. And then stops talking …view more

Bitch ass “Girlfriend” 210

I swear to fucking god. Everything is always my fault, though it’s out of my control. You can never do any fucking wrong. Where’s your job and paycheck? Where’s all the fucking time you’ve been wasting getting stupidly fuckin stoned instead of doing anything productive? Take a good long look at yourself you dumb whore.

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