Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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Almost two years ago and I had a boyfriend and I thought he was the most amazing person ever. He was also my best friend since I am shy and don’t make any friends. Unfortunately he moved two years ago all the way across the country and only spoke through text or Facebook. Basically he is all I can think about which I will admit is really unhealthy. When he moved it took a hit to my self esteem and I kept on thinking I’m ugly and no other boy would love me. It has also killed me since I have
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Why oh why did my parents have to be poor? Now that one of them is sick, I have to be in debt because they have no other way of supporting themselves.
If someone says Happy Fucking Friday again today I?ll scream. It?s such a shitty, lame thing to say GROW UP your not at school!!!!!!
My fiance is being an ass again. Would it kill him to be romantic once in awhile? Would it really hurt him to try and make me feel loved? Sometimes I just REALLY hate him and want to break up but he says he won’t allow it. And on top of that my co-workers keep calling for bullsh*t reasons. No we are not doing an archeological dig on the property. No I am not writing up legal documents for you. No I will not go steal antique pictures for you.
I wake up at 2 pm everyday and stare at the ceiling. No mirrors in my room. I havent walked outside in weeks. I havent taken a shower?in weeks. I haven?t talked?.in weeks. I don?t want attention. I want death. It?s pathetic, right? Pathetic that I?m too scared to take my own life. I hate myself for being that much of a coward. I?m useless. Why am I here? My parents refuse to speak to me, I?m an embarrassment (so they say). I can?t afford a phone, so I don?t have friends. And this is my computer
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I don’t care what you think of me. I really don’t. Your opinions do not matter. I am a confident person and I know I make mistakes, but that’s my business. Not yours.
Sincerely, the one you’ll never know.
BASICALLY my school friends and I all go to the same college, we’re all 21-23 now and I find that some of us are growing up to be so different. But rather than opposites attract kinda thing, I have one friend that does not tolerate anyone else’s fucking opinion… I’m a FASHION student and she disses my style sense. I just want to tell her to shut the fuck up. The girl thinks CROCS and BOOTLEG JEANS are fashionable for Christsake! She doesn’t get my sense of humour, which is, and I’m not being
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my girlfriend is a so fucking unemotional i have to fucking fight with her just to get her to even come see me when she does come to see me its for like 2 mins then gets mad at me when she wants to go she wants to go across town to the library to do her homework when im 4 miles from her she pisses me off plus she gets me horny then just leaves who the fuck does that ive consitered cheating because she will do it so many times then not anwser her phone for like 4 hours shes unbelivable plus if i
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Dear husband: moving is hard. There’s lot to pack, lots to arrange, lots of stress. I’ve done it ALL, while feeding you and the kid day in and day out, and doing regular housework. What have YOU done? I mean, it’d be ok if you had a job (which you don’t). WHAT have you been doing? Oh yes, you’re a freelancer and are working in this project… that has given us no money so far. Cool, I can wait, but you know what? When I’m exhausted and my back hurts, and I’m stressed because moving day is near
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I don’t want to go to my employer’s dinner party tomorrow night. I just want to go home, eat what I want, and watch TV.
my boyfriend an i got together when we were 17. i am now 20 and have been living with him and his family for 2 years. i babysit his nephews and do all the household chores (i am the only unemployed one) im starting to feel pulled thin. im 20 and i live the life of a housewife, no parties, no social events, hell i dont even have friends… because me and my boyfriend are so comfined our relationship is strained and he has a nasty habbit of joking while hitting below the belt… i do it all for him
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I do actually like facebook in a way… up until a point (that point being the fact that there are completely irrelivant groups: “LOL! Check it out, this girl is so ugly.” No thanks, I actually have morals.)
My very intelligent friend also bleated out the phrase, “But facebook is so clever. There’s never been anything like it before. It’s timeless.” about two days ago. Clearly she failed to notice that facebook is a fairly basic combination of the younger generation social networking sites that
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i am SOOO effin sick of logging on to facebook every morning and see you post something about how you’re a friggin alcoholic loser. and it’s funny how you say everyone else in this town is trashy cuz of this and that, uhm okay you sleep with a new guy every friggin week. so before you go and call someone else a whore, take a look in the mirror hun, or better yet your fukin STD test results :D
Have fun destroying your liver ;)
To the old bag: You are disgusting. If someone doesn’t call you, it’s probably because you are faqing annoying and they resent having to talk to you. You annoy the heck out of me every faqing day. And the irony of ironies is that I get impatient with your faqing impatience. Faq!
What the fuck. Why haven’t you at least e-mailed me? I guess you don’t want to see me. Fuck, fuck, fuck!
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