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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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just be blunt with me. i’ll appreciate it much more than your passivity 210

look, i know we all work in an office and we all call people all day but if you think i am talking too loudly just tell me to my face. i know you all don’t like me, i know you never invite me to lunch with everyone else, i know that you guys talk about me, just tell me what you don’t like and i can fix it. either that or i will respect you more than when you complain to my supervisor. i do my job, i try to be friendly, but i know i don’t fit in here. i am here to work, not please any of you. …view more

My life 27

i never told this story to anyone and i just wanna let it all out here. when i was i think about 7 or 8 years old i was sexually molested by a man, and i didn’t said this to anyone until now to you guys whoever is reading or not i just wanna say this out. And i think because of this experience i have develop a mental illness called panic attack. i am suffering from panic attack for many years. But i can say that my panic attack is getting better through out the years. i used to cry every time …view more

School 29

This is just a rant on my school. I swear the kids these days are just getting so judfkjgjkg. Some underclassmen of mine though it would be funny to make fun of the kid with the speech problem, the kid happens to be a friend of mine and when I bitched at them they laughed and began saying things about me, which I then told him his mom should have gotten an abortion, maybe that way she would be alive(that is low I know but I was mad so….meh I don’t even like this douche so I’m not sorry) he then …view more

mean theater gays 29

there is a gay guy in my theater group who loves to spead lies about everyone. He is universally HATED by everyone but they are so afraid of him zeroing his venom on them that they kiss his ugly ass. He thinks he is mr. Fashionista too and has a ego too. fact is, he is a dumnass who will never amount to anything and his theater degree is bwcause he is too stupid to do anything else. He will get his when he is unemployed and those he tried to screw over pass him by. He is justva big dick.

piss off all 2 faced friends ! 27

I hate people who are users, self absorbed, passive aggressive and all around losers. They deserve to rot in hell with all their loser cronies. Kiss my ass former friend! Stay out of my life!

Guys suck..and so do girls. 27

I am starting to really hate guys and feeling really ignored by the guys that I thought cared about me. Especially this one guy who I had feelings for and I confessed to. we literally talked everyday for about five or six months, and even after i confessed, he talked to me and we were friends, not awkward, just good friends. But after a week or two of talking normally, he just completely shut me out and stopped taking to and completely just ignores my snapchats, messages, everything. So at this …view more

Deadbeat dads are the lowest pieces of shit ever! 27

I wish I could say everything that I am getting ready to say to your ugly face! You have got some real nerve motherfucker! I hope you know that I only let you get by with this shit because I don’t want you to EVER have a chance at visitation with MY son! How dare you claim me and MY son on your taxes when you abandoned me and your 3 children 8 fucking years ago! You have not paid a DIME to me in all those 8 years, and you think you deserve something? I hope you enjoy that $3000.00 you got back …view more

friends are bitches 29

In the last couple of months all of my friends start bitching about stuff mainly themselves, how they are not good enough and stuff like that (btw my friends are not stupid if they do stupid stuff they know). some of them are more sensitive than others so i can’t just say “fuck off ! i don’t give a shit about your petty problems go fuck yourself” and now as I’m writing this they are still talking to me. I want to be a good person and help them but I can’t help them if they don’t want to help …view more

To my love 210

I’m really mad at you right now, but I feel so petty. 9 years and a daughter, our lives seem perfect, but why the fuck can you not get a god damn holiday right? Christmas, mothers day, birthdays, valentines day….doesn’t matter. I always end up in tears, feeling angry at you and myself. How hard is it to make me a stupid fucking card? Or buy a cheap ass box of candy? At least show me you give a shit. Yeah it’s a fake holiday. Yeah I know you love me. But I have to watch our other friends who …view more

Why? 28

It’s strikes me odd that, hundreds of people are injured and killed on a daily basis by alcohol related incidents, yet no one is calling for a ban on it? Why not ban high capacity beer carriers , and limit the capacity to 6 or less-who would NEED 24 beers at one time? Maybe we also need a background checks on alcohol purchases since there are many repeat offenders, and we could block folks with a DD conviction from buying alcohol? We could also require alcohol consumers to verify proper storage …view more

hate 29

i hate you. I hate that you keep on lying and cheating on me. I did everything for you. I did everything to make you happy. I hate that you keep cheating on me with the same guy. We have a daughter. When you didnt know who was the father I stepped up and told you I;ll be there no matter who the father is. After she was born you left me cause you wanted to be friends with him. And still you dont know if you want to be with me. I did so much in this relationship and you still dont want to be with …view more

i hate my life. 29

i hate my life. i have my love life. If it wasnt for my daughter I would love to take my own life. but I love my daughter and I wont want to put her through that. I wish I could go back in time and change a few things. But I do wake up everyday disappointed because I didnt stay asleep but woke up.

Mall Punk “emos” 215

I’m so sick of these little bastards. “Emos” used to act depressed, wear Green Day shirts, and talk about how everything sucks. South Park did a good job making fun of that. They typically kept to themselves, but oh how things have changed.

Current “emos” are loud, annoying, attention seeking, trashy, dumbasses that loiter all day at malls. They’ll stand outside of Hot Topic all day, or be in the food court taking up space. They walk around aimlessly, and never buy anything.

This wouldn’t be …view more

Control Freak Parents 28

HOLY FUCKING SHIT. I cannot wait to get out of this hell hole of a house! Yeah yeah I live in America, I get fed more than enough, I have all the luxuries money can buy… You know what I don’t have? ANY FUCKING FREEDOM. I am 18 years old and my parents READ MY GODDAMN TEXTS. I’m not allowed to have a boyfriend or even friends who are male. I have to give those assholes my phone every night at 9:30 so they can read all of my messages like the creepy fucked up shits that they are. Why don’t I just …view more

bs 211

So I am in a sorority, supposed to be a sisterhood……. well come to find out that this bitch who is “captain” is lying to everyone because me and another sister hangout. so everyone assumes that its all true and now everyone has there back turned on me and three others. To the bitches that are closed mined, pull your head out of your ass and quit starting bullshit, this is a sisterhood, remember?

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