Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I kinda like this guy but i havent talked to him yet and im trying to figure out if hes a douche. I actually have somewhat of a shot with him. Whats my move here
You know what, it doesnt take a lot of effort to be nice to someone or even tell them something nicely when they mess up. It doesnt mean u have to treat them like trash, its not like that makes you any better. Maybe you are a bitter old man with no life. You are you say? Oh well that explains A LOT. good luck on the streets, i better not find you there. And dont think your important because your a treacher that doesnt mean anything, i msan your a teacher for christ sakes! Im a teen and my life
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You know what Mr. M i have the right to go wherever i want its a fucking free country and your bald head ass doesnt have any power in it at all. Also do you expect me to go anywhere wothout knowledge that any room is open when all the rooms are occupied. Like seriously you are the shittiest teacher i have ever come across and the meanest idiot there ever fucking was. Unfornatuely ur wife has to deal with your sprry ass . Hood luck in hell motherfucking jackass. Prepare to be fired u lonely,
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I can never do anything right for her. Everything i do is wrong. I can’t stand her!! she makes me so mad. sometimes i just wish she was dead she makes it so hard for me to stay on track and undepressed. she makes me feel awful all the time. She is so bipolar. I wish we weren’t related. I wish she was dead honestly…
I’m the type of person who like to respect others, even if I mad. but im getting sick of going with the flow or being told what to do. I want to speak up for myself but I cant seem to speak my mind. Im getting sick not be able to express myself, I want to have a long conversation, but I can only say a sentence or two. The only time I can be myself completely is when I hand out at my school anime club. Some days I feel like I am free, other days I fell as if I’m chained down, Then my friend keep
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yesterday i dressed up and i looked really cute and my mom and i were laughing about how i was really cute. then she stopped laughing and said “so why is there a hot topic bag in your closet?” in the bag was my brand new Tokyo Ghoul shirt that i bought which i was super happy to wear to school. i immediately got scared and said “I bought a shirt there…with nicky and sam” and let me tell you this my mom compares nicky to me all the time about her not watching anime and everything which isn’t
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My dad died five months ago and since then I have changed a lot. I have never had a ton of friends to begin with, but I had a decent amount. I feel like now, I have become more mature and responsible and all my friends are reckless and stupid. They go to parties and get wasted and I just don’t see the fun in getting hungover from cheap beer. Like tonight for example, my friends are all going to a party and I don’t want to go but they all see the appeal that I don’t see and I have no one in my
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I hate it when girls (typically teenagers on Tumblr) think they’re all special and unique because they’re “different” and “not like other girls”. They usually say stuff like “All the girls at my school are sluts! I’m the only one who likes anime and classic literature and CoD and hoodies and Green Day and blah blah blah…” Basically these “unique” girls look down on anyone who wears pink or makeup or likes pop music. It’s ridiculous. They think they’re being all rebellious by “defying society”
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Obama is the worst president there is, and ever was. He fucking gives the enemies everything they want and screws us over, the people. The only reason he is still in office and has not been impeached is because he is black, and because the government is being able to fuck us all. It is time for the people to realize that we are being taken advantage of. It is time for us to stick up to our government and say fuck you. Time for us to get Obama out of office and bring back the America we know and
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I’m 15, just finished my freshman year of high school, thank God that shit’s over. I go to an all boys school, and there’s way ,way, way too many homework leeching motherfuckers in my class. I can’t stand that shit. These motherfuckers spend all night posting “tbhs” and “diss or fuck” bullshit on Instagram then setup camp at my fucking desk every class trying to get my work. Then they fail the class and blame the teacher. SMFH.
The only thing worse than the homework vultures swarming around
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Okay so I’m running for class president and I have a pretty strong amount of supporters. And then my “friend” decided to announce last minute that she was fucking running too. Like what the actual fuck? She knows how much I want this and she goes and steals it. She doesn’t even want it. We’ve always had a frenemy relationship but I thought we were more friends than enemies. My other friends think she’s lying since she’s a fucking compulsive liar, but how you gon’ lie and take it as far as
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I’m going to marry this man someday :)
Look. I know how this can be interpreted differently, and how people can say I’m wrong. But think of it this way. If your children were being emotionally abused behind your back by your new spouse, and you caught onto a clue, wouldn’t you get to the bottom of it? After the initial emotional breakdown, wouldn’t you don your Sherlock Holmes cap and ask your children–truthfully, sincerely, determinedly–if there was anything wrong? Wouldn’t you feel suspicious of your spouse afterwards, distrusting
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It was around this time that stepdad showed his true face to us. He made us feel as though our current situation was me and my sister’s fault. We did not have to do any chores before, which I agree was probably us being spoiled, but he made it a very big point to force us to do all that he used to do which was the laundry, cleaning of the house, and etc (this was because my mom was too lazy to do it herself and made him do it). If we didn’t do it right, if we left so much as a speck behind, we
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All I can say is fuck fuck fuck. My anxiety is so high! I like girls. but I’m married to a guy that I LOVE. So there’s that off my chest. I HATE my college (beauty school) but I LOVE doing hair. I LOVE PUSSY. Also, my sisters… All of them. Raging twats. They are so FUCKING selfish. My sister got MAD at me on the day of my wedding because I didn’t spend enough time with her. What the fuck? It’s my wedding! Also, for my wedding… 65 people RSVP’d. 65 people said they would be there, which is about
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