Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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Damn you annette why cant you just leave him. I left my wife for you. I know i said it was for me, but we both know otherwise. I am so much better for you than he could ever be. He treats you like crap and says things to hurt you. Now you’re saying dont text you unless you text me first… im a freeking side guy here and i am hateing it. I feel so much for you . You say you do as well but im not beleiving you.
My first “girlfriend” and I was dating. We had been for a while. It was all going fine. Then her best fucking friend comes in and says he loves her. Then all of a sudden. I’m not the best thing ever. She is now with the bastard. But yeah so she’s like give me space to sort my head. So I do. Then whilst I’m giving her space she gets off with her best friends then claims that she felt that her and him was already dating. Whilst we was with me still. Now she had promised she wouldn’t cheat. She so
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and NOWHERE on the box of medium blonde does it say may turn red and fry your hair. cant even fix it without it all falling out. gezzzzzzzzzz
i did have the time of my life, usually my surprizes r bad, very very bad. nice for a happy one for a change. today is my birthday and i can dew anything i want. probably the same old boring crap but atleast i am consistent. baaahhhhhaaaaaaa
every weekend gets better and better. i can see light and reallity at the end of the tunnel anddd really ive
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Well there’s this girl I like, even met her on xbox! We chat daily, literary for hours, have for almost 3 years now. Started having feelings for her so told her, asked if we could be more than friends. She said no, she’s seeing someone else, I know the guy but didn’t know they were dating they kept it secret since her mum very was ill. I know the guy, same as me, the three of us all met through xbox. It hurts but she says she is happy with him, and to me that’s most important, obviously. And
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things i dew not enjoy, having the top of my head blown off comes to mind. electric that cracks so loud u can hear it and a finger tip that is numb for an hour. gezzzzzzzz
the world is very confusing to me so i just dont spend alot of time on it. drawingmy lines and moving forward. certainly i love and adore those round me but sometime ya just have to have bounderies. mine lay somewhere between easest and NO OTHER OPTIONS.
visuals. ya know we all sing media and input is effecting the
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I just feel like crying. I had a good afternoon with my fiancé (partner of 8 years) yesterday and made a small comment which he didn’t like and it just erupted into a massive argument.
He brought up all this stuff that he’s never mentioned before, and just got himself so angry. He wouldn’t stop, he just kept going and bringing everything and slinging it at me like he wants to hurt me. He’s just so suddenly full of anger and it’s not been like this for years. I don’t know where it all came
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worked really hard to get into sylvan choir, the advanced choir at my school, i put in 4 hours a day for weeks, i got in, only to learn that most of the people who got in, didn’t deserve it, and now next year i have to be in an honors class with seemingly kindergardeners, the same rank as me, im one of around 5-7 people who actually deserved it, and my arrogant friend is in the class too, she thinks shes better than me, shes one of the people who didnt deserve it, i told her previously, that
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washing walls wtf. when did suzzy homemaker sneak in. and really i am old and need to pace myself. who ever said pain from hard work is lying.
words of wisdom fly alll over.
i really dont have any. keep on truckin…idk.
i feels like i am trying to put the whole universe in some kind of order anddd really i cant get my house in any reasonable facimile. presently a disaster and leaving in 3 days gezzzzz got the food and a general plan…leave baaahhhaaaaaa
idk people who live their lives in
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I really want to get into Yale. But I’m not smart or qualified enough and think i’m not going to get in. God please help me and answer my prayers. I’m shifting from happy and sad and idk what else is ging on i’v enever felt like this in my life god please please please eisho
My friend is like the definition of a close minded, lackey, hater. She bashes anyone and anything but if someone else likes oohhhh its suddenly her most favorite thing or person. She tries so hard to be on someones good side and when they cant take her thirst for friends its there fault. Like come on honey get over yourself cause you just look like a unnecessarily stuck-up dumbass.
not even sure why.
certainly has been an amazing day. tinest bit of support and i fly. well least enough to get to bearable. really it aint up to me to make everybodys life just ducky. peeps gotta dew what they gotta dew and SO DEW I. and i can. just dont want to. really cruahing people aint my style. extremes to me serve no proper purpose andddd could get me killed for instance. jk jk sorta kinda. truely some stuff aint worth the hassle andddd really whatever. i am going to go about beein
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cats teach us love and indepence and dogs teach us loyalty and ambition. my cat teaches me shut up and the limits of my pateience. really i know a vet. annoying fuck.
it is difficult for me to enjoy myself when closests r suffering. one really has to hang on to. the world aint ending just takin another turn. endings and new beginings and really i dew believe in everything for a reason. sometimes when the pieces fit it’s majic. sometimes the reason is somebody eleses and we never know why. just
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Gaming is meant to be pure entertainment. It is not meant to be politically correct. That has no place in gaming whatsoever so take that BS elsewhere please and go back to tumblr. I’m a woman so its not like I hate feminism in general or anything but really…it has no place in gaming. There is no room for it there and it needs to stay the fuck out. It’s not fun. It isn’t gonna make gaming more fun. Not for me at least. I like my female characters like I like my beach attire. As little clothing
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people for instince . certainly it is hard for me to write of it as i am surrounded to drownding in people.
worse i am completely alone at times. or most and by choice yup. seriously next one through the door with crazy better bee wearing a cup and a tinfoil hat,.
but people sooo over welmed by lonely they r commiting atrosities. sad. i think it’s sad that peeps idk it’s been my experience that there r few that we connect with in this life and really the majority of peeps r just ones that
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head first into a pole. good thing i have my tinfoil hat. or ummm i suppose it’s about controlled response. and knowledge. really i catch on quick when peeps start sentences bad news. and seriously i am flying. at reality and forming directions and stuff anddd bang..baaahhhhaaa head on colision of 2 realities. pls i chased “protectors” off. without all the interference i can assess the situation and duck. seriously i goota get fat enough to waddle. or maybee just quack.
and gezzzzzzzzzzz
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