Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I seem to live in a hostile and vicious cycle. I can’t seem to find any meaning of having friends besides them using you or backstabbing you constantly. Subtly writing about you in a status indirectly talking about you. I can’t seem whether to consider self-pity or misanthropic thoughts. I don’t even know what genuine friendship feels like anymore, probably because it simply doesn’t exist. With my maladroitness I don’t comprehend why i even bother keeping up with colleagues. I always feel empty
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No, that’s NOT an ‘adult’ answer. That’s an entitled 15-year-old answer which is funny since you’re almost 40. Quit living in your bubble and realize that not everyone is living off their parents’ good nature. People have grown up and had lives and kids and everything. Insist on Grinching up every holiday if you must, but eventually someone’s going to come out and tell you that your shitty attitude and entitlement wannabe-princess attitude is why you’re divorced, not dating and unpleasant to be
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Can’t people do anything without adding some kind of public eating event to it? I’m left outside everything because of it. I just can’t do it. Just thinking about having to eat with people looking makes me feel sick. Sometimes I can force myself to go sit in the table but I can’t actually eat anything. I’ll sit there yelling inside my head “JUST EAT SOMETHING! IT’S NOT A BIG DEAL!” But I can’t. It’s just not happening. Then my friends start to feel awkward with me just sitting there not eating
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Sometimes it feels like she doesn’t even love me. I think about giving up on her every day. She’s every time like a stranger for me! It’s been 2 fucking years and I still don’t know her. It’s bringing me down, I’m becoming insane! I feel like destroying something beautiful…I just hope she die in flames! I QUIT!
I am lost I am scared I am afraid I am afraid writing this just because my words are now in the world I am afraid they may appear on the page for you to see I am afraid of love I am afraid of happiness I am afraid of trust because it can be broken and it has been broken before and it will be broken again because we live in a world that applauds and excepts it we live in a world without identity without purpose with too many options and no one to point us in a direction with infinite
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It’s 430 in the morning, why the hell would you decide at that moment in time to play your stupid tejano music at levels that 3 streets over they can probably hear you. I was asleep you inconsiderate fuck, but now, I’m wide awake. Thanks a lot!
Hope you like the lovely officers paying a visit to your early morning party! I sent them!
Fucking Adderall. Sure, you’re fun. I mean, for 5 or 6 hours I feel like God! But god damn it, I took 3 of you! Only 3! Just 60mgs of Adderall XR. It was 15 and a half hours ago! Now let me SLEEP. Damn you, Adderall, Damn you…
Right now, I do not really care about school haha. I am actually enjoying my time not doing my college applications and playing around! I want someone to jam with, do some cool things with. Want to hook up? We can stick around and see this night through~
Sigh, I think I’ve fallen for you. I really really really like you. Yes, it’s weird that our conversation always land on the topic of love. It’s because I want you to someday… tell me that you like me back. It’s true, I really like you. I can’t admit it now, sorry.. It will be weird. I regret telling you.. I shouldn’t have right? I think you know already.. Even though I want to tell you I do sooo much.. I can’t. It’s not the right timing. I will tell you at our last dance during winter formal.
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I like this guy, more like a crush, though. Alas I’ve known him for years now but I never really hung out with him… Now I work with him and just trying to talk to him I feel all nervous and I feel my heart racing an like its falling out of my chest. I don’t know why, I don’t know him that well, hell half the time we don’t get past hello. We have caught each other glancing at one another, and when we talk an I look into his eyes I feel even more nervous. I want to tell him small things like he
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I’m crying again. And close to harming. Again. And the reason? I mean nothing to you. Well, maybe I mean something. I don’t know; I don’t know if I can trust you. Did you lie to me? Did you pretend? Was there a reason?
I don’t care. It wouldn’t make a difference. Why cant you come back. WHY? I miss you so much, why can’t I hug you once, and you tell me it’ll be okay. I’d believe you. Why cant I hear your laugh, and see you smile as you speak in front of the glass, one more time. Why can’t I
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so i met a guy on the internet the other week. went to the cinema with him last week, went to his house yesterday and had sex (heat of the moment, wasn’t planned)
now he’s hardly talking to me. we agreed to meet up again soon cos we ‘really like each other’
did he use me? does he think i’m easy? am i just being paranoid? lol help!
On the day of my prom, I saw him with another girl. But it wasn’t that that made my face turn cold. I was getting sick of camera pictures, not eating any food, dancing to crappy music. I saw him several times that night. I felt surprised at first, and then embarrassed, to remember the times in the past.
He was a year older, and I was nobody he knew too well, so I couldn’t hold onto anything firmly. I stopped talking to him because I realized I made him uncomfortable, the way that I wanted to
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Every fucking time it seems like things are going to get better, just a tiny bit better, something ALWAYS goes wrong. Not just little things but huge stuff! Actually find a job after SIX months, work a few decent days and they decide they really don’t need much help in the end. Get enough money to go on vacation in a month aaaand I get some surprise bills and find out my main source of income is now going to be stopped. For a reason that I never even knew about!
I wish my life were *steady*,
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OMG my friends take sooooo long to get out of the house. 4 of us live together and 2 of us had cars until mine died forever so now i have to get a ride with the only other person with a car and it takes foreverrrr. If we have some where to be for 10 they wont be ready until 11 and it takes us 15 more minutes to leave the driveway like how does it take you so long to get ready when you don’t even put on make up 95% of the time
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