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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Small children in public 210

I have had it today with small children in public spaces! Everywhere I have gone today there have been annoying children. First stop just pushing my cart into the store a small child darts out. If I had not reacted he would have been smacked in the head with my cart. Instead of redirecting the child, the mother and father then allowed the younger sister to dart over to the child and both blocked my way from entering the store. The younger sister was barely of walking age. I stood there waiting …view more

First love 28

Unlike most, I didn’t think my first love would one day just be my first love of many to come. I thought he was my first love and would forever be mine. I knew of him and his family nearly my whole life and our relationship was completely unplanned and out no where. He is 2 years older than me and we ended up going to the same concert, we hung out there and after that he pursued me. I fell in love with him so quick and he did too. I was completely shocked I knew he had a past of being a real …view more

I’m depressed. 28

Someone please just help me. I’m sinking slowly into hell. I need one person to actually care. I’m sad all day everyday. And I’m scared to go to school. I’m tired of faking happy.

Still alive 29

The only reason I haven’t offed myself is because of my daughter! Without her, I would have left this pathetic world years ago! So over life! I used to be positive, silly, and happy regardless. Now, I’m filled with nothing but torment and misery! Life is a fucking brutal joke!

I hate myself 29

I hate myself for being ok to have the bare minimum in a relationship. Me and my girlfriend have been together for almost 7 years. In the past 3 years we havent had sex, telling me shes not into it. All we do is give each other pecks and say “i love you” Everytime I make advancement for sex she turns me down. I dont say or do anything about it. I hate myself for not standing up for myself and afraid to leave. I feel I rather have those little kisses from her than non at all. I’m such a pussy …view more

You make me so stressed and angry but I love you 28

I wish you would just tell me whats on your mind. Im tired of not knowing what the hell is happening. Im tired of putting so much effort forth but not getting anything back. What happened to us? Things use to be so great. What changed? Why do I feel like you ignore me? Why do I feel like you don’t care about me? You make me angry by the way you don’t seem to care. Honestly, I would love to put my hands up too and say “Fuck it, I’m done.” But I can’t, and I won’t. Why? Because I love you. And I …view more

how hilaruous 28

God look at you. Thinking u know everything when u r probably wrong. Your very voice is annoying as is your own self indulgence.prick

Dear non-technical people of the world 29

Don’t ask IT why something is still broken. If you refer to it as “broken,” you’re already reducing it to what your simple little mind can comprehend. Your smarthost provider was blacklisted, that does not mean that a prior fix did not work, it means things changed. Go be a glad-hands and push some pencils, bitch. We read your e-mail.

ok sooooo how am i suppose to take that 29

ummm warry…..smells harmless but wierd. ok so i laugh butttt i floored the room. appreciate not begining crowded. i enjoyed it from various angles till it got annoying. andddd art is in mechanics. what’s the point. really this makes me sick.

my world is a very odd place. full of majical things cause i am fucking crazy. i have a sanity test tomorrow and i would like to pass it. maybee. if i dew choke somebody …crazy might bee a good idea.

gives headaches then why call me out. i was just …view more

Fucking problem 29

I like this boy and we have been friends forever its nothing like the friend zone, trust me. He is willing to do anything with me and i am too, but its hard not knowing what people would say about me being so judgemental. Then again I don’t know if i’m looking for a boyfriend or friends with benefits, or a open relationship being able to see other people at the same time but those are fucking stupid. its just i don’t want to ruin this great friendship we have. He wants to hang out tomorrow at …view more

i think i need a recoeryday frm my week end. sighhhhhhhhh sorta kinda 29

least it was real stuff and stuff i believe in.

ummmmmmi do believe our faith in God keeps us safe from most. ummm sing a hymm anddd regular bad hits the road. i believe it the conviction in themselves. saddly we r all good and bad and the bad stuff needs to hit the road. i think the idea is to recognize the difference but out worl makes that pretty much impossible. sighhhhhh.

i think the issue arrives with sick and demented and evil. they have no shame compassion and nothing convicts them. …view more


gezzzz what. porn. it is therefore. how the fuck would i know. i have zero idea why anybody would rather play footie with a computer when they kiss like angels. shrug. beats me.

really i got my hand full and shrug. in reality dik just have no great interest and seems like a waste of time to me. there is important stuff like news and kitty lpics. i did not make this world i just live in it.

reality, the movie 210

biological effects of insanity, other people me thinks.

ummmmm the association with intensity and direction and infection, freaks me out. ummmm my purception is phycosamatic but it makes zero difference in the reality of the issues.even freakier infection has always been an issue for me. really creepy. the mass on my right neck is ummm seriously …..wierd and ummmm from my purception those who feel the need to chew on my neck idk. i get the purception but personally got better fish to fry. …view more

ow i learned something new 213

ambivelience it’s how we cope with TOO MUCH PAIN. interesting

i think apathy is about ummm our reaction to a fucked up world.

trying assess how i feel about net approach. ummm pretty much the same as always. cant deal with my reality meh waste o time. shrug. totally aware others dont see it the same way orrr get stuff i dont. shrug. mostly amusing

wtf is spell check. cant say as i use it much but some stuff needs clearification concept. gezzzzzzz

elation at survival 29

only works it u dont shoot them first. for sure it’s enjoable watching her fight for life. dont know that i am doing her any favors but she feels better with me there. that’s enough for me. :).

ummm personally i drink pepsi buttt i am pretty sure the legals choice is coke. answers some questions that were obvious at times.

i want to say chopping down trees has some merit buttt then we would have no woods left. really i dig and rake and really it’s something to do. i HATE the mess this place …view more

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