Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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She is constantly getting mad at me because of nothing !!! Like just today I texted her asking if she will bring something home for us to eat and she ignored the message. Then I sent her another one after an hour and a half asking if I should make something for myself and after that I went to the kitchen. I was literally there for like half a minute and when I came back to my room I saw a missed call from her and a message saying I should eat something from the fridge. I didn’t respond anything
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I’ll never tell my parents about how depressed I feel inside. Or about how I sometimes self harm. They just think of it as a cry for attention.
My bestfriend has a boyfriend that I like and its pissing me off they cuddle and kiss all of the Time and it pisses me off so much
My girlfriend is so fucking sensitive to every thing. Anytime Im on my phoneshe always feels the need to look over my shoulder and just watch everything I do. Im the type of person who likes their privacy. Im not cheating or talking to other girls so thats not the problem its the fact that she has no type of boundries. And when i tell her she wants to get all sad and in a fucking mood for 20 minutes and it wouldnt be so bad if it wasnt EVERY 20 FUCKING MINUTES. She always grabs on the back of
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I bend over backwards for my fucking x cause we share 3 kids that I love to death. I am also disabled with a mental disorder so I say live for today. Instead of bringing my kids over tonight like we agreed to she decided to keep my oldest son there cause she was upset with him. He is a year away from being an adult and she treats him like he is worthless. So I thru a fit on the phone and told her to keep them all until they can all come. Long story short she kept them and now I am home alone
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It’s a curse to be able to see through people. I’m growing tired of the nonsense that’s heaped on me every single day. I’m tired of setting unrealistic goals based on what success I see people have online through their numerous posts and pictures. I’m ready to barf at the endless amounts of happiness that oozes out every single day on my wall. Is everyone really that happy? Does no one have any anxiety attacks about life like I do? Have I truly accomplished nothing in my life? They make life
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So I recently got into this big argument with a girl. And now she’s getting the boy I like to call her princess. Like, it’s frustrating as hell because she just says Aussie. But that’s my nickname for him! I haven’t talked to him in a couple of days and I don’t know if I should bring it up. I don’t want to seem too clingy if we aren’t even dating.
I’m always getting knocked down by friends and family. The conundrum is that someone must care if I have friends and family. But, they never hold my statements or humor in high self esteem and I’m more “there” than anything.
I wish I was more witty or entertaining, but unfortunately I am who I am.
i am a total orphan in this world and idk what to do about that at this point bc i barely trust people so it’s hard to find new relationships to build.
and it doesn’t help with you find urself on the weird side of utube watching vids about cannables. honestly, i think that i cant date anymore bc i think that those peoople are really out there.
and how would u know if someone were a cannible?
on the other hand, i totally need someone. i am unfit to be alone. i suck at it. it’s so hard. i am
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Why are you so horrible :(
I fucking hate that son of a bitch! Want him to go back to fucking New Zeland. Hope his cancer comes back and kills the fucker!
This is to the co-worker who acts like she does so much more than me and her job is so much harder than mine (even though we do the…same…job!). I guess doing your taxes and playing on Facebook is tough when you’re supposed to be working. Also to her that tells me I ‘I wouldn’t do that even if it is my job’ and who tells our supervisor that she’s not going to get her new company credit card and fucking got away with it. Who tells me that I complain too much if I’m having a conversation with
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You hate me because I intimidate you even though you hold the power. Or is it that you recognize something in me that reminds you of something you hate about yourself? I know your goal is to surround yourself only with those that bow to you. Be careful, there is a new sheriff in town and you may just bully yourself right out the door. Your management style screams “personal issues” and everyone talks about it. I hope you get a grip on it someday before you destroy anyone else.
My sister has cancer
My niece has cancer
My mother died of cancer 3 years ago this month
I got accused of being a prostitute and was placed on leave at work. Since being reinstated I hate my job and everything about it
I finally broke up with my cheating boyfriend of nine years. He told me he didnt love me. Now he wants me back and guilts me for dating
I am currently sleeping with 5 different men.
I think about suicide constantly
Buying a house was the biggest mistake I have ever made
I waited for you for two years. You told me you were interested, you asked my friends about asking me out, where you should take me. I waited, and I waited because I knew that you had never asked a girl out before. Senior Prom came around, and you told your parents and my cousins that you were going to ask me, that you wanted to ask me, and I went dateless. You danced with three other girls there in front of me. At the end of the night, you finally came up to me and started asking me if I had
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