Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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Okay, I just want to start off with the fact that I feel horrible about what happened,but I cant stand the Facebook “pray for the kids that died” suddenly something happens in america and for one day we care until something new comes along,like the next holiday christmas party? I wonder who’s making a status saying send a prayer for all the kids that die in Africa? in Pakistan?in Iraq? in every part of the world? or worse children who are suffering and dying slowly from disease or starvation?
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I hate how everyone thinks being an artist is such a fucking great thing. The truth is, you’re only as good as your last work, so you constantly are trying to beat yourself. You only want to paint for yourself, but somehow you have to try to market that shit to make a living. You paint as a form of communication, for yourself, and no one wants it. But paint some generic shit, and suddenly everyone’s on board to buy it. You can’t “sell out” and make money, because it’s a tiny little death every
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Why do doctors agree to accept either Medicare or Medicaid and then complain about it to the patient? You’re not forced to accept it so if you don’t like how little they pay, don’t accept it.
I once went to a chiropractor for bad neck pains from a whiplash. This is someone a relative knew and the doctor said she accepted Medicare. I get to the appointment and she then says to me “I don’t know why I even bother to accept it because they don’t pay me enough”. I never went back to the
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You are a cunt, I hate you and, I hope you have a shit life, I really do, you ass hair. Furthermore I look like a fucking gypsy in your bridesmaid dress, an extra fuck you for that one.
Of all the people to start laying down advice like she was so well rounded and worldly. She works a fucking minimum wage job, lives with her rich aunt, and has no real endeavors other than fucking, drinking, and chatting her ass off on facebook. brings to mind why the fuck i’m friends with these people in the first place.
So here I go, again. Starting a business with a friend, which I have done 100 million times, I’ve never ever been successful, not a once. And now I feel so scared to fail again. I guess it doesn’t matter though. Either things will work out or they won’t. Either I will win and my friend and I will get a great thing going or we won’t. We will either make it big an win forever or i’ll just move home with my parents. I would rather just win this time, for once. I feel that all my life i’ve been
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I am so tired of how my best friends boyfriend acts towards him anytime he fun some fun or hangs out with someone he does not know. I want to be there for him and they are both my friends its difficult for me since I love my friend dearly.
She lives so far away, but I can’t stop thinking about her. I’m not sure if she’s interested in that other guy or me. It makes me just want to pretend like I hate her just to make myself feel better.
At our core none of us have any idea of what we want to do with our lifes. I know i dont despite almost graduating college what about you?
i’m new to this job but so is my boss. that means he has absolutely no idea how to treat people who are his subordinates and no clue how to run a company or do his job right. he would get me to do something, a report, whatever, and right after i’ve sent it out to external parties after getting him to vet and hold a mini-meeting to get it all confirmed he comes over and says he wants me to change a few more things which essentially negates what i have already done. does he not appreciate hard
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You didn’t get what you wanted. So you call everyone on facebook “lame” and they all “suck” because NO ONE wanted to go snowboarding with you. Boo freaking hoo. Well guess what, I had a BLAST today WITHOUT YOUR WHINY ASS.
You need to grow up. You do this constantly. If you don’t get what you want then you put everyone down. It’s ridiculous. Just. Grow. Up.
Can’t people do anything without adding some kind of public eating event to it? I’m left outside everything because of it. I just can’t do it. Just thinking about having to eat with people looking makes me feel sick. Sometimes I can force myself to go sit in the table but I can’t actually eat anything. I’ll sit there yelling inside my head “JUST EAT SOMETHING! IT’S NOT A BIG DEAL!” But I can’t. It’s just not happening. Then my friends start to feel awkward with me just sitting there not eating
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I am lost I am scared I am afraid I am afraid writing this just because my words are now in the world I am afraid they may appear on the page for you to see I am afraid of love I am afraid of happiness I am afraid of trust because it can be broken and it has been broken before and it will be broken again because we live in a world that applauds and excepts it we live in a world without identity without purpose with too many options and no one to point us in a direction with infinite
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It’s 430 in the morning, why the hell would you decide at that moment in time to play your stupid tejano music at levels that 3 streets over they can probably hear you. I was asleep you inconsiderate fuck, but now, I’m wide awake. Thanks a lot!
Hope you like the lovely officers paying a visit to your early morning party! I sent them!
Fucking Adderall. Sure, you’re fun. I mean, for 5 or 6 hours I feel like God! But god damn it, I took 3 of you! Only 3! Just 60mgs of Adderall XR. It was 15 and a half hours ago! Now let me SLEEP. Damn you, Adderall, Damn you…
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