Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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what’s the difference between tv and movies. 12.99 and 14 bucks for popcorn. and really it effects- speaks to everybody differently. i dont think their is a difference.
i think a good part our ability to block all the crap is relevant but then i herd there were complaints about the background noisey exes. ahhhh seriously on some level what gives anybody or thing the right??????? and on another level ….. if ya dont like the background noise pay your own 12.99 and i didnt buy popcorn. assholes
seriously i miss beeing a girl. never got much of a chance to start with buttt really the last few years sucked in way i never imagined. sighhhhhh. butttt i try. lmao. certinly i dont dew porn and seriously i am dewing u a favor. LMAO. battered bruised and bleeding bever doesnt dew much for the ambience. sheeesh. how does one get bruises down there. itchy and scrattchy r soon to follow and seriously some stuff just argggggggggggg.
least the nails r gone, they r cute but hard to work with.
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seriously my purception and ive been every size ummm all i missed was superfical assholes who just waste my time. granted it’s about attitude, dont care what size u r dress it up and rok your show andddd the the right ones swim on by. fat chicks try harder anddd guys with little dicks get more ass…lmao it all works out in the end. bbbaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa really it aint about how others see u just how u see yourself. the ones that see what u feel orrrr make u feel that way.
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really anybody that has survived all this dont need moi to tell them what is write for them. or wrong. it is wrong to demand a relationship that isnt. real or imagined.
and it aint anybodys business buttttt MINE. in reality it would bee horrorifing to me to drag somebody into this crap un knowingly. one with no base other than friendship and a show.
solo wasnt my CHOICE …. it was the ONLY choice and i do the best i can.
in a world of pain and agony self pitty rules, for a time, do i regret
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i am personally and morally offended by the concept that legal matters r addressed here. ummm inappropriate legal i might add. my position is and always will bee the people involved will face the evidence of their actions and suffer the consquences in reality.
it occured to me ummm who wishes to distract and inflick unbearable pain. sleezy lawyers crossed my mind. they r hard to detect cause they appear to ridiculous to bother with. at the end of the daze i will spit out in reality and the
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terrific as i am not for sale it aint an issue. return to sender
why do i feel like i am fighting for my life. this shit is just sick. truely.
SHORTLY I AM GOING TO HAVE TO HAVE MEDICAL ADDRESS THE PAIN. abuse of a system that works. possible jealousy.
truely sick o this shit. and seriously the cat aint helping.
is the concept if i survive this week i get to go about my humble lil exsitence.i can not say it is worth it just now but look forward to the future. in reflection i am sure it will bee. optimist is alive and well and only wishes to rip head off of small creatures ocationally.
i have little interest in the changes and the insites only that it is over for me. tired and in pain aint my shtick. these things too shall pass is my life rope and my sanity just now. second only to drugging myself into
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haha work that one out. there isnt anything creative in the train of tht. or the intent. ummmm aspects of my potencial input bother me. specific to human interaction. the over ride in reality is biological urges and ummm the need to company, pack animals we r. anddd most stuff flies in and out like the burger but i did catch the ummmm peeps wander through the i’m a girl show anddd dont whole sale buy the solo song and dance. very relieving and i could use some. i do think ummm i have lil
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ummm hard to draw a line as to what is a mental illness and what is the effects of modern technology and really my cat dances at the oddest times. shrug. what do i know…maybee the line is about LISTENING to the voices. really i talked to myself all my life assume everybody does. very confusing for me. anddd shrug. thinkthings that ARE effect those with REAL illnesses very badly in some cases. strangely it feels like most feel right at home. wierd fucking world. going to shop yic.
and dont
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i have learned to bee warry of all things electric just on general principal butttt oh my. ho is my friend. doctor ho :D. truely i have had it with the pain anddd appearently technology when used properly, with knowledge and proper application. yeahhhhh wonderful tool. most certainly better than relentless pain. i think it might actually giggle but then that would bee nutz.
ummm peeps if u r following the road where u lock yourself in a closest and wait to bee resuced ummm i hate to break it
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I’m so sick of these old ass people winning the lottery and winning all these sweepstakes when most of them haven’t done anything important with their lives. I’m 25 and have done more good and anything than these people and when I ask for just this one thing, I get a big fuck you from karma and god.
I even raise kids that are not even mine with nothing but good intent, I never asked for anything. But some assholes and old people get the prize? What the fuck ever happened to the good getting
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Beauty of being a 20 yeat old is not caeing about proving yourself. Pretty sad to those that do. Anyway hows the bed that u so despreatly went bak to. Now cook bitch
My gf of about a year and a half broke up with me four days ago in a text message. The day before that she had called about taking a break. We started seeing each other senior year of college and after that it had to be long distance because we were both so broke that we had to live with our parents. The issue of not seeing each other became worse and worse, more and more painful, until both of us felt like we should reconsider the relationship and where it was really headed. But she broke up
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I 29
I just want someone to sympathize with me, you know.
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