Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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gezzzzzzz lmao. very cool and really the rumors of chicken at base is highly over played. idk that i am wandering around lost. shrug. aint like i am bringing them home. aint the world i live in but certainly can see it. dont know why anything or body would want my attention and deeply consider it’s all in my head. i think like every level ive studied both good and bad. i dont know which is what and i make a point of it. i live my life and hope it all works out in the end. anddd really taking it
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I made the mistake of agreeing for my husbands best friend to sleep on my couch. It turned out he wanted to move in with us so we upsized..after a few months he had a girlfriend who wanted to move in with us as well so again we upsized to a bigger place. He ended up fudging my husband out of a hire paying job but after his hours got cut went crawling to him for a position at my husband’s work..which of course he got he just told us through text there moving out in two kind
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Every single fucking time you open your fucking mouth I wish I had dildo embedded with thousand razor that I could shove into your fucking mouth and twist it until you bleed out and die. You fucking cunt! I ray every fucking night you meet horrible fate and die a horrible slow death watching everything you have slowly gone one by one. I wish I could just bash your head over and over and over and over again untill I could see the skull while you scream to stop. I would gorge one of your eye out
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I remember what you did! I know what you did to me and I hope you didn’t do it to our sisters.
Why where you like that?
i remember the perverted things you made us do!
I remember when you said not to tell mom and dad! (it plays over and over in my head)
I remember when our nanny asked me what happened!
And you somehow have forgotten?
You disgust me! I cant stand to look at you!
And the thing is i probably will never tell anyone because i don’t want to be ashamed of what you did.
I always thought my 6th grade teacher was a little wacky, but it wasn’t until she started going off about chemtrails that I realized just how fucking apeshit, off the deep end crazy she is. She’s a natural healer now which is great since she definitely should not be around children.
My husband hasn’t had a day off in three or four weeks. His boss is breaking all sorts of labor laws, making him “full time” so he can pay him a salary that, when divided by the hour, is less than minimum wage. He doesn’t get paid for overtime. Doesn’t get paid for shit. And my husband won’t complain, because he’s convinced he’s unemployable… It is bad enough when rich assholes think that falling out of a rich vagina makes them better than the rest of the world, but when the people who are
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a lot of things to say. a lot of things to be done but nothing is happening. i always feel alone even though they are there. a lot of people love me but i don’t feel anything. i’m damaged. i’m broken… and still breaking down.
i made a name for myself and it’s been successful. many people admired what i did… some hated it… i really don’t care.
i’m jealous of kids playing without a care in the world…. and making worlds of their own. their own world to live in and be happy. i once had a world
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I work for a small, privately owned ambulance company. I’m a nationally registered EMT. We transport a lot of patients by ambulance to and from doctor appointments, dialysis, etc. The thing is, Medicare and Medicaid will not pay for those transports if the patient does not meet stretcher requirements, meaning they are not bed confined and could otherwise be transported by wheelchair. We went to transport one patient one day and once I got on scene I evaluated the patient. History of CVA
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I’m a good looking fucking guy, i’ve been told that by many but yet I still have a hard time with girls. What the fuck do I need to do? I don’t want that random makeout sesh where I’m never gonna see you again. I don’t want you to forget me the next day. Why can’t girls just see who I am, do I really need to be a dick to get your attention? Girls always complain how no guy is there to treat them right, well maybe because you all fucking look for the dicks that will hurt you. Get your shit
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any reason why a right eye socket might blow out your nose. just asking gezzzzzzzzzz wierdest thing. it what i imagine an extreme migrain would feel like to those who suffer :(.
other than that i had a wonderful day. dont usually dew repeats but really tomorrow’s lookin good :D.
I need to escape this evil. I see it in her words, her lies and her actions. Please help me escape.
it`s mine. thx for the offer. i think well meaning but inapproppreiate. seriously if we dont feel the things we were meant to in this form we have no hope in the universe. truely peeps will live their whole lives not knowing what is to feel.
maybee thats the base. those who have none left and feed off others. i suppose either is posible in things that arent. desparate to feel anything atall. sighhhhh but ummm mostly i ran them off and those who remained till closing had good intentions me
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My friend sits and judges other girls saying they’re too skinny and have no boobs and blah blah cause compared to her blah blah but she fails to realize that shes not a curvy shes LUMPY.
She’s a racist and uses the N word all the time. She’s a convicted felon, I looked at her mug shot on google. She’s a fall down drunk alcholic and a pothead. She’s dangerous. She has weapons and drugs which convicted felons aren’t supposed to have. She’s growing pot which is illegal for felons. If she ever comes on my property I will call they sheriff. And she is a nasty butch dyke lesbian. I assume the nasty acne and marks on her face are from meth. My wife loves her, course she’s a lesbian
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hate my husbands family. They are Jehovah Witnesses who I’ve tried to grin and bare their presence but still deep down I actually hate them all. lol!!
I dont trust this woman what so ever. She was mean to me before my husband and I got married and had our daughter now she tries to play all nice and concerned miss me with the bull crap. She is always so dramatic when she texts me and I’m just like whatever but I entertain it for my husbands. When we went to visit she was “nice” but for some
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