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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Untitled 310

I have a problem with my boyfriend’s friends.

After hanging out with him, one of them told my boyfriend “I commend your efforts to put up with her, how do you do it?” I wasn’t happy after I heard it. I came out today out of politeness. If you don’t appreciate my company, well screw you!

We just don’t get along I guess but there’s a reason for this. His friends have no female friends, had relationships that have ended badly and think women are the scum of the earth. The way they talk about …view more

Life in a nutshell. 39

So, i’ve come to live back with my mother, stepfather and grandfather (at 23 this took some doing), but given that my father took well over 2 grand from me, which would’ve kept me in school long enough to graduate, its all I could do. Now, at first I was (and still am to the minimum degree) thankful for the cheap lodging (half what my rent was in college, allowing me to pay back my student loan a little easier…being on my area’s equivalent of welfare), but thats turned mostly to heavy …view more

tired of busting my ass 313

I’m fucking tired of busting my ass doing the exact job (and running circles around them) that ppl with a four year degree have, not getting paid a quarter of their salary, AND getting stuck with the bullshit work that the managers don’t want to do because “we know you’ll do it correctly and efficiently”. How must that feel to know that I don’t have a degree of any kind and I’m doing the same job you’ve had for 20, 30 yrs and BETTER? Oh and don’t forget getting screamed at for saying that I …view more

What did I get myself into?? 310

my one friend and I used to talk and were going to date. We started messing around and I told him I wanted to date. He told me he wasn’t ready for that but he didn’t want to lose me, so we continued being friends. after a while the heat between us became hard to control so we started doing stuff again. this was two years ago and it is still going one, we havn’t had sex because I’m a virgin and I don’t want to just give that up for a fwb. Although we have only messed around and I’ve lost all my …view more

thanks for pretending 37

You’ve been really flirty with me since we met last year. I felt like you cared about me, which made me develop mutual feelings for you. But then i found out you liked someone else. It was fine, it didn’t bother me that much, nothing happened between you two and you were still always flirting with me. Then I heard you stopped liking her. Soon you told my best friend you liked me and the flirting escalated to the point where you were almost using me, and i thought it was ok since you liked me. A …view more

eating disorders.. no shit 39

really the eating is part of big picture in ways but all it takes is a couple of crackers and some cheese or peanutbutter not 2 bags of popcorn and a vat of pepsi. sighhhh and we eat for different reasons. i eat for all of them. lolol. and it ahhh i suppose i should consider myself lucki as i eat attrociously and like a horse. really at some point the only friend ya have left is food. sighhhhhh. i deeply get it but how the heck do people get ummm to super size. baffles me. i dont work on it in …view more

I am done waiting. 312

Dear Mr ‘Right’,

Suck it. I’m not looking for you. If you’re lost, I’m not rescuing you. Find a map, find your way, and get here already.

The way I see it, with almost every other species on the planet, the male of the species is the one that does the seeking and chasing. It works for peacocks and for other birds, dogs, rabbits, bulls, deer and countless others. The ones that don’t seek and don’t chase, don’t pass on their genes. Simple, and effective.

So this is what’s going to happen. I’m …view more

The Endlessly Annoying Cycle 311

This guy and I have this… routine, where if he just broke up with some girl or I just broke up with some guy we would somehow end up making out and eventually dating. And it’s not a recent thing either we’ve been doing it since 10th grade and we’re now in our 3rd year of college. For some reason I just can’t stop this stupid cycle!

I’ve tried multiple times I would ignore him, be an asshole to him and just tell him straight out no! But we still end up “dating” only to run after the next piece …view more

Grrrrrrrrrrrrr 311


This Bitch! 39

So the other day some of my friends and I were like ‘oh hey we haven’t had a girls night out like with literally no boys we should do it!’ So our friends birthday was coming around and we were like perfect opportunity we were going to have a sleepover and go out and about but our friends mother said we couldn’t invite boys (she was supervising us because we’re still young)

So one of our friends who has a boyfriend was like well if he cant come there’s no point in me going. We didn’t think she …view more

I Don’t CARE Anymore! 311

I just don’t care about SEO anymore. I don’t care about these emails. I don’t care about these websites. I am sick and bloody tired of doing something I don’t care about. I QUICK! I am not afraid of being poor. I’d rather be poor an happy than have a good job and be miserable. I don’t give a flying crap about ANY of it anymore. I won’t be in the meeting. I won’t return your call. I won’t reply to the email. I won’t have a look at that file. I. AM. OVER IT!

i want to get out of here 39

i’m tired of being the person that is always forgotten, always left behind, always cast off to the side. it honestly feels like i barely even have friends anymore. i’m sick of this high school shit. i just want to move on to college and start things fresh.

Escape 314

I am trapped with a girl that I love and hate, that I want to fuck and can’t stand to touch. We don’t agree on anything. Manipulation is part of her character that cannot be disassociated. She literally IS manipulative and controlling, yet has a good heart. She is frustrated with her own inherent selfishness, and it is this desire to change that keeps me in this. However, desire does not change who she is. She is still volatile and manipulatve and controlling. I don’t know how to escape it. …view more

Pathetic little man 37

Calls my mum a bitch behind my back, acts like an angel when i’m around… he’s a tiny little bastard that needs a lesson taught to him.
He brings bad energy into the house, I feel anxious near him, anything he asks me makes me angry, i bite my tongue i show no signs of interest but he still cracks a joke.
My childhood home is now a place i no longer want to be in, the only place I have! He’s taken over, he has to go.

Fuck you bitch! 37

I fucking hate you, you’re such a two faced bitch. You treated me so horribly, and show your other face at work. You caused so much misery you fucking bitch, I hope you have a miserable life, for the miserable person you are! Fuck off bitch!

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