Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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how the hell do you not realize that there’s times where things are not appropriate! like what the hell. you have no idea that MAYBE you shouldn’t be fucking making out with your boyfriend while we’re JUST HANGING OUT. it makes it super fucking awkward and it’s annoying as hell. i figured she wouldn’t act like such a fucking needy whore. she keeps telling me she wants him to be less mushy and kissy-kissy clingy but then when he gets up to leave she’s like “noooooooo :(” and i’m like WHAT THE
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i do believe i hit my target. and truely i do believe and hope those that support that kind of crap for entertainment should dye quick and painfully as possible. cant say as it bothers me much. shrug. if attacked i am going to rip a whole in the space time continuem and make the sicko’s eat their own crap.
concept of being wrong and doing actual harm. it”s tuff. this shit gives peeps strokes with the right spin and a whole lota fuck u. and being wrong. my brain scream WAIT. get the facts and
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ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh my mom won’t let me see a psychiatrist or a counselor or psychologist and won’t give me any medication for a lot a mental things I have going on. 3 years ago i wanted to kill myself, and my school psychologist got me to say it and he had to call my parents and insisted that them knowing would help me because they would be more supportive and understanding of what was going on. so he told them, and he said that they were the only parents of any child that had not shed a tear,
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I really really want to use Tumblr now, but can’t. That’s not just what I’m ticked off about. I’m ticked off about many things, like school, people, my beliefs, whatever. I really wish that things aren’t the way that they are. I want to undo many mistakes I made in the past, but I know that I can’t, so I have to live on with them, and that itself is really painful. It’s all very messed up so far. Why?! WHY?!?!?!?!?!
been quite an interesting week. learned lots. mosyly to duck and run. fuck people r crazy.
mostly in shock but i sorta live my life there i think. the obvious. shrug idk. i have issues and headaches and some people r real. mostly makes me smile. deversion from crazy. shrug.
i often recall over years thinking wtf is going on now i think…. i dont have a fucking clue what’s going on but i hope it all works out well.
anddd i’m going to bed. feel old and tired and defeeted. tomorrows another
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yup still stunned disbelief.
crazy fucking life…..yup.
freaky really andddd as always….all my fault. FUCK. seriously i am going to spend my day SHOWING them it’s alll a crock o shit…..documented anddd seriously i am considering running away from home. tired of being the target for everything that goes wrong in everybody elses life. crazy fucking shit. really i disappear from the scene and it realllly goes crazy. seens like peeps just make it up as they go. weirdness. tired of that shit……yup.
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i aint interested in a real one i can not imagine why anybody would think i need a dream. i am going with sick joke. really i do not want to know what is going on in both my ears and roof of mouth. there was a shove it up your ass crack but i dont recall what it was. i laughed if it counts.
is it bodily fluids week. really i passed pissing my self and about to shit bricks if that makes anybody happy. i love to make everybody happy.
i do not believe i am in a good place. running away has no
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U make me sick! All u do is lie and steal. Nobody is safe from your vile self centered crap. I hope u find yourself all alone with no family and destitute. If people r smart, they will make y pay for your attempts to ruin others lives. U truly must b one of the most hated people to walk the earth. Go drink yrself into oblivion and throw yrself off a high. Balcony. So glad i kicked u out of my life.
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We had a thing for eachother just before school ended and after that we texted everyday for a couple weeks then you just stopped. You didn’t return my texts. Soon after I began to get texts from your friends saying you never really liked me in the first place and that you were just using me to get to my best friend. I can’t even bare to look at you anymore because even after that I still have feelings for you. You are a jerk and you broke my heart into peices. I cried myself to sleep because
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Getting so fucking frustrated with exams. Seriously. I don’t fucking get the point of exams or going to school. Alright ik we need education and shit but firstly, why do we have to wake up at 6 in the fucking morning to get ready and learn? Yeah we should be excited to learn and all but how can you expect teenagers to be active learners when we have to wake up freaking early? We also have homework given and sometimes even do it till late night, and we still have to wake up fucking early for
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You want me to handle the bills, so for a decade I have. It may have started because you couldn’t handle now much money we spend on them, I don’t really remember.
So now I have become the bad guy when it comes to money. You want a new cell phone, we can’t afford it, so you pout like a fucking toddler every day until I cave and cut money from somewhere else and fucking buy it.
Later, I bring it up. Now that you are calm, can we talk about how that was not a smart financial decision? Can we
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nobody had to tell me to give that a second tht. anddd my base has been give it some time for a longgggg time. i just limit the time. and address the issues in reality…..WTF?????? ANDDD do believe i hit the directors dead on. and i can hope that they r. dont feel bad for that cept really it would bee nice to know sick and demented that attack moi and mine get what they deserve . need to leave it to God and Karma.
i suppose the old moi would of spent the night with nightmares of eyes dripping
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“Do this. Do that.” I drop everything at the drop of a hat to make you happy. Now, you want me to be something I’m not. I can’t do it. I won’t do it. You want to talk to me when you want to, or when you’re drunk and around guys that you used to fuck. Go fuck yourself you piece of shit! I’m so tired of your petty games. Our anniversary is in 9 days. If you can’t accept the fact that I’m not going to change, or the fact that you’re acting that a total bitch, I don’t think we’re going to make it
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when i said it FELT like being punched in the stomach i meant felt not looks like. thats creepy nd as far as i know i aint phyco.
last man standing and nobody took care of business. i cant watch this without doing something.
i do believe i shall give up and go shoot myself in the foot.
This chick has alopecia. shes like 20. her mom makes her turn it into some huge issue when any opportunity presents itself. For those of you who dont know, alopecia means you dont grow hair. It isnt life threatening or harmful in any way, yet her mom nags everyone for spots, causes, fundraisers, speaking at events….. of course all on the platform of anti-bullying… anyways, she tries to get vicarious fame through her daughter and its just a sad pathetic cause.
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