Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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i’m so fucking sick and tired of you and your bullshit. i cannot wait for the day when i finally get to get out of this stupid house and go to college. i hope you enjoy your hypocrisy and stupid daughter. how do you think i feel when you criticize me and threaten me when this little bitch gets off scot-free with all the shit she does? i’m done with this double standard. i don’t want to be somewhere where i’m emotionally abused and unappreciated.
I think I had potential. I think I am a good person. I worked very hard and I lost everything, again. You see I had dreams and I this country they tell you that if you follow your dreams and work hard you can make them come true. I believed. I believed in God. I believed in country. I believed in friends. I believed in me. Now I don’t believe in anything. 2 failed businesses and three small children and a wife and nothing else. I wish I had my placebos back.
God damn every damn piece of shit!!! I hate every human being on earth and wish they would all exploed into nothing pieces of shit!!!! I hate this existence a perpetual race of rats and money. MONEY IS FUCKING USELESS!!! ALL WE CARE ABOUT IS MONEY!!!! I HATE OUR SOCIETY LET”S END THIS MOTHER FUCKER!!!!
Is it REALLY too much to ask that you ask a question if you want to have something? Really? Until tonight, I thought we were all adults in this place; obviously I’m dead wrong.
To the crappy child-masquerading-as-adult who decided to snarf some of the cupcakes for THE CHURCH FUNDRAISER THAT I TOLD EVERYONE ABOUT, thanks. Thanks a bunch. It is late. I am tired, especially after being kept up last night with toothache after my dental filling yesterday. We didn’t get in until nearly seven. I
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I hate when I fucking think that other people need to be saved. It contributes to my own weakness thoughts, thinking that I can’t solve my own problems or provide for myself and it fucking sucks!!! HOW RETARDED AM I?!!!?!?!?!? WHY THE HELL DO I THINK I AM ANY LESS THEN ANY FUCKING PERSON ON EARTH!!!! IF THEY CAN HAVE A LIFE SO CAN I!!! GOD DAMMMIT MOTHER FUCKING BITCHES!!! I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF AND SO CAN YOU BITCH!!! FUCK
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I’m sick of uptight women who thinks every guy wants to get in their pants. Well guess what??? I DON’T!!! FUCK YOU!!! Just because i like to be near pretty people doesn’t make me a fucking horny goat motherfucker!!!! FUCK YOU MEN AND WOMEN!!!
I try and do the right thing and be everybody’s “superman” but fuck it I try and I try and keep myself from hurting you and go and flirt with my coworker the second we split. Im definitely glad I ended it now that I see what a fucking child you are. Fuck you too slut
I was a pussy no doubt about. If I had balls I would figure out where the prick doctor lived and would rip his face off!!! I would reach in his mouth an pull to the sides and watch his whole mouth burst then I would rip his skin up over his head!! HE HURT MY WIFE!!! HE DELIVERED MY BABY WITH SUCH INHUMANITY!!! HE WAS SUCH AN ASSHOLE! !!! I WISH HE WAS DEAD! I WILL STOMP ON HIS HEAD UNTIL HIS BRAINS POP OUT OF HIS EYES!!! I WILL KILL HIM OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!! HE IS EVERYTHING I HATE AND I HOPE
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Who are you to tell me that it’s ok to get married but please don’t have any kids…. Why are you getting married? really WTF!! What the hell does that have to do with you? Stay in your damn lane. People always have some dumb shit to say. My FH and I are very independent and very capable of making decisions and taking care of ourselves. What the fuck have we asked you for????? What the hell do you have???? NOTHING!!!!! Don’t even have a pot to piss in and making stupid comments. Get an education,
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I am a girl and I like boys…but this one girl? I REALLY like her. I’ve had a crush on her since I was little. I found out when we were a little older that she was a bisexual. We were always mutual friends until we figured that it was fun for us to hang out. When she kissed me for the first time, to her it was just for fun but to me? Lots more than that. When she fucked me for the first time, it was ok…but the second time? Fireworks! We fucked all the time until one day when everything stopped.
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i’m so sick of this stupid bitch and her holier-than-thou attitude. like what the fuck kind of person screams at someone over not buying them stuff from WALMART? i don’t give two shits about your what YOU need. i’m not here to take care of your business. get off your fucking ass and buy your own shit.
I told my mum about me being bulimic…
and the first thing she said was “well at least you’ll fit into your prom dress.” and then “You don’t ’sick up’ in my bathroom do you?” fucking insensitive!
and now she won’t stop going on about my ‘jiggly bits’
ffs, hf;s bcxbcxzcxzbn cmnd
I hate it when people get angry at me over fucking nothing!!! Almsot everyone I have ever been close with just goes off about fucking shit that does not even matter!!! I want to punch them in the face until their eyes pop out!! And then afterwards they say how sorry they are!! Well fuck you idiots!!! I have always been the nice guy just taking fucking shit all day long!!! Not anymore!!! Today some idiot drove by and said something mean and i flipped him the bird!!! Finally!!! Fucking hell!!! I
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I can’t fucking handle myself let alone take care of my adorable daughter! She wants my undivided attention, sorry little fuck, but I need my own attention. I am a fucking has been and I hope when I am better I can play with you. But right now, my absence has been the best thing for both of us. I only want the good to rub off on you, even though you’ll get both.
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