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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Manic episode over 38

I was really beginning to feel I had super powers and loving all the creativity the mania gave me, i didn’t like the twisted wrong situations I got myself in but I loved feeling so powerful and so amazing and brilliant at everything…now I’m empty and feel like half the person I was…

I’m going to kill my manager 37

Learn your fucking job. Stop asking me for favours and then venting at me because you can’t manage shit. Just confront the asshole we work with and then he won’t walk all over you leaving me to deal with your shit

Facebook “friends” 39

Everyone I want to complain about in my “status update” is on Facebook!

fml 38

I have retrograde amnesia post a horrible car accident where I broke my neck. I have poor short term memory and most of what I do know I have learned about my life second hand from friends. I have been with my current bf for 2 years. He consistently brings up my past relationships and throws them in my face with things I said during them and things I did. He found out all of this stuff by going through my social networking private conversations and my old computer files, all without my …view more

nobody ever dyed from pain 39

ask the tooth fairies. self pitty and inability to function and hoplessness all add to self destructive behavior. i aint self destructive at my base sooo i consume large quainties of chips choclate and pop. take the long road. gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

anddd off to work i go. nuff with the crap and the gargage what is real is all that counts in this life. age is a number NOT a designation. pretty sure i am getting up 15 and will take out the planet if it gets in my way.

i wish to leave not because i think 39

good or bad of THIS. but becuase i think good and bad for ME. mostly bad. dont think the damage is brain butttt spinal and really that cant bee good over the long run. and it’s been a reallllyyyy long run.really after a certain age the bod dont recover like it use to. mehhhh the meaning of life. ummm i dont have any great feeling about anything. zero ambition and am content to deal with my crap and watch dumb video’s and read the news. shrug. we need a cheerleader. and something to do. spring, …view more

FUCKING OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 38

why is it a suprize that when u abuse people to a state of NOT giving a flying fuck, u get a world of people who dont give a flying fuck. seems a little short sited. why beside screaming fear would anybody who crossed the finish line want anything to do with peeps whose motto is- if she lives, she lives.

death of unions. i think that’s a lye. that’s about hormoans and biology and people huddling together out of fear. dont see my path as typical and at the end of the day i have a great many …view more

i think 38

i think we all instinctive know there is something WRONG here. andd we bop along hoping we r wrong. then something sooo mindblowing drops on us andddd. impressive to know end. much of this world is a wonder. deny it in ourselves and melt down. :(. unavoidable was my position, lesson were about ummm much of the bad we bring on ourselves or our denial , refusal to accept that this is astounding beyond anyones imagination but peeps who actually have mental disorders. that`s funny unless u have a …view more

i aint political 39

and if i was u could post a pic of me licking toliets. that shit aint what it says about the victim but what it says about the source. really our world has become to transparent in reality to sweat the small stuff. and if peeps bring it up they eat it. just another way to control people. andd thats about all the pain i can handle for one day. gezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

gotta bee gays on parade week. impressive



People can blow me! 39

I recently quit my job to start my own business. It’s going very well, but my family thinks I’m just an “unemployed loser” now. Admittedly, money’s a bit tight until things get rolling. My parents told me to go apply at frickin’ Shopko today. Seriously? Blow me! I’m not working some crappy retail job for minimum wage when I’ve got 25 years of work experience and three college degrees. I had a frickin’ retail job when I was 16 years old and it sucked a$$ back then. Why would I ever want to do it …view more

Annoying and frustrating 38

Ok so my parents HATE anime they can’t stand the thought of me watching it for some odd reason. And because of that i always have to watch anime in private. recently my brother thought it was ok to SNOOP in my computer and found out i was watching anime and told my mom. like seriously did anyone ask you? I mean whats so wrong with anime!? not to mention I play field hockey and soccer on my schools team which is incredibly hard to make! anime to me is like a hobby just like the two sports i do. …view more

In laws 312

In laws, creating gaping homes in relationships that will never be mended, one birthday, holiday, graduation, insert other big event here at a time. Seriously my family is far from perfect, but dammit they sure do try to make even the newest of the new family members to feel welcome. All I can do is pray for these uneducated rude ass people. The same ones who bad mouth a 3 year old for acting like a 3 year old. Unbelievable.

a couch and a condom 310

both used and old ewwwww. sutle like the bricks i found. sometimes i miss having a camera, very cool, look like finishing bricks from the 50’s. nice.

anddd really the condom is wasted on moi. anddd not that i aint the cheerleader for protect yourself at all times butttt should i had returned to the world of mates ummmm i wouldnt need one as i will KNOW where that dicks been FIRST. complete medical records and criminal record and personal wittness statements.

and wtf am i suppose to dew with …view more

I hate my aunt 311

My aunt skipped my great-grandmother’s funeral 3 years ago.
Not only that but never sent a floral arrangement, never acknowledged her death, never sent a card to our family. It was her own grandmother.

This woman is the most vile person I have ever met.

Her own mother in law died and when she wrote a letter to our family, she said she was curious to see what her in law’s body looked like after death. (Ya I don’t get it either……)
She expressed no sadness for the death of her mother in law.
She …view more

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