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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Society with Religion. 1215

Dear Society,

I hate when you say, ‘God Bless You’ randomly. Like what the fuck. I dont care why are you saying this?

Fml 1215

Alright idc is I sound like a spoiled rotten brat in this story because I’m not and I’m not trying to be one.
Anyways, I’ve been working and focusing a lot in school so I can get an iPhone 6. I take great care of my electronics and everything else. I do chores and homework and pretty much anything else. I don’t do drugs or drink alcohol or anything. So my report came in and my parents saw it ( and I had a higher gpa then last years) I waited 1 week or so for this card to show them how much I’ve …view more

What do I do? 1217

Does anyone out there just want to give up on guys and dating in general?? I liked this guy in the beginning of the year but turned out to be a stalker. Then I met another guy that I really liked but then turned out he can’t date. But then I found out from my friend one day after school she heard him saying stuff about me taking the whole I cant date speech. So turns out he’s just an asshole So now he acts like I don’t exist. We were close friends and I sit next to him in one of my classes. I …view more

my friends fucking stupid ass ex boyfriend 1215

Well my friends ex boyfriend broke up with her and I’m pissed cause she’s like my sister and he broke her heart and she is balling and I want to beat the shit out of him and make him feel pain he is such an asshole and she has the biggest heart ever and is beautiful and he hurt her and he should fucking die and I just hate him so much like no one should he should be dead but you don’t want me to kill him so I respect your words to not go and track him down and beat him up my best friend/sister …view more

My Wife, her phone and naps… 1223

OK…so like 99% of the women I know my wife is OBSESSED with her. She has to nap/sleep with it at her side but she NEVER turns it off when she naps and because she and all her other female friends are OBSESSED with their phones it means she’s going to get a text or kardisian update every 5-10 minutes…thus she keeps waking up to (1) either answer it or (2) get VERY VERY VERY annoyed that it keeps going off.

Yet if I tell her to turn it off or (god forbid) I turn it off…there is f*#king hell to …view more

White Knights 1220

So this girl posted a pic and a long ass paragraph.I said it was cringey and she said something about I how spent money on games when she spent about 500 dollars on markers.Then the white knight comes in and said how I don’t wear “real clothes” which is pretty retarded since I wear normal clothes.Then he went on to say how I got burned and some other retarded shit.


Every fucking time. I love my friends they’re nice enough people and sure I don’t enjoy a few people in my group but let’s be honest theirs always someone you don’t get along with. Ever since New Year’s Eve it’s like they decided to exclude me from their hang outs and shit. And I know for sure I’m not pushy or annoying because I try my hardest not to piss anyone off. 1st the New Year’s Eve party then their hike then just generally hanging out at each other’s houses and what pisses me off the …view more

Denver: 16th and Stout 1223

The new job is great, but if I got to my car and realized I forgot my keys I used to be home 2 minutes late, because I would run back to my desk and grab them. Now I catch a 37 minute train ride to my car, realize I forgot my keys, miss the next train back to Denver, fight my way past all the homeless, overdosing con-artist, aggressive pan-handlers that Denver calls “colorful” who check the garbage for cigarettes right in front of you as if that is just normal part of modern life… walking down …view more

Tired of being sorry 1222

My boyfriend keeps getting mad at me when I can’t reply to him. My reason? I’m helping my cousins. He keeps being mad with me when I don’t let him know where I am. and everytime I just keep saying sorry. and he’s like “good thing I can talk to (insert another girl name here) when you’re gone so I wasn’t bored and asleep” It hurts you know. He’s angry I keep telling him I’m sorry because I love him and I don’t want to fight my protective little brother is starting to be pissed at him and I’m …view more

To those against vaccinating your kids 1222

I think that it is beyond selfish that you refuse to immunize your children. By not doing so, you are risking the lives of I don’t know how many people who either can’t have the vaccines or are otherwise immunocompromised. Infants under the age of 6 months, cancer patients, and then some all stand a risk of dying because you decided that it would be better to turn your kid into a festering shit heap of disease. There are fucking outbreaks of whooping cough in California because of you fucking …view more

texting while driving 1219

how fuckin dangerous is it? P platers are the worst. kill my family and i will come looking for revenge.

Control your kid in public or I will 1220

I was waiting for a table at a restaurant and some woman with a toddler was waiting too. The little brat walks up to me, fucking spits at my feet, and then looks at me DARING me to do anything about it. The mother takes his arm and just whispers “don’t spit” which I don’t know what the fuck she thought she was doing, but that’s not gonna get a toddler to behave. So I told her either control your dog or don’t bring it in the restaurant. She said this is my son he’s not a dog and I said I’ll call …view more

Feels like I’ll never be anything but lonely 1210

So I meet a guy - he’s a great match, we’ve know each other a couple of years so I decide to instigate some personal time - a hike in the lake district (sounds lovely right - yeah I thought so too). So he’s a bit quiet on getting back to my messages - and over a couple of weeks I’ve pretty much taken the hint that he’s just not into me that way… when today I find out (via a group email from his coworker) that he is moving 350 miles away down the country - even the one friggin walk that we have …view more


The teachers in my school are comepingas and most of them should get their teaching licenses revoked.

I don’t find racial minorities sexually attractive at all 1221

For some reason I only find white men to be sexually attractive. I can say someone of another race is handsome or pretty, but sexual attraction is none. For anything else I won’t discriminate at all and I love making friends with anybody regardless of stuff like that. A lot of great people in this world were and are black, Asian, Latino, Native American, Pacific Islander, Middle Eastern, mixed, etc. It’s just I can’t get any sexual gratification.

I’m a gay male and it could be “white worship”- …view more

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