Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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You take my food, you take my friends’ food. You BARELY know them, and you beg them for their food. I know you well, I KNOW that you can prepare your own , but you’re just too god damn lazy. You bully others for their food, and when you actually bring some for once, you don’t share it. Why the fuck not? We give you a good half of our portions everyday, actually you just take them and then sometimes you criticize the way it tastes. You can’t spare one piece of gum to that kid you bullied last
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whats the go ay im ova everythink in this world i hate the gov trying to controll everythink and if it cant it will lock u up…. im ova the worry about money no money no food no shelter…im ova ppl in them selfs thinking there beta then every1 else….i ova ppl steeling off me i mean im good enough to hange around when i have stuff but when im down and out where are all those ppl that i trusted and that i throught where my friends i mean whats the dealieo…. i think my life is about to end i mean
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You stupid little bitch. If hurting me like this makes you feel better, go on, but don’t make me feel like shit for how I am and how I feel. Just fuck off. I wish I’d never ever wasted any money, time or feelings on you. You spoilt brat. You selfish little bitch. Fuck off. I regret ever trusting you.
I used a vibrator once and I haven’t told anyone. Is that bad or what?
There is this thing called fun and games that often involves little jokes and pretend-insults, referencing a touch of reality but not necessarily representing reality. This is also called ‘humor’. When I say, “He is upstairs anti-socializing”, I don’t mean, “That weirdo is so god-damn anti-social and that ain’t right, and SHIT sister your boyfriend is a fucking loser”. I mean, “He is upstairs. He’s not downstairs. No one else is upstairs. And we’re all downstairs. Therefore, as we all know,
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So I just graduated with my Bachelors in Fine Arts 3 months ago and have yet to find a job…I am relocating back home as we speak due to the fact I don’t have a stable job as of yet. I am torn about leaving my friends and such behind but I know this is the best thing for me. Lastly I said goodbye to my true love of 3yrs inwhich now I feel empty. Why is life so complicated for me lately. I have so much on my shoulders to balance and I’m just so overwhelmed. =/
In my fairness the bastard did say i couldnt marry his daughter, so i said you know what? i’d dropping a fudge bomb on his bed. I assume he knows it was me as he hasnt spoken to me since.
But no-one messes with me with and my ass of revenge…… was a good shit too, not one of those volcanic messes which looks like a half-hearted lasange….not this was a “mr.whippy” even managed to curl the bastard……i’m telling you… was worth it.
im 18 soon
still single
still lonely
one gf in my whole life
childish it was
need someone so badly. :(
i have no one
‘best mate’ isnt here
game over for that, just need a ’someone’
i need to stop doing so many damn drugs
I hate you and your many faces
I hate the fact I thought you were a nice person,a good friend
I hate the fact you decided that SHE is the kinda person you wanna associate with
I hate that you have totally ripped them apart behind their backs yet you are their best friend to their face
I hate the fact I know you must be doing the same to me but I will never know if you do or what you say
But most of all
I hate the fact Im bothered
Is a rather unhappy chappy today
Maybe things will go back to being just as epic a few months ago.
No girls seemed to be interested in me. I tried with one girl and she said she wasn’t interested. I am so lonely.
The employees here are slotthlike troglodites. The prices for everything are ridiculous. Even the exchange to local currency is not favorable, cheaper to spend us dollars. Tap water isn’t drinkable, forcing people to purchase small bottles at stupid prices. Immigration also terrible as they could not open the desk on time.
Yalls ever been in a class where you HAD to work in groups and HAD to do group assignments? This one girl in my group is the most annoying little prick booty bitch oh my goodness. She does nothing. NO. THING. but still gets the same good grade as the rest of us because someone is nice enough to put her name on our shits. She one came to me saying she had a flipping nail appointment so she couldn’t do her part. So me being the gracious person I am i started it AND outlined what she should do
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