Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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It’s not “creepy” if he’s hot. I freely admit it. When a very attractive stranger approaches me and tells me I’m beautiful, it brightens my day. When a guy who is short, fat or balding does it, it makes my skin crawl no matter how tactful he is about it. I just want him to go away. I’m not alone in feeling this way. Most women feel the same, but hide the true extent of it when the guys are around.
If said ugly guy doesn’t pick up on social cues that I’m not interested in getting to know him,
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Merry Bed Bugs and Dog Urine
If it’s truth you seek and find it here.
Christmas Eve morning at 6am I feel something under my feet as I sleep in my recliner lounge chair. As I lower the chair lever several times, there is a lump of resistance under my feet and then I feel something stinging in the small of my back, I realize exactly what happened. The reason I sleep in a chair is because we have no bed. We threw it in the dumpster because of a Bed Bug infestation that was gnawing on us and
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I met this guy a while ago. We were best friends instantly and we really hit it off. He’s funny and nice and adorable, and we share the same interests. Almost immediately, he told his friends he was REALLY into me, and it got around to me (we share a lot of friends). He said I was his “future girlfriend”
Originally I considered keeping him in the friend zone. He’s hot and I like him, but I wanted to be free. Then I started hanging out with him more…
We very gradually began to flirt. I was
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I hate having to make a decision when people ask you things. Like, for example, I have to go somewhere this weekend but my friends birthday party is this weekend. I don’t know which one to go to. I can’t make decisions at all. It sucks. Especially since I want to be a Lawyer when I grow up. Someone please give me advice. Thank you.
I’m just so done. I feel fat and ugly as hell and God I don’t know if I can do this anymore. I just needed to say that since I can’t say it to any of my friends
My friend is self harming like crazy. i have told teachers and her parents even know. i called her tonight to let her know how much i love her and how much i care for her and if anything ever happened i wouldnt know what to do. i started talking to her about it and she started arguing with me about how no one cares for her and she doesnt even care for herself. how can you not love about yourself? especially in her, she has so many good qualities and yet she still believes that nobody cares
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Since the first step of recovery is admitting you have a problem, I admit: I have become racist.
I didn’t plan on it, I didn’t want to, and I didn’t expect to. But when I studied abroad in Japan, I found out something about myself.
I fucking HATE white men.
They’re rude, selfish, immature, and all of the white men I’ve met here generally talk about three things (in order of frequency): Whining about how much they hate America (even if they aren’t American, but the Americans went into “AMERICA
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A friend of mine is going through a tough time, has been for over a year and I am there for her, as any friend would be, but the problem is no matter how much my friends and I try to help she isn’t going to do anything aout it for the fear of being “weak” for breaking down and it bothers me, I don’t want to be rude and heartless but I feel I am wasting my time supporting her. I just get angry when people don’t appreciate how lucky they are, and purely focus on the negatives. You can’t rely on
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I’m in a class with complete idiots.
I’m stuck with them until December.
They all have a complete lack of respect- not only for the teacher, or their classmates, but obviously to themselves.
I fucking hate them all.
I get through every unbearable hour and 1/2 class just by fantasizing about going up to each one of them and saying a big “fuck you”.
Personally, I’m always looking for the light in people, but I just can’t find it with these guys. They are loud, rude, disrespectful, STUPID,
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I’ve only met my cousin 3 or 4 times and each time he disgusts me more and more the last time he was here he pissed on my kitchen floor and pissed on the bathroom floor and my dad said that he wouldn’t let him stay with us again course he said that the first time he was here and the second time he was here the second time was understandable my grandfather had died and my father wasn’t going to leave him to bother my grandmom. But now this is ridiculous he’s in our house being lazy laying around
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I hate how people say to parents who have the audacity to complain a bit about the challenges of parenthood, “You signed up for this! No one FORCED you to become a parent!!!” and everyone agrees with them like the parent(s) have no right to complain or ask for a single iota of sympathy.
But the moment someone says to a soldier (or really, almost anyone in any other profession), “You signed up for this! No one FORCED you to join the military!” everyone jumps on them like they’re a terrible,
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You’re always talking shit about how people should “tag others in a status when they make it about them”.. && then when all that shit went down on twitter.. you said it was stupid of that person to post tweets about me without me knowing.. YET, you KNOW I dont have a twitter anymore.. && you go && post a tweet about me? Yeah, thats real mature. Maybe you should take advice from yourself at one point && not be a pussy. GAHHH.
My sister, being her lazy self is sprawled across the couch, she than whispers something, me being in a completely different room, I can’t even hear anything over how loud she has the television. She than, literally, screams my name as if she was in pain, I run into the room panicking, thinking the worst, and she, in the most attitude filled voice I’ve ever heard in at least a week, tells me that we are having pizza for dinner, than calls me a moron, dismiss’ me with a wave of her hand. I
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I’m doing my best to live with you and keep the peace. I buy groceries and share them with you. I bought you a snack in town today. So why the hell do you have an attitude with me all the time? My husband and I actually pay rent to live here. We are paying our bills and buying groceries and trying to earn our way in this world. YOU? You sit on your fat, lazy ass under a roof that our MOTHER is paying for, watching Netflix on a wii that belongs to ME, on a TV that belongs to our MOTHER, eating
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I’m just tired. I feel like I should have stayed in Las Vegas sometimes, but then I’m not sure if that would have turned out too well either. So it’s better to have loved and lost right? Bullshit. I couldn’t done just fine without this one. All she was good for was a good fuck and a false sense of security. tells me I’m all she ever wanted them she gets tired of me and charts on me after 8 months and less to me about it till I put the puzzle together myself. it’s been months and I can’t stop
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