Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I want to find a way to send the majority of humans into space, giving Earth a chance to recover from all our shit.
He’s a fucking inconsiderate shithole who whines about everything. He wonders why he has all these girl’s because he’s a complete asshole who thinks he’s hot shit. He talks shit about the girl I like when I’m right there, gets drunk and yells about stupid shit on weekdays when I’m trying to sleep, and blasts his shitty music all the time. Fuck that kid.
Remember when you were in a relationship how when it was near the end, you walk on eggshells while talking. Scared of what to bring up for fear it will cause a fight. Remember what its like when there is one still holding on. How they mention things that before would have started conversation. How they try to remind you that they still want you. Remember how you handled that? How when they would mention sex you would divert the conversation somewhere else. Remember when they would call you on
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I will be the first to admit, I am not without fault.
- I am a hypocrite
- I lead boys on because I feel like I need the ego boost
- I am a slob
- I am a slacker
- I go through stages of feeling absolutely terrible about myself, then the next day, I think I’m awesome
There are plenty of
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I had sex with and came inside my best friend’s girlfriend. They were on a break back when it happened and not dating or anything, but I guess I shouldn’t have agreed to go for a drink with her.
Whatever, at least she was on the pill and it has been two months already and her period is not late or anything, so she didn’t get pregnant.
Thing is, she was a great fuck. I kind of want to do it again with her.
Yeah, I’m a sick individual.
Another birthday comes and no one notices or cares. No cake, no presents, no nothing. I haven’t had a birthday party since I was 8. That was ten years ago. This year, I was second to an indoor grill that my mother “Just had to have.” This woman has a 400 dollar grill outdoors. I’m not asking for a huge freaking deal, just grab a tiny pre-made cake from walmart, I don’t even need candles! Is it too much to ask for? Am I wrong for wanting one of my parents to recognize my birthday? Am I being
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I bailed on my friends birthday. Long story, but I don’t have any ID, and she wanted to go out clubbing. I didnt want to get refused into places (and then for everyone else to not be able to go in too) so I told her I was ill. I was trying to make sure she had a good birthday. She later saw me… clearly not ill. And now refuses to talk to me because ‘I’m a lying whore’.. slightly melodramatic I thought.
Apparently I’m not the same person since I got with someone, and she thinks I’m ‘always’
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Why does she bother me so much?! He went on one date with her before we got together and I know nothing came of it because he didnt feel a spark. I know Im the only girl he wants and I completely believe him about how much he loves me. He’s the one, I will marry him one day, he’s told me all of this. Its just that she obviously had strong feelings for him, and she still texted him while we were together and left him comments the same as before. She didnt even acknowledge that he had a
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I slept with my best friends mom when i was 14, he never found out, he’d hate me if he did, i dont feel bad though, she was so hot!!
I seem to have a thing for older women now though.
In what universe is it ok to shit right in front of someones front door??!!! Anyone who thinks this is normal behaviour should be put down at birth!!
I’m not even joking, I’m tired of always being so happy all the time when all I want to do is scream at the top of my lungs in how angry or depressed I truly am. I used to be able to write down how I felt in my poetry but lately it just hasn’t been coming to me. But seriously, I don’t believe that there is any hope for me. I’m not saying I’m a person that would ever consider drastic measures but I could surely wish to god for a way out of this horrid life. Nothing is ever right no matter what I
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I hate my bosses aka mangement there all asshole especially the GM he is a prick no people skills
My sister is evil at times but i kind of love her… she annoys the hell out me.
I feel mad, my heart beats really fast just because i am mad, but i need to be calm. My boyfriend did not even say to me that he is going to someones birthday party. I don’t even know why! Is he being secretive or what? Why does he doesn’t even want me to know where is he going?! And one thing, is drinking a really big deal to relationships?
To calm my anxiety and depression, I go for late night walks. Like 11 pm or 2 am walks. I often sneak out, but my brother found out and told my mother. To a normal parent, this would raise a red flag. Your teenage daughter sneaking out at night. Not my mother. She merely acknowledged that I sneak out, then yelled at me about being in my room too much.
Just a few moments ago, she told me “You self diagnose yourself with all these things and none of them are real.”
Oh really.
Suicide isn’t
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