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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Children should be seen and not heard! 2634

There are four houses near mine where kids live. Only one allows their sons to run about our street screaming, shouting and making a huge amount of noise. We have to crawl our cars down the street as the boys like to play chicken with any moving vehicle. We have eight houses that are all adult households. Three of these houses have garage conversions to make extra bedrooms and the boys try to spy through the blinds at the people inside getting changed.

All of us at one time or another have …view more

Why Religion Is A Fucking Lie!!! 2631

First of all, in the Bible, god killed so much people. Satan killed only 10, but god killed so much people that I’ll give no shit trying to describe it. And why would god damn people to hell just for being enough of an ass to believe in a different religion. It’s just plain bullshit. That makes god an asshole. Plus, there are so many fucking, flaws in the shitty rules or blah blah blah of Christianity. Atheism for life!!! Can god draw a shitty looking square circle. Your god isn’t who you think …view more

Both of you 2641

Are wastes of space! Jesus I was a good man to you and your daughter but you were nothing but a raggedy-ass bum-bitch! I even made an honest woman outta your hoe ass! Now I brought my seed into this world under your sorry ass tutelage!!! For that, I will regret it the rest of my life! You left me for your ex? Whom turned out to be your baby daddy of your first child! Of course that didnt last! Now the kids are grown! You’re on your third kid! Three different daddies! Your daughters are raggedy …view more

My so called friend 2630

I have a friend who is poisonous. Whenever I talk with her in a group, she shuts me down as if I don’t count. The main group I talk to that she’s in is something that I only accidentally told her about, an online chatroom. In the chatroom she sticks out, too. She acts differently, and just tries to get attention.

But one on one online, I try to talk to her. I tell her that I’m hurt, and she calls me passive aggressive. I don’t want to bring it up in front of others, that would be drama …view more

It’s Complicated… 2628

You invited me to be a part of a group project. I accepted. Now, I participate, not because I have loads of free time – not even close – but because I was aware immediately that you were someone that I needed to be around. I wanted to get to know you. I did, and you totally shattered my expectations. You’re positive, smart, and beautiful, but most of all, you’re strange. You say things that make people feel uncomfortable. You say things that my dream woman says. You’re the first woman that’s …view more

Valentine’s Day 2630

My girlfriend missed our valentines day date because she went out with her friends. She came home really late and didn’t know it’d be that late. But she’s been avoiding the issue. I’ve been trying to talk to her about this, but she’s been ignoring and went out with her friends again last night. Her friends won’t let her text or use her phone because they think that’s rude. She got drunk and wouldn’t reply to my messages. She says that she doesn’t get to see her friends often but still, I’m her …view more

how do i tell him how i feel without scaring him off completely? 2635

So i have been in love with this guy fro almost a year now and i have told him how i feel but i still don’t know how he feels about me and like he was dating this girl and they broke up so i was obviously happy until i talked to him and realized how much he cared about her but he sent me this message
“I just wish I could find some one that cared as much as i would about them…”
and like it was my chance to tell him how stupid and blind he was being i wanted to yell at him and make him feel …view more

asshole 2625

so you ask me to merry me but dont trust me you take everyones words over mine least i didnt try to cheat with some bitch yea i sent nudes and flirted but so did you pisses me off i try to come and talk to you and your ass is asleep i had to write what i was gonna say out because im that type of person but whatever if you want me gone so be it cuz once im gone im never ever coming back i hope i find who did this shit so i can kill them fucking ass hole teenagers selfish ex girlfriend whores who …view more

I wish he didn’t like her 2636

So I am friends with two people I volunteer with. One is a guy and one is a girl. I have been volunteering with the guy for longer than the girl, in fact, I was the one who invited her to come volunteer with me. Later on she starts disscussing how attractive the guy is and such, and I told her that he was like a brother to me and couldnt think of him that way. Which is obviuosly not true, hence my rant. I like him, a lot in fact. She of course gets all crazy about him saying how much she likes …view more

So how much does YOUR life suck! 2639

So if YOUR life really sucks,
*Do you drink or use drugs to try to ease the pain?
*Do you single out and or just hold a life long grudge towards those who abused you?
*Do you cut yourself to punish yourself because everyone treats you like a loser?
*Do you have bipolar disorder, depression, OCD, ADD?
*Did you miss out on all the best in life that everyone else takes for granted?
*Did you never have anything you really wanted and sometimes only what you needed, or got bailed out of a situation …view more

immature piece of shit 2622

you are a wannabe rockstar diva who can’t sing for worth a damn all of your songs sound alike (really lose the electronic stuff and get a real band) and you are a spoiled immature brat who thinks the world revolves around you NEWSFLASH it doesn’t and all of your little “fans” are either deaf, retarted or just come to your shows for a good laugh and btw if you do “make it” which i doubt you will end up being just a one hit wonder blip on the radar here one day gone tomorrow

today 2627

I feel like it’s been so exciting wondering when we would actually talk to each other in person, but now that I have, I’ve made the wrong impression. I’m worried that I came off as rude, mean, and unattractive instead of everything I want you to feel about me. I just was hoping that you like me as much as I like you.

Who do you think you are bro?! 2632

I’m tired of my friend and the people around me! Every time she speaks it’s about how her life ’sucks’ when truthfully it doesn’t. Then the people around me start talking about how their lives suck and I sit there thinking in my head “Shut up, shut up, shut up!” That’s the things I don’t get why people complain about how sucky things are when honestly I couldn’t give two shits. Wow you’re life sucks I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do for you. If you think you’re life is so sucky then CHANGE …view more

Prom 2631

Everything was perfect they keep saying.
I know I should be happy. And I am… i think. I keep telling myself that I am. My date was nice, if a little awkward, but that’s not his fault. Yet I felt like crying the whole time. Maybe its because he didn’t want to dance. Or that he was weird every time i held on to his arm because my feet were killing me. Or that when we went to Starbucks after he looked like he didn’t really want to be seen with me. Or that he moved from his seat beside me to …view more

EWW GRosS! 2627

Had a guy come in and drop a prescription off with his girlfriend/skank. As I’m typing up his profile, I didn’t notice until I glance back over to let him know it’s going to be a few minutes, that he is dry grind/humping his girlfriend against my counter. I mean really? You are in a public place! I promptly told him it’ll be a few minutes, we’ll call him if he’s got something better to do. What I really wanted to do is ask him if he was just going to fuck her against the counter, since that’s …view more

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