Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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I’ve been an idiot. A complete fool. …and I can’t forgive myself for it,
My husband deployed for a year. He was in a hostile place and not allowed to talk about what he was going thru. I didn’t realize he wasn’t allowed to talk, I thought he didn’t want to talk to me…I got lonely…and started talking to a friend more often than I should have. We talked for months, and just over a month before my husband would be home, I messed up. My friend, became more than a friend. I cheated on my husband. I
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I don’t know your name, all I know is that I have seen you twice in my dreams and can tell that you are helpful, cute, smell like acid rain at night, and you like black seals. We talked a little bit and I think you know more about me than I know about you. I am seriously confused right now because I know I have never met you but I feel like I will soon. If you are real, then when will I meet you? Where will I meet you? How will I meet you? You left me hanging from the edge of dreamland with so
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There is so much to say, and I can’t believe I put it off for so long.
I applied to a lot of jobs, trying to get someone to give me my first job ever. I applied to your store on a whim, not thinking that I had the experience needed to get a position as a dog bather. Yet you took me in and gave me a chance. Take note that I am very thankful for the year and some odd months I spent working for you. But it was not easy, and you never attempted to make it so. In fact, you did quite the opposite. I
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Oh world…Why are you engulfed in suck?
What about having a shitty day/life compels you to pay it forward? Why do you think that the new deli worker deserves your vitriol because she misunderstood you? Why does the poor kid with a stutter deserve to be censured because the power went out in the theater where he earns minimum wage? Are these the only people in your dismal pathetic lives that you have any control over? Has society bred all altruistic tendencies out of the population?
Waking up
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I’m depressed, and only my family knows. I am insanely jealous of every single girl my boyfriend talks to, even if it’s my best friend of ten years. I am so close to hating myself, and I always imagine people being worse than they actually are. I’m always, always scared my boyfriend is in love with my best friend, because she is so much prettier, hotter, smarter, funnier, and better in ALL ASPECTS than I am. He’s just not with her because she’s in a relationship too, and he knows she would
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I hate my mom, even though her man’s “okay”.
People just don’t get it — she’s exactly the kind of person I hate and yet I still have to deal with her!!!
I’m 17 and she treats me like a kid, but when she want to vent or discuss some shit with me, all of a sudden it’s okay to pretend I’m an “adult” all of a sudden.
For the first time i my life, I have my own room and she refuses to leave it. Why can’t she understand that I-DON’T-LIKE-HER!!! She constantly tries to destroy my self esteem and
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Now I know what it’s like to be totally in love with someone and not be able to do anything about it. He’s my best guy friend. He’s been dating another girl for practically the whole school year. I can’t help feeling slighted because I’ve known him longer and he STILL talks to me constantly, but he dates HER. Not fair! (Don’t comment on this with “Life isn’t fair” because I am well aware of just how unfair life can be.)
I just don’t know what to do anymore. Sometimes, I have dreams about him
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My girlfriend, is lazy, selfish and manipulative. She constantly shouts at me over every little thing, uses sex as weapon (when she’s not with holding it for months on end), tries to stop me seeing my friends and constantly guilt trips me. I can’t get away from her either, I’ve tried several times and somehow she manipulates me into taking her back. She knows exactly how to push my buttons and works me like a puppet. I can’t think of anybody in this world who fills me with as much hate and
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Get your story straight you ignorant ass, the ONLY thing that has ever pissed on my couch was YOUR damn grand kid!!! Next time you take that sissified, whiny, sprog to some one’s house to stay the night either tell them he isn’t house broken or put a damn pull up on him. Running around blaming my fucking cat was a damn joke. Maybe you’re embarrassed the little idiot flooded my brand new couch that you didn’t even bother to offer to help clean, but the piss smell is undeniably HUMAN!!!!!
i am irritated because i had plans to hang out with my best friend on saturday and monday. well it turns out that she cancelled because her mom just decided to go out of town saturday, sunday, and monday. the EXACT days i was gonna hang with her and the EXACT days that i was free only. so since she couldnt hang out, my mom made other plans and stuff. but today she texted me saying that her mom cancelled the trip and now she can hang out. but then i cant because my mom already made plans.
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I know that you have issues with depression, and I know that you like poking fun at yourself for it for God only knows what reason, but joking about dying in your goddamn sleep is -not- funny, and I’m getting sick and fucking -tired- of you -totally ignoring- any kind of concern I have for you. You make me -hate- you sometimes, even though you’re my best friend, and that just makes me hate -myself-. I’m not telling you to shut up, I’m just asking you to have even the -tiniest shred- of sympathy
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how can you sit there and watch me put so much effort, time, money, and emotion into our relationship and give NOTHING back. I know you love me, or I wouldn’t stay, but that doesn’t make it ok for you to put absolutely zero effort into my/our happiness. Everyday I do everything I can just to make sure that you have a good day, and it’s all because I genuinely want you to have a good day. And everyday you watch me do everything for you and give nothing in return. Even a “thank you so much” once
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Dear Boss
I am scared to come into work because of you. you make me feel like shit … first you misunderstand an obvious joke and take it very personally which was not my intention as it was in no way directed at you. Secondly, you aggressively ask me to find something I have no knowledge about and when I asked for more information about what I was supposed to be looking for you said “You’re here to help me!”. I know that the role I perform is a support role so being told that my job is to
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I’ve known him for eight months. We went on two dates in that time and have spent the rest of it in some on-again, off-again pseudo online relationship. When he’s not there, online, texting me, whatever, I feel like I can’t breathe.
It’s so stupidly cliche and I know I’m setting the feminist movement back a couple decades, but I need this man in my life. I know he’s it. He’s the one.
There’s a fine line between telling someone you’re head-over-heels, crazy about them and willing to do
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Over the past couple of months, I’ve felt my friends growing distant to me. However, today I discovered private messages from them all where they are bitching relentlessly about me, making fun of my family and deliberately excluding me from all birthdays, cinema trips and after school meet ups. What do I do? Do I confront them directly?
I don’t think I can ever be friends with them again - after all, nine people all ganging up on you with no reason seems unfair??? They don’t even say why they
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