Most Forgiven Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Forgiven posts.
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so im gay right? ya. and i have this really big crush on a boy in one of my classes right? ya. the problem you see is that hes the biggest homophobic person you could meet. hes also a big jock and would embarrass the fuck out of me if i told him how i feel, especially because im not fit. i lay in my bed at night contemplating whether or not to tell him and risk my reputation at the school. idk what to do anymore… :(
Ever just feel that attraction of someone beyond your grasp .. ?
Its like you are a peasant trying reach the favour of a royal.
Simply just not compatible , when you KNOW, you goddamn well know if circumstances had been different that person would have considered you ..
They are out of your reach, you have been weighed , measured and have been found wanting .
Its not even so much the person , its the class of people , the environment , the travels , the culture, the stories
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If you don’t know how to help other people or you always fail at helping other people, then you’re a bastard or a bitch. Good people can help other people when asked. Bastards and bitches can’t. I know a bastard and a bitch and whenever they try to help they fail. When I get asked to help I almost always succeed at helping. I am a good person. Bastards and bitches are usually spoiled, self-centered people.
The problem with spoiled, self-centered people is they think they’re good people and
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My boyfriend is 6 years my junior. 85% more mature than most guys my age… Except.. When he gets mad at me he blasts me with the silent treatment
Wtf, told you I’m sick, replied me “so what if you’re sick?” HELLO? I fking tried not to disturb you when you’re sick so you can have rest, you know I’m sick, and you came complaining to me about your Father again, for the same thing, cus he switch the tv volume high. Okay I understand, but wtf, just because I accidentally skipped certain of your messages doesn’t mean I won’t go back and read again, like hello, I did say oh I read wrongly, and you were like wtf you skimp read my message. NO
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I absolutely loathe when my parents or somebody else says “other people have it way worse than you” or “children are starving in africa” when I’m upset about something but like does that make me feel any better??? no. Telling me not to be sad because other people have it worse is like telling me not to be happy because other people have it better. TELLING ME OTHER PEOPLE HAVE IT WORSE DOES NOT MAKE MY FEELINGS MAGICALLY DISAPPEAR! IT DOES NO HELP WHATSOEVER. Yes, I acknowledge that other people
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Why did you lead me on for weeks, only to tell me you don’t like me?
I don’t even know where to start tbh, I’m a 17 yrs old girl and I’m still learning from my mistakes. This is where my rant starts, I’m dating the love of my life and we’ve been dating for two in a half years now. But get this, I’m what you call a natural flirt and everyone (including my girlfriend) know this about me.
Now let me tell you guys this, about a month ago, I started to find one of my co workers cute (bad
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I have a job, college to deal with and a hyper bratty nephew and niece. I have no time for the bullshit, but really what’s the point? Also I hate that I’m not seeing an alternative to spanking them to discipline them. I’ve tried everything else, and the fact only spanking works suggests that love and kindness are just bs that is beaten into us when we’re young. My parents did it to me, and all it did was screw me up and now I have no option but to do the same. I hate everything so I get wrapped
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I have just mustered up the guts to ask this girl out but I can’t help feeling scaired. I don’t know if it’s because of the way she answered or the fact that I’m afraid that I will just get my heartbroken again. I mean it’s not wrong to feel that way is it? The last girl i dated turned out to be a lot less then she said she was. From the fact that she was almost always drunk ot the fact that she tried denying that she cheated on me. I geuss it’s just that she left me with a couple of scares
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I work my butt off to make sure everything works for you and I always help you when no one else will. Yet you give me the hardest time, really? What will you do if eventually I just get fed up with you treating me this way and walk away. I love what we do, but you make it so hard. Stop making me feel so guilty because I messed up a little. You’re seriously starting to just stress me out!
He’s a childish, drunkard, low boy that has lost direction in his life. A total ass!
i miss you so much already my baby, i love you forever and ever!! these two weeks without each other will be tough but i will be waiting right here with a J when you get home. love you babe
Alright, I have a friend who I do love very much. They are great and funny and hella fucking attractive and practically just amazing to be around. I would do practically anything for them because they would do the same for me, too! The downside is that they are depressed and have anxiety and they do cut (a lot!).
And I get it! depression is very serious and I feel very bad for my friend. I do everything I know how to do to get him to understand that I care for him.
But really.
Sometimes I
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Fuck you, C****. You’re nothing but a horny boy who likes to fuck with my feelings. I knew I shouldn’t like you, and I tried not to, but you KEPT FORCING YOURSELF ON ME, even though my precious boyfriend is more of a man than you’ll ever be. You’re such a shallow prick, I hate you. Go back to fucking Hawaii and fuck your new whore of a girlfriend. Let’s see how long she lasts. I can’t believe I actually considered leaving him for you. I would be pregnant and heartbroken right now if I had.
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You’re not ten anymore. You don’t get to treat me like shit and then go act like an idiot and blame me for all your fucking problems. I’m sorry you’ve had a terrible life. I’m sorry you were bred from a line of inbreeding hillbilly fucks who have zero brain cells in their entire being. I’m sorry your parents are weird. But guess what? My life’s been terrible too, and my parents are just as weird, and my genes are shit too because I’m going to die from fucking Alzheimer’s after struggling with
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