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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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documentation… 1927

Can I just say that it really fucking pisses me off when people write amazing pieces of source code and then don’t fucking provide proper documentation on how to implement it!? Is that just like a thing? I’m gonna spend five years developing this amazing binary and I’m gonna release it, but am I gonna properly tell people how to use it? NOPE. Just gonna hope the gurus already know how to use it and leave the little guys to fend for themselves.

We all start somewhere, fags.

Never gonna happen 511

I wish before I die I knew what it was like to love and be loved by someone. I always wanted someone who was kind and giving.

I could have been prevented 615

21 years ago my dad decided he wanted a kid, so my mom went along with it, and about a year later, I was born. Since day one, the only one who seems to have actually wanted me was my dad. My mom seems to wish she had aborted me so she could live her life with only my older sister, then would’ve been done with kids. She finds faults in me that I can’t seem to change. I have a job, go to school, I have never been in trouble with the law, I pay my rent, and I’m generally pretty quiet. I try to …view more

The Nasty Neighbor 28

She’s a racist and uses the N word all the time. She’s a convicted felon, I looked at her mug shot on google. She’s a fall down drunk alcholic and a pothead. She’s dangerous. She has weapons and drugs which convicted felons aren’t supposed to have. She’s growing pot which is illegal for felons. If she ever comes on my property I will call they sheriff. And she is a nasty butch dyke lesbian. I assume the nasty acne and marks on her face are from meth. My wife loves her, course she’s a lesbian …view more

Why do people lie. 39

My marriage was over 20 years ago. We never really loved each other and should have been divorced many years ago. She just never wanted to have sex with me. That’s fine. The most bizarre thing is, I started to talk with other married women online who were in horrible marriages. She told anyone and everyone I was cheating on her. I have never ever had sex with anyone during my marriage but her. But she lied, to my son. Now I will never get to talk to him or see him again in my life. And it makes …view more

things i hate 312

Stupid questions that people already know the answer…..dick
Customers who are dicks
People who try to worm there way into your life through family members like a stalker
Fuck you
People who don’t understand mental illness and think we are a) making it up or b) expect us to s all out of it…… Fuck off

I hate having divorced parents. 49

I would rather have gay parents than divorced ones who hate each other. “This marriage has been dead for 10 years,” You said. That’s the reason I caught you crying in the middle of the night, right? “Your father was never there for me,” Really? Then why stay with him for 25 years? “Your father wants to get married again,” Why are you telling me this? I don’t like the idea, so now you’re going to force it down my throat? You’re such a great mother. “Your father never gave me my share,” Now …view more

Politics 1922

Too bad, statisticians also have to become politicians. And many statistician-politicians suck as they do not know “good politics”. Is there such a thing as “good politics”? Anyway, I know now why Phil Govt really sucks… it’s because of crab mentality and destructive mentality inside the system. Another reason is that of the intense quest for power. WTH!!! You gonna build a new system which is the same as the aspects in the existing system? Waste of money, time and effort, just for the feeling …view more

Love sucks 913

I told you I loved you and you said it back. Fast forward a couple days and now you say you don’t. You just really like me. Why? Why the fuck would you do that? It’s just ugh. Should I have gotten involved in the first place? Tell me now so I can leave while it won’t hurt as much. I really don’t know what I did. I have you everything. More than anyone would ever give you and you just push me off. I’m sick of you being distant and cold. Sick of it. Don’t expect me to be happy any time soon if …view more

Procrastination 310

I really hate it when people procrastinate. Don’t get me wrong I’m lazy I put things off all the time. When it comes to other people e.g. work or a project or something I put what I have to do aside to do what needs to be done for others and it just pisses me off when people can’t fucking return the favor.

Math Teacher 512

Okay, so I just have to get all of this out because I absolutely despise my teacher! Math is difficult for me and he makes it so I’m going to fail big time. Basically, I walk into my trig class and I found out that my original teacher left because he found another job. My new teacher is a PHYSICS GRAD STUDENT. He comes in and says he doesn’t care about his own classes, and also complains about how long our class is. I’m thinking, why the hell are you here if you don’t even care about your own …view more

Complete Inbeciles, and why? 2328

What the fuck is wrong with everybody in the entire world when it comes down to common sense and mistakes. Earlier today I had make an admittedly stupid comment, and some bitch started laughing out loud because of that, and so did a lot of people, and this stupid dumb fuck i am unhappily forced to call a bullshit friend also laughed at me. Fuck you Louis. You think you’re so smart and cool. You’re just a retarded hipster with nothing better to do in life than hide your own insecurities by …view more

Pull your weight… 2733

How is it that my wife gets mad when I barely bother her while she is doing homework and I’m watching the kids, but when I’m doing homework, the kids are all over my ass to the point I can’t concentrate while she sits on her fucking laptop looking at Pintrest or Facebook or watching E! News or the Kardashians for the 14th fucking time. If I say anything - which I have - she gets an attitude because she’s tired or doesn’t feel good and I need to be more supportive….which is rich considering she …view more

Your final words will never reach him. 2427

Before my husband and I were married, on two separate occasions a woman he had known since high school begged him to leave me and be with her instead. He refused her both times.

Not long ago, two days after she committed suicide, a letter from her arrived in the mail for my husband. He wasn’t home. I opened it and read it. It started with, “By the time you read this, I’ll be gone.” She went on at length about how she had always loved him, even insisting that she loved him more than I ever …view more

Lightinmyeyes 411

I hate when you go on facebook and everybody’s getting engaged. Then your boyfriend’s best friends are getting engaged. And he will just not ask you. We’ve been together for three years. I’m a forever alone type. that will never find anyone else unless I lose lots of weight and have extensive plastic surgery to look presentable. He’s…well he still cries at sad episodes of tv shows and constantly asks me for money (which is OK, cause he pays all the rent). So he’s not going to find anyone else …view more

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