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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Little spoilt brat. 913

You stupid little bitch. If hurting me like this makes you feel better, go on, but don’t make me feel like shit for how I am and how I feel. Just fuck off. I wish I’d never ever wasted any money, time or feelings on you. You spoilt brat. You selfish little bitch. Fuck off. I regret ever trusting you.

Old enough to know better, but… 2928

I am old enough to not give a shit about this kind of stuff anymore, but for some reason just knowing this chick exists online is enough to make me want to blow up unicorns. She’s passive-aggressive, only acknowledges you if you can do something for her (otherwise she sticks to her gaggle of butt-monkeys), and openly manipulates the game. AND YET: OMG SHE’S SO COOL AND SUCH A GOOD ARTIST AND SO FUN TO HANG WITH! WE LUV HER SO MUCH!!!!!!

AND YET: A metric fuckton of people left the place she …view more

So fucking tired of this shit 3531

The entire human race hasn’t got a fucking clue why they exist and is just pandering to their basic desires until they finally die. Am I the only one who is wondering what the fuck is going on on planet earth..? Not one person out there can give me a valid reason for my existence on this lonely little rock aside from to create some mini-mes so they can grow up to be fucking clueless too. I feel like i’m tied to the mast of a ship with no captain or crew going round in circles. Am I the only one …view more

Enough already! 78

So, I tried posting an anonymous rant earlier, on another site, about how I was stressed out and tired of not knowing what I was doing with my life, and most of all tired of people telling me to be patient and everything would work out. Ironically, that is just what the people who commented said, only they added that I needed to get over myself because some people have real problems. Thanks for nothing! I wasn’t saying I had the market on problems, just ranting about mine. There was no need to …view more

YOU’RE A MORON!!!!!!! 49

I SWEAR IT! Only a moron would let men run all over them the way you do. There are worse things than being single! Namely, dating a guy (and you’re dating, don’t throw words at me) who can easily be led astray by vengeful ho-bags! If he did it once, he’ll do it again and if you think they didn’t fuck, I’ve got some swampland that would be great for developing! GAH! You waste of a college education, why do you do this? Why do you think so fucking little of yourself that you put getting a man - …view more

Stupid f*ckers, Why? 513

Why is life so utterly painful if you have the slightest intellect? Have you ever notice how stupid people are constantly going ‘Wow’ at everything? That’s because their tiny, emaciated brains are seeing everything like it’s the very first time. They actually ENJOY work, because they don’t even have to think at all for eight hours. They eat the same fucking meals on certain days of the week, and go to the same place on holiday every year where they do the same sodding thing - stare at the sea …view more

Seriously? Her over me? 511

I looked at your texts when you left your phone here. You saved texts from her. Told her you have feelings for her. That co-worker you fucked a while ago. The annoying, fucktarded one who oozes giggly dipshittery 24/7? And is a god foresaken moron? Who looks like she’s 12? Who has a fucking boyfriend? Why you fucked her in the first place is a mystery - all I can come up with is convenience. And I know you don’t owe me anything - we are (were) just friends with benefits. But I wish you knew …view more

I hate you, you little ginger vegan cunt 2827

You talk so much shit, you pretentious, ginger, vegan cockbreath faggot. Your skinny jeans make you look like a cunt, as do the thick framed glasses. As for the pretentious crap you post on Facebook, seriously man, just go fuck yourself. Also, Henry Rollins is an overrated dick. As if I’m going to pay good money to listen to that fucking idiot spout his half-formed political rantings. Oh, by the way, you really should stop labelling yourself as “music obsessive” wherever you go, because …view more

Why the fuck am I so damn nice?!? 1214

Honestly, I don’t know. But I can rarely ever bring myself to just come out and tell people how I feel, about them or just things in the world. I think it, but don’t say it.

And oh god, how I wish I could come and say what I want to say to my best friend…He’s a great guy, yeah, but now he’s teetering dangerously on my ‘If you don’t stop acting like a spoiled princess who has to have everything your way’ meter and I may end up punching him in the face.

He has to have everything his own fucking …view more


For God’s sake. Some people have the worst taste in men ever. Know I liked them and instead went for the one with questionable personal hygiene, riddled with STIs and acts like a complete tit the entire time. He’s even worse looking than me! Plus has never been momogamous to anyone and regularly sleeps with people with ‘friends’ are seeing! I concede his stomach is bit slimmer than mine but when that stomach is infested with scabies I consider that a moot point.

A Pet is a Pet 512

Not a kid. GRRR! It makes me insane to hear people talk about their “furry children”. They’re not your kids! I have a kid AND a pet! There’s a difference! The best your pet will ever give you is letting you pet it and NOT POOPING ON THE FLOOR! So don’t look at me with my kid and say that you have the same thing with your dog! IT’S NOT THE SAME! ARGH!

I’m tired of making other people feel better about themselves. 1114

In particular, my best friend. It’s not my fault your life is in the crapper. Every piece of advice I’ve given you, you’ve ignored because it doesn’t fall into your perfect fantasy of what your life should be.

News Flash: You’re not a princess, you’re not 16, Prince Charming isn’t coming to sweep you away in his big, brawny arms. You’re 37, you live with your parents, your husband ran off because he was tired of putting up with your overdramatic “me-me-me” bullshit and the men you pick to …view more



I am 25 and I still hate my parents. The cool thing is that after living with my fiance for two years (and AWAY from my parents) has taken me a step back and shown me that maybe I’m not being emo and maybe there are a few little legit reasons for them to piss me off so badly. My oldest cousin has excommunicated from the family because of her dad, MY dad’s brother, who was an asshat and made her feel like a worthless unwanted piece of shit, HMMM AND SOMEHOW I …view more

Why? 512

I am so glad you can just give up on our friendship so easily. It makes me sick and upset that you are so “happy” with your baby and boyfriend. I needed you and you weren’t there. I have ALWAYS been there for you no matter what. The part that hurts the most is the fact that you don’t care how much this has hurt me. I literally suffer because of this. I try to say I am done and be strong but the truth is, I still miss you Danielle.

School 911

Biology sucks ass, accounting sucks ass, math sucks ass, and computer science sucks ass. Education is a brainwashing experiment by the government. Crazy bitches need to chill out.

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