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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Open fire. 1015

I fucking hate life right now. XD Not in an emo way, just like I’m tired of all the bullshit, tired of being tired, tired of half-loyal family and quasi-friends.

It started out easy enough. I cashed my living check, got food and books. Went to class every day like a good girl, though I did no work in my regular classes from the start. My one online class I did everything for. Went to my psychiatrist/psychologist appointments and took my meds. I even lost weight, and thanks to a bit of …view more

Spineless or Jealous? 2530

When I see her putting her new guy ahead of me, it really gets me down, and I always begin to resent her, but never say anything to her about it… Does that make me spineless?

Then the anger turns into sadness and I’m glad I didn’t say anything to her about it, because it’s all borne of jealousy.

hi all alway been my dream to have a been 912

hi iam 36 what to have a baby it s alway been my dream my boyfriend doesnt because hes be there it s making me down really and up set what should i do


I hate every fucker on this planet.Every one of them just seems to want money from me.The fucking smelly kids are just the same.The first words they learn are-CAN I HAVE.I have one young relative whose parents are living on State handouts and yet they’ve got everything,paid for out of my fucking taxes.All the little tosser wants for Christmas is just about the most expensive mobile in the world,costing about 30 million quid.And if I get one more smelly Indian ringing me at home to try and sell …view more

Crazy Egotistic Psycho… 1220

I swear it my friend is a crazy egotistic psycho that thinks she knows it all…. like honestly don’t ask for an opinion or say something that you know i’m going to toss my 2 cents in on. And honestly learn its a fucking opinion…. She always has to think she knows it all and is always right and its sooo fucking annoying. She doesn’t get the fact that omg maybe for once someone actually knows or has observed something differently from me that I could take to my own knowledge.. Noooo instead you …view more

arghhh 3640

boys are pricks! theres this one guy and we’ve only met a couple of time as friends.. and he always telling me how much he likes me and that he think im gorgeous and he reckons we would make a really good couple.. he texts me, emails me, messages me on fb and mingleville, he calls me and asks my friends how im doing and stuff.. he tells me he’s fallen for me and that it would be perfect if we got together.
so. the other day we was talking.
he says; i really wanna get with you..
i say; why …view more

Vietnamese Girls!!!!!!! 1019

I think that they mentally retarded and not normal. I don’t know why guys marry them or why they would want to get involved with them in any way, shape, or form.
When it comes to grown Vietnamese women, they are the bossiest and most demanding of them all. I see married couples all over where the guy is actually the bitch..literally.



stuped fucking husband 412

iv dealt with this ass cheating on me his drug use and him saying he does all this becouse of me . iv always been there the one with a clear head . i stopped drugs after im found my self yelling at then my one and a half old son so i stopped . have not done any sence .. my family is my life . he cheated year’s ago . then over the past years he got hep c from one girl / . iv never cheated iv had chances to but id stop the other in mid sentance by saying im sorry but i cant.. my husben and i had …view more

guys pfffft 2433

Why do guys always go for the sluts. The younger sluts too.
They say they want a real serious relationship and then bang some young honey.
I can’t tell, they say their girlfriend is an angel, virgin before they met them and doesn’t do drugs or smoke or doing anything of that nature.
Are guys really that stupid and naive ???
Or do they know and know care???
how can they honestly believe that bullshit !

WHY 713

Well he was the one that started to talk to me, and whenever someone talks to me I get excited. Then he was saying oh ?how are you? and stuff are like ?I missed you by the way?, and well that made me think about my past feelings for him. He then started hinting maybe he wanted to do stuff with me and so well I reacted…probably for the worst since he only just broke up with his girlfriend (like only a couple hours before hand).
And then on his msn he is acting sad and says he misses her and I?m …view more

Friends 2231

Lately my friends have not really been…well my friends. I was asked if I wanted to go somewhere today and then never heard anything back from anybody. I even cleared up all my plans for tonight just so I could hand with them. Show’s how much I’m wanted…


Tired of not fitting into their box. Never given a chance even though you worked for 30 years. Employers think just because someone has a degree, they are normal or don’t have personal problems, think again. I have seen it in my own children. Past employees with poor manners (a degree gives them a license to be an asshole and refuse to do any work they wish not too), play on the internet and cell phone while at work, be disrepectful, steals and destroys the employer’s personal property if they …view more

Ex’s 1011

So his ex messaged him on facebook today, when he told me what she said I could tell he was lying, I tried to snoop and look for myself, shameful I know but I had to check, then I find out he changed his password, 15 minutes after telling me about the message, I don’t know what to think now :(

Stupid Boy! 4144

So there’s this boy that I used to kinda like. In August, I sent him a message saying I kinda liked him, but wanted to know if it was worth my time, and he said no, so I was fine. Then he started kinda being an ass, and I forgot why I liked him.
Then today, we had to go to something for chorus, so I got a ride with him, and we were the only ones in the car. It was SO fun! I remembered why I had kinda had a crush on him: he’s fun, goofy, quirky, and nice.
And then we were around the handful of …view more

Why? 415

He called her babe and he’s not even dating her. Thats what he called me before we started dating, and he still calls me it. I just feels weird to see him say that to her.

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