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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Lost 2233

I don’t know what the hell I’m supposed to do anymore. My best friend and I are really close, but we can’t seem to go a day without arguing any more. I love him with all my heart and I don’t want to lose him.. but he just drives me up the wall.
I’m just so lost and broken right now. I want to make things better and move on, but something is telling me that eventually it’ll just go bad again. We’re very broken people and trying to hold each other up all the time is just so damn hard.
But I …view more

College 79

Fucking accounting is literally the worst thing to ever happen to me. I’m taking this stupid ass class with a teacher who is a horrible teacher. She is so fucking ditzy that nothing ever gets done in class. Like what the fuck. I have not been taught anything this entire semester. I am literally wasting my tuition on this fucking dumb teacher who isn’t aware of how to teach me anything. I know accounting isn’t a reason to be ranting but I’ve been trying to do this fucking homework for hours now …view more

I dont know what to do anymore. 2335

Ugh. *sigh* I don’t know what to do anymore.

I’ve never experienced anything like this before: the conceitedness I get when I’m near them, the butterflies when I look at them, and tripping over my words when I speak to them because of how nervous I am. This is like my normal social anxiety on a whole different type of level. I want to talk to them without tripping over my words, I want to ask them to hang out, and maybe later on down the road I would like to ask them out…but I’m sure they are …view more

Problems circling my mind 2642

1) i have always been laughed at or made fun of for being a loner. I often go to movies or dinner alone. Im just too lazy to even ask if anyone wants to join me. They will either be busy, too lazy or have no cash. At this point, im used to being alone but that doesnt mean i like it. I have thought about being in a relationship but..

2) i have been single for the whole 20 years of my life. Im just too afraid to come out of the closet. I have thought about it countless of times but the first …view more

I hate my little sister !! 3132

She’s just so freaking mean to me always! Whatever I do she doesn’t like and whatever I say she’s going to say I’m wrong! I try to be nice and I freaking try to be patient but she’s just sooo bitchy to me! She never cleans after herself, her room is a freaking mess but god forbid her go out without makeup or nice clothes! She doesn’t care about hygiene or cleanliness she just cares about looks. And she constantly tells me I’m ugly but she puts tons of makeup on her face?? And I wear none. She’s …view more

Sweet, Sweet Freedom 2129

Dear old friend group,
Sarah- You are dramatic for no god-damn reason. It is annoying and immature. I wish you could find it in yourself to life without a boyfriend for more than a month.

Rachel- You wine about how others act, but you don’t say anything to their face. I wish you can learn how to voice your true feelings to a person’s face.

Taylor- Being a lesbian doesn’t make you cool.

Emily- You are a blonde bitch, with your head stuck so far up your ass that it is a scarf.

Kendra- I …view more

You’ll always be fake and forever alone 710

You self-centered child! I’m sorry you’ve had to deal with a loss and you feel like your whole world has ended, but it hasn’t. You will feel happiness and get what you want. Its not a one time thing. But because you decided I am not worthy of anything, you have abandoned our friendship because of lies other people have told you. And you believe them! You’re an idiot and I hope you don’t drive your husband away with all your immature nagging about the most petty things. I wish you nothing but …view more

Neighbors!!!! Ugh 49

I regret buying this house. Both neighbors on either side of me have barking dogs. The crapo neighbor directly across the street from me is a Mexican family that has to party every fucking weekend. From their garage. Their cheapo Wal-Mart speakers blast mariachi music while their giant bbq smoker sits in their driveway belching out smoke. They line up chairs facing the street and sit there…..why???? It’s not a busy street at all, there’s nothing to look at but the darkened houses across the …view more


Every fucking time. I love my friends they’re nice enough people and sure I don’t enjoy a few people in my group but let’s be honest theirs always someone you don’t get along with. Ever since New Year’s Eve it’s like they decided to exclude me from their hang outs and shit. And I know for sure I’m not pushy or annoying because I try my hardest not to piss anyone off. 1st the New Year’s Eve party then their hike then just generally hanging out at each other’s houses and what pisses me off the …view more

Men marrying whores 2831

Like the title says, men marry whores, and when the relationship goes sour because she cheated or cleaned out his bank account, the guy will inevitably jump on to Twitter and blame every woman on the planet and proclaim that we are ALL whores and two-timing bitches. Free clue: That’s what you get for marrying a whore. Don’t blame decent women for your poor choices in a mate. You don’t want us, remember? You don’t want a woman that truly loves you. You marry with your dick instead of your …view more

. 00

Everyday I read books about these couples that, when they look at each other, they see stars. Or they can’t help but smile because that person is just so beautiful. Or their breathe hitches and they can’t help but think that they’re so lucky. That out of all of the people in the world, what are the odds that they would end up with this perfect person. And everyday, Every single day, I wonder what it would be like to love someone like that. To think “yeah, I don’t care what happens, they’re …view more

What am I worth? 3037

I keep fucking up my life and i can never forgive myself. I’m such an emotional person and i get emotionally attached and because of that I do things i regret to feel like I’m worth something when in in the end it just makes me feel less and less about myself. I feel so alone, even though i’m surrounded by people who i know love me. I have family, but I don’t know what family is. I have friends, but they all leave me thinking everything is fine. I have myself, but I’m the person I hate the …view more

Make up you mind 513

So my friend broke up with her boyfriend cause she thought she wasnt feeling it no more. Okay i respect that. So she started talking to 2 of her exes and 2 other guys who use to into her but she never gave them a chance. Okay thats iffy but okay. And now shes talking to her most recent ex again and she goes out on basically dates with all of them. But when 2 of them asked to get a bit more serious she said she didnt want any relationships right now and only wanted to focus on herself and her …view more

Fricking Exhusband 1641

I just have to say it. I know it isn’t original…but he is such an arrogant control freak. Puts our daughter in the middle of things and is just a jackass. I wish he could see that he isn’t hurting me anymore but that his actions are impacting his own relationship with his daughter. She’s in therapy trying to deal with him….but it isn’t working and I feel so badly for her. I hate that he lets his need for control hurt so many.

Sick and tired of myself 510

I don’t know what is wrong with me these days . I don’t know if it was because I’m a teenager or it was because I am just pms-ing or anything of the sort . My temper gets shorter and shorter each day . Every single thing irritates me , makes me flared up . When I get anger on certain matter , I will feel very violent all of a sudden . No , it’s not the type of violence where I want to smash somebody’s head into the wall . More like I want to punch something type of violence . Every time I get …view more

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