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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Is any of this worth it? 39

Where to even start.. I have PTSD from living in a neighborhood where gunshots are frequent, my neighbors and friends have died in front of me. My father was an drug addict with a heart of gold who died from cancer when I was 15, but I hardly knew him. My mother… my mother has so many mental and physical issues it is unreal. Throughout the years she has called the cops on me 27 times, starting when I was the age of 12. They have stopped coming after the last court date which she finally …view more

My fat insecurities 1922

Every time I go out or whenever I’m home I feel so disgusted with myself. I eat a lot. I run almost every single day but I still feel like a sumo wrestler. I don’t wanna feel like that and I don’t know how to get rid of that feeling. No matter what I do I always feel like people are laughing about me because I’m big (fat). I don’t know what to do. I always try not to care but it’s too hard for me. It makes me have a mix of emotions because I’m not comfortable in my own skin. I always think …view more

Friends 2135

Ever since I was little, I’ve had anxiety. I can’t socialize properly, talk to teachers, ect. I have two best friends who are the only people I can really relax and be myself around, (apart from my family). Last year, my friends started to go through phases, get into boys, and there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s normal! The problem is, they’ve started to drift away.. I had to change schools due to severe bullying and medical reasons, and my friends stopped communicating.. They have my phone …view more

someone help me 1326

Here’s the problem: I came into high school with no friends because my friends from grade school were horrible to me and during the summer I finally told them to leave me alone. I was sad until I met my three best friends. My issue is that they all are still friends with their grade school friends which is so understandable, but sometimes they make me feel so left out. I consider myself good friends with their grade school friends now but they literally hang out all the time and never invite. …view more


Black Lives Matter. Then all lives matter. But let’s be honest, no one but the black and white people matter. I’m just saying it like it is. And the fact that no one, NO ONE, at all will admit this bothers me so much, because, why do only black and white people matter? This is America, yes it is my home, but it is not my home at all. White people claim that white privilege doesn’t exist, black people claim that their culture has been taken… but hasn’t everyone else’s culture been taken? We’re …view more


SO I STOOD UP AND SAID THIS: (someone recorded it so thats how i know every word)

I was thinking of why the human brain acts out as it pleases in such ways, and as to why some people think the best thing to do and for others is to emotionally test them until they break,leaving pieces of them behind and studying every last jagged fragment, until they have assumed to figure them out, only to find that they were studying the wrong person, tested the wrong person, and broke the wrong person, and …view more

England 1827

Im 15 years old and i am sick of seeing my country decline. the rich are pigs sitting in lavish houses and the government only do things suited for the higher class. david cameron is a vile human being and so are all the rest of parliament. conservatives will do nothing for this country, and even when there were protests against them it wasnt even shown on tv! THE LOWER CLASS PEOPLE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE UP THIS COUNTRY AND WE GET NOTHING IN RETURN. PEOPLE WORK TO BUILD UP THIS COUNTRY AND TO …view more

Need Air Conditioning At Work 310

It’s almost 90 degrees in here, and humid. It will be almost six more hours before I have a chance to leave this room, or even get a drink of water. The air conditioning is shut off, and there is nothing I can do about it. I already feel nauseated and dizzy and I know that once again I’m going to end up really sick. The ice pack I smuggled in under my shirt melted hours ago. The boss went to a meeting over three hours ago and never came back, so I can’t even complain. I’m tempted to just call a …view more

i’m positive theyre not a bot 1825

I’m currently in a long-distance relationship with a partner who lives in a different country. We’ve known each other for about a year now, and have had constant contact with each other and have seen each other’s faces, but we have never met in person and they refuse to engage in video conversation or anything of the sort. They have very large mood swings and some problems with depression, sometimes acting amourous and sometimes suicidal. When they get very depressed or if I haven’t been …view more

anonymous 48

ever since I started to eat less and lose weight my body has so many issues. I feel like I’m a teen stuck in a old man body

Worthless. 2119

I often don’t feel good enough. Like a worthless piece of shit and I know its not true but why else would people not put as much effort into being there for me as I do for them.

Move On 3139

I think I should let go of him. I think its been long enough that I’m no longer in love with him but rather the idea of him. I also think that he might be a dick, I don’t think he does it purposefully but if I think that he is then he’s obviously treated me like shit a few times. He just gives me mixed signals and makes me feel not good enough. I should let him go and move on.

Bullshit 39

So, I just stayed up all night because my “friends” said they were coming over. “Be there in a hour” “sorry 30 more minutes” then finally when they don’t show passed midnight “sorry its late and we are going home so we can get drunk” they literally bullshitted me all fucking night knowing I have to be up super early for work tomorrow (or should I say todau because it is now the am hours) some fucking friends I have. Fuck this, time to get new friends! Note to self: don’t trust people. Guess …view more

Tired of Everything. 2036

The title explains it. :’(

Am I too paranoid? 1430

So here.. I’m nervous about almost everything. I’m afraid that I could have diseases. Because our family have this freaking disease called.. diabetes. It flows in the blood(?) And I love to eat sweets. Add the fact that I always sleep late. Can’t help it. Staying up late and reading keeps me calm. And my Mom keeps reminding me that sleeping late can give me the DISEASE called Leukemia. I’m afraid of those things.I don’t want to go to the hospital or what to have a check-up because I’m afraid to …view more

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