Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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terrific as i am not for sale it aint an issue. return to sender
why do i feel like i am fighting for my life. this shit is just sick. truely.
most certainly medical will win today. this aint normal and i shall avail myself to the majic of modern medicine. drugs aint working and i dont drink and dont see how either fixes much.
ummm sin. i see a tool. information recieved and sent. unexpected effects and consquences is an issue but it is in reality as well. scraves can bee used to choke and restrain as well as keeping us warm and toasty. the intent is all that is relevant. aint any other way to live your life. i aint happy bout it
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peeps terribly confused by being relieved when our loved ones pass. i thought we all did? ahhhh sick and in pain with no quaility of life. that aint living. well lived life and a little dignity. on some levels our loved ones can bee alot of work and if u cant spend the time and worry they are being cared for and tired cause you r running 24/7. there is relief. doesnt take away from the grief of losing them and i think it’s a natural reaction of being human. last time i checked we r.
ahhh a
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I fell in love with this guy in my English Comp class. I helped him with his final portfolio for 3 HOURS! I would’ve even done it if I didn’t like him. The thing is he was pretty much just using me. He knew I liked him and that I would help him. The only reason he was friends with me was because we were in the same English class and he had to tolerate me. The semester ends and he stops talking to me. I loved him, but to him I was nothing more than a fellow classmate, not even a friend. I was a
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For the longest time I was questioning my sexuality and I realized I was bi and my friends seem to not accept me so I am scared and probably never telling me family.
My gf of about a year and a half broke up with me four days ago in a text message. The day before that she had called about taking a break. We started seeing each other senior year of college and after that it had to be long distance because we were both so broke that we had to live with our parents. The issue of not seeing each other became worse and worse, more and more painful, until both of us felt like we should reconsider the relationship and where it was really headed. But she broke up
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Ok so my parents HATE anime they can’t stand the thought of me watching it for some odd reason. And because of that i always have to watch anime in private. recently my brother thought it was ok to SNOOP in my computer and found out i was watching anime and told my mom. like seriously did anyone ask you? I mean whats so wrong with anime!? not to mention I play field hockey and soccer on my schools team which is incredibly hard to make! anime to me is like a hobby just like the two sports i do.
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my life will bee what it will bee and i shall do my best to deal with whatever
ummmpeeps who annoy u and other good reasons to have separate living accomodations. gezzzz i got a headache. a smile andddd really everybody is annoying in their own way and at different levels at different times. closest were just seriously over the top anddd some stuff hard to choke down forrrr sure. but then so is everybody else. really there at things to love and hate in everybody. i’ll go with annoying and some
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I hate everyone else’s happiness
there will bee a brief 10 minute or so rant and then i am going to get on with taking a nap
are u fucking kidding me. what the fuck good did that do to tell somebody there childhood had a few freaks and wierdo’s aint anything new or uncommon and seriously WE ALL GROW UP DEAL WITH OUR CRAP AND GET THE FUCK OVER IT AND GET THE FUCK ON WITH LIVING. endlessly dealing with a past that wasnt purfect and is IRELEVANT TO THE PRSENT is a waste of time effort and really ANYBODY hurt auntie and uncle and
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Conchita, you far, slovenly, gross pig, who the fuck knew a your friends were as ugly and morbidly obese as you? Hahaha! You’re so disgusting you fat ass cun. When you and your fat cunt friends are all walking down the street with that Lincoln looking motherfucker, you look like the number 100,000. Tell Micah I saw his shitty drawings in a children’s book called How to Draw Like An Asshole Fat Cunt.
I’m 30. “Black”. single. Undesirable. I’m not ugly. Gays look at me all the time. Older women comment me. …the women my age just irk me. What is with the women?! they don’t even look at me when we cross paths. Eyes to the floor. Always EYES TO THE FLOOR. NEVER a friendly gesture, a “hello”, a friendly smile. I don’t exist. The look so…tight ass. Women my age think they so highly of themselves. They think they look so cute. They think they are just the hottest things walking around. Too good for
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After I found out you and my fiance fucked while I was out of town I calmly confronted you and you filed a restraining order against me. I hope you have a miserable pathetic life, that’s more than you deserve.
I’m a 27 year old female and I’m attracted to other women. I have been with two women before, but it’s been a while. I just want to lay a woman in my bed right now and have my way with her.
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