Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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i make myself throw up sometimes. it’s not an illness. i’m not diseased. i just know i’m very fat and if i over do it on the food it makes me feel better to throw some of it up. no one knows this about me..
of this piece of shit world that I live in. Most people are nothing but self serving, mean spirited, shallow, boring, idiotic excuses for human beings. If I were God I would blow the entire fucking Universe into oblivion and start over with people that actually have some decency in them. I’m sick of all of the idiots online that go around insulting people because theyre cunts that dont have the balls to face their own demons. I’m fucking sick of politics. I’m fucking sick of racists, period.
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Nothing but people jacking off… WTF?!?
i hate my life. i hate myself. no one undrstands. it sounds so cliche. it’s not. i’m getting old. i’ve accompished nothing. i’m fat and ugly. i have no boyfriend. i’m alone and it’s horrible. i don’t know how much more i can take.
i got high with my best friend after promising my boyfriend i wouldn’t and then proceeded to have sex with him. hate me if you will but that was the best bang i’ve ever had and for some reason i just can’t make myself feel bad about it.
i am so sick of this!!!!!!!!!!! why can’t i even have a normal conversation with you. i’m so sick of holding my tongue. I’m sick of keeping it inside. I’ve prayed so much for you to just surrender control and let life take care of its self. you have to micromanage everything to the point of telling my how to brush my teeth. REALLY? and when you tell me you know what i’m thinking and feeling i almost lose it. between you and me, who is more likely to know what’s going on in MY head? and you
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I’ve asked myself this time and time again. Don’t get me wrong I’ve had good times with you. You’re honesty is refreshing at times however, your attitude is alarming. I understand you suck at life. But the thing is, that you’re partly to blame for all the shitty things that happen to you. I hate to say it, but it’s your fault. You have this chip on your shoulder and this stick up your A%$! You need to lighten up and enjoy life once in a while. And it’s not just me who feels this way. You’re
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My mom’s an idiot. I mean in all honesty, she should really back off. Butt whenever I try to tell her that she turns it into I hate her and I’m self centered. When I get it back to she needs to back off, I had already prepared a mental note of what I’m going to say. But then it slips away. Dammit.
Right now, I do not really care about school haha. I am actually enjoying my time not doing my college applications and playing around! I want someone to jam with, do some cool things with. Want to hook up? We can stick around and see this night through~
I’m pissed off!!!! I am sooo stressed out, i have so much on my plate right now it’s unreal, i barely have enough time to take a shower or wash my hair!!!A little background info…. we live together, have done for a while, we have a child together, i give our child all the attention she needs!! I’m up at 7am every day, i feed the baby….. numerous times a day, change it, bathe it, play with it etc etc etc… i do the cleaning, the laundry, the shopping, the cooking, car maintenance, garden
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