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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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another fun filled day….yup 47

i do believe i hit my target. and truely i do believe and hope those that support that kind of crap for entertainment should dye quick and painfully as possible. cant say as it bothers me much. shrug. if attacked i am going to rip a whole in the space time continuem and make the sicko’s eat their own crap.

concept of being wrong and doing actual harm. it”s tuff. this shit gives peeps strokes with the right spin and a whole lota fuck u. and being wrong. my brain scream WAIT. get the facts and …view more

what the fuck happened to the donutz 47

i bought some…found them. i new i wasnt crazy.oh wait

so i feel like i am 7. instead of my brain saying suck it up for the family it’s people saying these thing to me out loud. seriously. i really dont want to hurt anybody but i am rippin off heads at this point. fuck u. and really it wasnt about me mehhhh whatever but mess with closest u goin to wear my boot up your ass. and at the end of the day the peeps who got it didnt deserve it. altho really i was caving fast. much love and respect and …view more

ultimate life fail 57

I just gotta get it all out of my system. I have regrets,tons of regrets and i cant seem to let go of them. i cant forget how my mom was biased towards my sister, i cant forget that filthy jackass who molested me when i was ten, i cant forget how my dad didnt care about how much i missed him, i cant forget about how lonely and confused i felt from the very start, i cant forget how failure of my relationship made me incapable of trusting people & turned me into a complete loner, i cant forget …view more

narcissist relation 37

U make me sick! All u do is lie and steal. Nobody is safe from your vile self centered crap. I hope u find yourself all alone with no family and destitute. If people r smart, they will make y pay for your attempts to ruin others lives. U truly must b one of the most hated people to walk the earth. Go drink yrself into oblivion and throw yrself off a high. Balcony. So glad i kicked u out of my life.

i was sure from take off that abstinence wasnt an option 67

cept for the zoombie apocalips and i dont now that we can count on that. my journey was about how to deal with the effects on the indie and society. i give up. cant really say that i am any less fucked up then those who blind walk their journeys in confusion and fear. i think i have allll that and oh so much more. fortunately i do believe there is peace in everyday reality. looking for it. apears to bee about physical exersion anddd i got a yard of that. lmaolmaolmao. life IS whatcha make of it …view more

we r certainly more than a pair of tits. gezzzzzz 27

and NOWHERE on the box of medium blonde does it say may turn red and fry your hair. cant even fix it without it all falling out. gezzzzzzzzzz

i did have the time of my life, usually my surprizes r bad, very very bad. nice for a happy one for a change. today is my birthday and i can dew anything i want. probably the same old boring crap but atleast i am consistent. baaahhhhhaaaaaaa

every weekend gets better and better. i can see light and reallity at the end of the tunnel anddd really ive …view more

I really wish i didn’t love her 27

Well there’s this girl I like, even met her on xbox! We chat daily, literary for hours, have for almost 3 years now. Started having feelings for her so told her, asked if we could be more than friends. She said no, she’s seeing someone else, I know the guy but didn’t know they were dating they kept it secret since her mum very was ill. I know the guy, same as me, the three of us all met through xbox. It hurts but she says she is happy with him, and to me that’s most important, obviously. And …view more


worked really hard to get into sylvan choir, the advanced choir at my school, i put in 4 hours a day for weeks, i got in, only to learn that most of the people who got in, didn’t deserve it, and now next year i have to be in an honors class with seemingly kindergardeners, the same rank as me, im one of around 5-7 people who actually deserved it, and my arrogant friend is in the class too, she thinks shes better than me, shes one of the people who didnt deserve it, i told her previously, that …view more

is this day over yet 07

certainly sucked but most dew sooo what can ya do. i write for different reasons. today is about wtf. mostly in my head. or not. really thelittle voice that said DO IT was diffinately mine. lmao. and for a change odds were sorta in my favor. suprize. whatever. really ummm i spent all my life worrin bout money roof over head and food. now i dont worry it’sssss aout the same. some good some bad but mostly i didnt worry bout it. probably a very bad idea but most of mine r. it takes alot of work …view more

gezzzzz 47

ya know i dont get winners losers. i dont get alot of stuff. it is of interest that the voices that i use to have were both good and bad on both sides. kept it sane cause after that u r one step frm a padded cell. gezzzz fucked up world.

manipulation and training least it aint totally phycotic. could bee a t shirt.

i think i did a great job today. i aint taking crap and i am allowed an oppinion and to bee heard. really all other avenues dont seem to have the effect i am looking for. …view more

blah blah blah 47

really i care, i just dont let those i care about use it against me. sighhhhhhh really at the end of the day i try to understand but have little energy left for those who would. sighhhhhhhhh certainly those who use abuse and angst and threats to control what was and is freely given have more issues than my limited abilities can handle. i want to have a life. ive wasted soooo much. and really it’s apathic beyond words but really if the players aint part of my future it’s their choice. easy peasy …view more

argggg im in pain gezzzzz 27

washing walls wtf. when did suzzy homemaker sneak in. and really i am old and need to pace myself. who ever said pain from hard work is lying.

words of wisdom fly alll over.

i really dont have any. keep on truckin…idk.

i feels like i am trying to put the whole universe in some kind of order anddd really i cant get my house in any reasonable facimile. presently a disaster and leaving in 3 days gezzzzz got the food and a general plan…leave baaahhhaaaaaa

idk people who live their lives in …view more

Hater 27

My friend is like the definition of a close minded, lackey, hater. She bashes anyone and anything but if someone else likes oohhhh its suddenly her most favorite thing or person. She tries so hard to be on someones good side and when they cant take her thirst for friends its there fault. Like come on honey get over yourself cause you just look like a unnecessarily stuck-up dumbass.

that could of been like 27

head first into a pole. good thing i have my tinfoil hat. or ummm i suppose it’s about controlled response. and knowledge. really i catch on quick when peeps start sentences bad news. and seriously i am flying. at reality and forming directions and stuff anddd bang..baaahhhhaaa head on colision of 2 realities. pls i chased “protectors” off. without all the interference i can assess the situation and duck. seriously i goota get fat enough to waddle. or maybee just quack.

and gezzzzzzzzzzz …view more

and some interestin stuff 27

what’s the difference between tv and movies. 12.99 and 14 bucks for popcorn. and really it effects- speaks to everybody differently. i dont think their is a difference.

i think a good part our ability to block all the crap is relevant but then i herd there were complaints about the background noisey exes. ahhhh seriously on some level what gives anybody or thing the right??????? and on another level ….. if ya dont like the background noise pay your own 12.99 and i didnt buy popcorn. assholes

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