Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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seriously my purception and ive been every size ummm all i missed was superfical assholes who just waste my time. granted it’s about attitude, dont care what size u r dress it up and rok your show andddd the the right ones swim on by. fat chicks try harder anddd guys with little dicks get more ass…lmao it all works out in the end. bbbaaaahhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa really it aint about how others see u just how u see yourself. the ones that see what u feel orrrr make u feel that way.
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really anybody that has survived all this dont need moi to tell them what is write for them. or wrong. it is wrong to demand a relationship that isnt. real or imagined.
and it aint anybodys business buttttt MINE. in reality it would bee horrorifing to me to drag somebody into this crap un knowingly. one with no base other than friendship and a show.
solo wasnt my CHOICE …. it was the ONLY choice and i do the best i can.
in a world of pain and agony self pitty rules, for a time, do i regret
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r we actually talkin bout the pic off the net. that’s crazy shit, pics are alllll over. porn picked most off public sites. cant see where the owners r anything but bustin their buttons proud of them, still pissed i missed the ass. shrug. and really pink fairy will live forever in my past. while we r on the subject ummm i wont bee a bit suprized to find black lace here and there. assume nets made the rounds. quite proud of them and a time and place in my life. shrug. i dont get the issue.
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yesss i am sure it’s just for me. lololol. ummm biologically speaking we NEED a certain amt, without it we get a little wacked. if u r already there it’s an issue.
no big deal, recover in a day. seriously why dew do peeps want to convince others of their beliefs when others dont give a rats ass. believe what u want and live your life accordingly. easy peasy
certainly my reality is shaken to it’s core and really i got stuff to dew. my yard for instince thx for the background tracks but really
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i suppose when they r your own personal disasters they r huge but i gotta go level 5 tornado to get the effect. not a good sign.
trying to address how such a nice girl like me wound up in this position … and just exactly what that position might bee. certainly i’ve had goals and interests in directions of different kinds. mostly my focus is not spending my life in a living hell. really constant kaos is unacceptable and damaging and truely fucked up.
we see in the world a reflection of
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hard sell causes a fucked up mess. mostly as always i point out it should bee somewhere in the middle and relevant to protection. learning accepting what is. still aint going to make it right but it aint going away.
no trouble…..seriously i leave chewed up messes in my wake.
what is to say. wack jobs and wierdo’s centeral. some unbelievably sick and must bee addressed with great caution reality and otherwise. for me part of a journey from here to there orrr the other way round.
i learned much. symbolism and stuff lots and lots of stuff. theoretical and practical and some crazy fucking shit. i got fond memories of much but really way to over the top crazy to bee of much use. really u can scramble peeps brains to mush and ya still aint going to change the way we
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Its “babysitting” NOT “school” for your 3 year old that you send away for four days a week. Annoying that you have to justify it like that.
Calls my mum a bitch behind my back, acts like an angel when i’m around… he’s a tiny little bastard that needs a lesson taught to him.
He brings bad energy into the house, I feel anxious near him, anything he asks me makes me angry, i bite my tongue i show no signs of interest but he still cracks a joke.
My childhood home is now a place i no longer want to be in, the only place I have! He’s taken over, he has to go.
I fucking hate you, you’re such a two faced bitch. You treated me so horribly, and show your other face at work. You caused so much misery you fucking bitch, I hope you have a miserable life, for the miserable person you are! Fuck off bitch!
I can’t believe that you haven’t realized by now that I don’t give a fuck about anything you have to say. But of course you wouldn’t, because that would mean observing something besides the inside of your own ass. I’ve never in my life seen someone so caught up in impressing their friends. At your age, it’s fucking pathetic. Thanks for the shirt birthday. Thanks for misspelling my name on my present that you just dumped loads of thought into…thanks for making plans over the ones we had. I could
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Some parents really frustrate me!why teach your kids to be the way they are and give in to all their little whinges, then wonder why they turn out to be the way they are?!
He is living with me now, and wont open up to me, i really need help there, something has happened at school and he wants to move back with his mum, he is jst settlin here!
Her first thoughts- it will be his last chance if he moves back, he needs to change, and if he doesnt she will send him to boarding shool!
He hasnt even
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Oh. I’m sorry. Did I ruin your Thanksgiving with a phone call that my kitchen was flooding? Was your family really pissed off that you had to handle my call about MY MOTHERFUCKING KITCHEN FLOODING? My apologies, I didn’t mean to interrupt your TURKEY DAY by having my KITCHEN FLOODING. Because here’s the thing, I actually didn’t get to MY Thanksgiving until about 8 p.m. and it started in the early afternoon. But don’t you worry. I’m sure your mildly annoyed family had good reason to be pissed at
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I fucking HATE the sun. I ALWAYS get burned for some reason. When I was a kid, I never got burned that much. Nowadays, I get severely burned after like, ten minutes without sunscreen. I’m not supposed to get burned like this, I’m Italian! But I get burned so bad! I was all confident because for the past few days, I’ve been on vacation and actually started getting a tan, because I realized if you take sun breaks and reapply sunscreen often, you can tan. I did the same exact thing today and
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So I come home from Uni and everything?s fine, we have a chat about random shit. Then I?m like ?Woah, I?m tired.? so I go to sleep. Then I wake up and go to have a cigarette, damn can?t smoke here my porch is hella soaking from the rain, better go to the laundry porch by the kitchen. You?re standing there cooking. I?m like ?Hey man.? you?re like ?EAT SHIT AND DIE? and you fuck off to your room. Honestly, what the FUCK have I done now? Like, really? I haven?t done shit, bitch I had a fucking
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