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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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Who wants to go get stinking drunk? 57

I think society fucking sucks the way it is; I’m depressed because I just want someone to talk to and have people to hang out with, but all I ever hear is “I know, I understand”. That doesn’t fucking help. How about saying, “Hey, want to hang out tonight/ Friday/ this weekend?” Is it that fucking hard to say, because you have friends and you really don’t give a fuck about me? Oh yeah, you only care when I’m drunk and coming back so you have someone to condemn, right? Everyone needs friends, …view more

Fuck. 27

All I can say is fuck fuck fuck. My anxiety is so high! I like girls. but I’m married to a guy that I LOVE. So there’s that off my chest. I HATE my college (beauty school) but I LOVE doing hair. I LOVE PUSSY. Also, my sisters… All of them. Raging twats. They are so FUCKING selfish. My sister got MAD at me on the day of my wedding because I didn’t spend enough time with her. What the fuck? It’s my wedding! Also, for my wedding… 65 people RSVP’d. 65 people said they would be there, which is about …view more

Fuck 37

Blitzed out of my skull because I’m depressed and this is the only time I’m happy and the only way I can stop myself from cutting myself.

ahhhhh 47

i built my blocks round how what effects witch and why and really that’s just funny.big sign that says not worth the trip anddd it dont make any difference. i shall live my life.

going to crawl under rock and wait out pain. left left quite an impression. just saying

with a t

Don’t judge me 57

I want to be eaten out so bad. I’m the biggest Virgin. I’ve never been kissed or had a boyfriend but it’s by my choice but idk I just really want to be eaten out. Girl or boy I don’t care

Those people who… 47

…drive you absolutely up the wall. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. The girls who sit there SCREAMING because a boy jumped out and yelled “boo” at them, five minutes later, they’re still screaming. Those people who are SO LOUD and never shut up and you know all they want is attention. They’re obnoxious times ten, yet everyone still puts up with them and acts like they like them? Seriously, shut. Up. NO ONE cares that you forgot to sharpen your pencil before class, so why the crap do you sit there yelling …view more

wayyyy good time 47

freest i’ve felt in FOREVER. ahhhhhhhh. and i kept to myself mostly. pretty sure the name of the game was…lets watch gma piss her self buttt what can ya dew gezzzzzzzz. i am pretty sure the fcc is pissed too. and old people and revenge and security has my back. yeah right. revenge aint my shtick and a waste of my time. perfurrr to busi myself with positive things. and really i dont NEED back up, but thx. i pop in and out but most glued to closests and amazing times. working together and WORDS …view more

What a tard! 77

I recently broke up with my bf, and I heard today from some of our mutual friends that his mother is in hospital but I don’t know why exactly. for a month or so before we broke up he was really closed off and kept being upset but wouldn’t tell me why. I’m afraid that his mother might be the reason, and I feel like a complete bitch for leaving him at a time like this. ugh.-.

Fun times 37

You fucking threw it all away because of the distance. If that’s the case, why did I waste two fucking years of my life with you. You’re an inconsiderate bastard, you know that? Okay, no, you ruined me emotionally, making me think I’m not even worth the effort. “Let’s be friends” my fucking ass. No, I want nothing to do with you. Hope you’re happy getting back all those stupid gifts. I mean who the fuck gets someone a calendar as a birthday present.

You left. 37

Why would he do this to us? We were friends. Really good friends. And suddenly that bastard has the AUDACITY to think he’s better than us and get up and leave when more “popular” people come along. WE STUCK WITH YOU FOR HOW MANY YEARS YOU PRICK. I was there for you when you told me that you were depressed, and suicidal, and just broken on the inside. AND YOU KNEW THAT I WAS TOO. But you LEFT me. You barely even glance at me when you walk past me like you don’t have monopoly on the “HEY LET’S BE …view more

Downhill 47

Soooo I’ve been hurt. Alot. I lost my virginity to a guy who seemed like he cared but ended up being a jerk and just wanted sex. Figures. No guys want a seriously relationship. I’m not a whore. I don’t just “put myself out there”, I guess you can say I’m a starved fish that go for the hook with the worm on it, cause it looks good and appealing….if that makes sense….then I thought i found a guy that wanted a serious relationship…he talked to his parents about me, he told me I was the kinda girl …view more

another fun filled day….yup 37

i do believe i hit my target. and truely i do believe and hope those that support that kind of crap for entertainment should dye quick and painfully as possible. cant say as it bothers me much. shrug. if attacked i am going to rip a whole in the space time continuem and make the sicko’s eat their own crap.

concept of being wrong and doing actual harm. it”s tuff. this shit gives peeps strokes with the right spin and a whole lota fuck u. and being wrong. my brain scream WAIT. get the facts and …view more

what the fuck happened to the donutz 47

i bought some…found them. i new i wasnt crazy.oh wait

so i feel like i am 7. instead of my brain saying suck it up for the family it’s people saying these thing to me out loud. seriously. i really dont want to hurt anybody but i am rippin off heads at this point. fuck u. and really it wasnt about me mehhhh whatever but mess with closest u goin to wear my boot up your ass. and at the end of the day the peeps who got it didnt deserve it. altho really i was caving fast. much love and respect and …view more

ultimate life fail 57

I just gotta get it all out of my system. I have regrets,tons of regrets and i cant seem to let go of them. i cant forget how my mom was biased towards my sister, i cant forget that filthy jackass who molested me when i was ten, i cant forget how my dad didnt care about how much i missed him, i cant forget about how lonely and confused i felt from the very start, i cant forget how failure of my relationship made me incapable of trusting people & turned me into a complete loner, i cant forget …view more

narcissist relation 37

U make me sick! All u do is lie and steal. Nobody is safe from your vile self centered crap. I hope u find yourself all alone with no family and destitute. If people r smart, they will make y pay for your attempts to ruin others lives. U truly must b one of the most hated people to walk the earth. Go drink yrself into oblivion and throw yrself off a high. Balcony. So glad i kicked u out of my life.

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