Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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My kids have not been visiting. He apparently is on something but the stupid court has lifted his need to hair test. In the meantime, court costs alot, and so I don’t increase child support. The kids have needs and the activities, medical, dental are supposed to be split. He does not acknowlege any of these expenses. My daughter turned 11 today. He gave her $25 and a balloon. WTF? The man can make $10k a month. I am in awe of the human ability to turn it’s back on offspring. :( :x
Look, I’m a fairly open minded person. However I’m not alright with PDA. I get it, you two are “in love” or something, but I don’t want to see you making out in front of me. I’m afraid to confront you because maybe I’ll be seen as a bigot, but really I’ve talked to other girls who openly kiss their boyfriend in front of me about my uncomfort. To top it off, you both live here, you have beds assigned to you, you don’t need to be reserving common areas to sleep together at night. Its
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Okay so today is Halloween and guess what! My mother has to be a bitch and RUIN it! A group of my friends (and some no-so-much friends) were hanging out at the local park. Most of them were guys, which happened to be the worst fucking thing ever. And so my mom starts to complain and says i have to walk around with fucking 8 yr olds! EIGHT YEAR OLDS!!!!! I AM 13 I DO NOT WALK AND HANG OUT WITH EIGHT YEAR OLDS!!!!!! and then she has the nerve to tell me to socialize more! WHAT THE HELL!? EVERY
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Seriously I can’t believe I called you my close friend before. Now that I’ve seen the real you, the insecure attention-seeking annoying bitch you really are, I’m absolutely disgusted just hearing your voice and it’s taking everything I can to keep a poker face around you. I don’t want to deal with unnecessary drama with you anymore, it’s such bullshit. What drives me insane though is how on the outside you try so hard to be all loveable and social and outgoing and active and shit, and for the
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We spent nearly every day together after meeting each other, and it was awesome. Whether we were watching a movie, playing games, going for walks, or just cuddling (which was the best), I enjoyed every second of it. We’ve gone to shows together, driven far out of town so I could take you to my favorite breakfast place, and all sorts of other things. You were affectionate all the time, and that’s my favorite thing in a girl. You texted me all day, complimented me, even did little things like fix
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This seems to happen a lot. Now both of my parents have trouble speaking English and always turns to me to talk to someone for them even if I have no clue on what to say. An example is: billing, insurance, or something office or medical related. If I don?t say anything its because I have no idea what to say or do and my parents will say I?m stupid or ?what are you in school for?? They scold me for not learning the things they know.
When will you finally realize that I really care about you? I?m sick of being put down by your words and actions. Can you care about me?. Think about my feelings for once? I don?t like how you?re treating me. I don?t like how our relationship is like this. I am still your friend, can you give me some respect? I just want to spend a day with you. Are you really too busy to make time for me? You can?t find a single day in a week and spend some hours with me? I know your relatives came. I know
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i really hate negative energy in the workplace and that’s all i’ve been getting lately - negative vibes. everyone’s tired, withdrawn and really down cos prolly of the workload. my boss is slooooow in getting another designer and no one - yes, not one person has the ability to make you feel appreciated and cared for in this team. i wish i had a friend in the office, but sadly, my former boss has made it his life’s ultimate mission to ensure that the team that got him fired won’t get anymore
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Don’t give a slow, long winded message, then state your telephone number in a fraction of a second, then continue on your slow, long winded message. STUPID CUSTOMERS!!!
I’m feeling ugh right now.
Last year of high school and I’m already TIRED and SICK of it. There are really assholes in my school.. I was fine during summer and after a week of school, I’m worn out already. I’m really sensitive and hearing about someone talking stuff behind my back just ruins everything! I’ve grown to be really sensitive of what people say because.. of my looks. Yes, I am overweight. Yes, I am not good looking. Yes, I am short. Yes, I am Asian. Yes, I am weird. I never get the
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For years you lived in my house, ate my food, slept in my beds, and we helped take care of your kid. All while you went to school.
Then when I said that I had problems going to school because of finances, you said “if I can do it, you can”. Funny, but you forget that you get thousands upon thousands of dollars of Federal aid because you squirted out a kid. So much financial aid that you actually went and took a trip to Vegas on what was left over, rather than paying your babysitter (the one
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Dear husband: moving is hard. There’s lot to pack, lots to arrange, lots of stress. I’ve done it ALL, while feeding you and the kid day in and day out, and doing regular housework. What have YOU done? I mean, it’d be ok if you had a job (which you don’t). WHAT have you been doing? Oh yes, you’re a freelancer and are working in this project… that has given us no money so far. Cool, I can wait, but you know what? When I’m exhausted and my back hurts, and I’m stressed because moving day is near
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So I was in my car right. Three black girls were walking past. I glance at them for two seconds cause one of them was full on staring at me. After I drive past them, one of them screams at me, “the fuck you looking at bitch?” and I swear she’s lucky I didn’t get out of the car and kick their asses. It’s people like them that make others hate blacks. Fuckin ghetto ass bitches. Now I’m not racist, I have black friends. But it’s those ghetto ones that think they’re the best shit ever that tip me
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I don’t want to go to my employer’s dinner party tomorrow night. I just want to go home, eat what I want, and watch TV.
Don’t get me wrong. I failed myself as well, but then I’m not someone who went to college for 4+ years to be trained in the medical profession and diagnose people with mental disorders. I’m also not the nurse or doctor who sits in the nurses’ station and badmouths every single person who comes to you for help. Yeah some of them are somewhat worthy of scorn but there’s a lot of truly sick people that come in because they can’t help themselves and you people treat them like dirt and they know
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