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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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Just Gotta Let It Out Somewhere 148

OMG! i’m SOOO freaking pissed off riGht now, and i’ve just got no one to tell because part of the reason i’m pissed is at one of my closest friend. i don’t want to say anything to anyone i know that i might regret later. soo, i’m just going to rant it out here. there’s a couple of things that pissed me off. 1st: i know it’s my job and all but i just ruined a perfectly good dress ironing, stupid piece of crap. and i was suppose to wear that for an event tomorrow, and it’s too late to buy a new …view more

I hate this bitch..she ruined my freshman year 128

Like seriously, fuck bitches…

This is about my roommate from a few semesters ago…

Someone tells you that they don’t care enough to read what you have to say, so you say it anyway…they read it….then they flip a shit on you. Then you lose all your friends because you write online that the few general pet peeves that you have come out in one particular person. Like, I know I’m not a bad person and I’ve never done anything to maliciously attack them. But because of this, I lost all my friends, …view more

i hate my life. 78

i’m stressed out enough right now! i don’t need any of your stupid crap and abuse anymore. NO ONE IN THIS FUCKING FAMILY LIKES YOU. NOT EVEN YOUR FREAKING WIFE. is anything i do enough? will i ever do anything that will make you happy? i guess not. i hope your satisfied with all of your daughters hating you. do you have to make me cry every single day? does it please you? i hope so, since i’m shaking so much i can barely type right now. what kind of father does that?

go to hell. oh wait, not …view more

What is wrong with you…You’ve changed…. 68

I’m really pissed off at you Morgan. Before you were gay you were an awesome friend, now because your “gay” your an absolute, total, utter pathetic dickhead. All you talk about is sex, cock and random shit that mature people (like myself) don’t give a flying FUCK about and how fucking DARE you hate straight people. You were straight yourself, so what gives you the bloody right to hate us? Just because your “gay” doesn’t give you the excuse to verbally abuse other people, due to your sexuality, …view more


So there’s this guy I like, but thing is, he’s with someone… We still chat and hang out together, just the two of us, just as we did before he was in a relationship (except without the making out :P ). So we’re chatting on FB and he’s not replying. I’ve completely given up with him messing me around so I’m like “Okay I’m going now. Night”. He replies IMMEDIATELY wishing me luck with my exams, promising we’ll meet up soon, apologizing for not talking much and sending me lots of kisses. YOU DON”T …view more

I want a baby. 48

I’m 28 and havevalways wanted a baby. I have been with my boyfriend now for a year and 8 months. I got pregnant soon into our relationship and then had a miscarriage. I am always thinking about the miscarriage and still wanting a baby but he’s not so sure cause he already has 3 from a previous marriage. Please help.

I’m scared. 38

My mom’s memory seems to be getting worse and worse. She mixes words, forgets names and places, mixes days and seems to just increasingly forget more and more. She also has increasing difficulties with speaking - stuttering, sticking in one subject etc.

I’m scared. What if one day I talk to her and she smiles at me with a blank face thinking “who the heck is this girl again?”

I’m frightened, but I don’t know if I should bring the subject up with anyone.

i’m so scared 88

everyone i know is getting married or pregnant… i’m still single and childless. i’m getting older every year and i’m afraid i’ll never get the things i want out of life. i didn’t grow up in a very functional home. my parents split when i was young, dad was a drunk, mom was a binge drinker and a huge partier, yata-yata-yata. i was left to fend for myself and my younger siblings. i know i could do better than that with my own family. i would be a GREAT mom. it’s not fair. all these people have …view more

i would do anything 58

to have my boyfriend back. i miss him more than anything in the world, and he just doesn’t see it. i need to stop making things up in my head where he comes back to me and everything is alright. i wish he knew how much i missed him :(

me right now 68

i think i’m losing my mind sometimes. guilt and anger is eating away at me. mostly i’m angry at myself. i’ve failed in a way i said i never would. people don’t understand what it’s like to be big. the whole world is different. it may sound trivial to some, but that;s because you have no idea what it’s like. the guilt comes from somewhere else. it comes every single time i eat before bed. or every time i eat out. i know what i should be eating and instead i eat crap. it’s comfort.i’m slowly …view more

she’s so dumb 78

he keeps fucking around on her. she believes when he says he didn’t. he used to be my best friend. that was before i realized he was such a piece of shit. i hope she realizes soon. but i know she won’t. she’s willfully in denial. she knows better. even the dumbest chick knows better. he cheated before she was pregnant. he cheated before that with her sister in law. and now he cheated while she’s pregnant. i never knew he was like that. i thought he was a good person… you think you know someone.

60 year old bully. 48

If your three year old granddaughter can do it, why are you paying me?

online dating 48

i’m embarrassed to date someone from online. but i really want to go for it and do it but i’m also kind of scared.

I don’t feel normal 58

I’m so tired of hearing that women are usually pear-shaped and men are more apple-shaped. So what, I’m a man then? I’m not normal because I have a big stomach and scrawny legs? I feel so ugly because I don’t look like other girls. Everyone says “real women have curves.” I guess I’m not a real woman.

my boss 68

My immediate supervisor, although not the boss, makes the schedules at work. I was scheduled for a 10 hour shift today and when someone asked what I was working I told them i was working 10 hours. the boss got infuriated that I thought I was working more than the legal amount and admitted it was his fault in making the schedule and that I was only working 8 hours. after a while the supervisor took me aside and expressed that if I ever made him look like like that again infront of any employee …view more

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