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I’m tired. 30th March 2018
WHAT! 30th March 2018
Forum Rage 25th March 2018
Problems with bf 23rd March 2018
Seriously? 18th March 2018
I hate my daughter 16th March 2018
Control your kid in public or I will 16th March 2018
Slut ass bitch friend 16th March 2018
I HATE MY MATH CLASS 13th March 2018
Why can’t I help myself? And why won’t life give me a break? 11th February 2018


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More job stuff… 77

So today I cleaned a house that had been “renovated”. I use quotations because they didn’t know AT ALL what they were doing. I had to SCRAPE paint off of counters and light switches. I had to scrub up grout from the kitchen sink! The kitchen sink! What people use to clean food!!! There was so much DIRT, like legit DIRT in the bathroom! Wth?! And then they left boards with nails in them. I asked “are you taking these with you?” “No just work around them, we’re putting them back in the walls …view more

I Hate Some Artists 37

I’m an artist myself, it’s true. But–especially around Tumblr–it gets fucking annoying when some people can’t fucking accept the fact that some people like their art. And then they constantly fucking cry about how their art sucks and how they hate drawing. Fucking Christ, people. If someone says your art is good, it’s good. ESPECIALLY if they argue for your art on more than one occasion.

Honestly, quit being a whiny bitch.

Confession 27

I’m the only freshman who has never been asked out ever.

Stupid fans 57

I am a fan of a group of really talented guys. I like the music and when people say good things about them and i like being updated on what they are doing. but lately, things have not been so nice. everything has been shit. There is always some sort of drama that goes on, every single day, for no reason. I try to enjoy something, and that gets shit all over. i am now blocking and ignoring people because i don’t want to see their shit all over my dashboard. it sucks and i’m not sure if it’s …view more


All of my friends have been just forgetting me lately like holy shit. I’m
A great friend and I don’t deserve to be treated like this.
You’re so selfish and don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself and your dumb stoner boyfriend. No one fucking cares about u two being together. And it’s so obnoxious to hear about it while I’m just trying to spend time with you. So I’m done. You’re a selfish bitch. Good luck.

What a tard! 77

I recently broke up with my bf, and I heard today from some of our mutual friends that his mother is in hospital but I don’t know why exactly. for a month or so before we broke up he was really closed off and kept being upset but wouldn’t tell me why. I’m afraid that his mother might be the reason, and I feel like a complete bitch for leaving him at a time like this. ugh.-.

wayyyy good time 47

freest i’ve felt in FOREVER. ahhhhhhhh. and i kept to myself mostly. pretty sure the name of the game was…lets watch gma piss her self buttt what can ya dew gezzzzzzzz. i am pretty sure the fcc is pissed too. and old people and revenge and security has my back. yeah right. revenge aint my shtick and a waste of my time. perfurrr to busi myself with positive things. and really i dont NEED back up, but thx. i pop in and out but most glued to closests and amazing times. working together and WORDS …view more

Those people who… 47

…drive you absolutely up the wall. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. The girls who sit there SCREAMING because a boy jumped out and yelled “boo” at them, five minutes later, they’re still screaming. Those people who are SO LOUD and never shut up and you know all they want is attention. They’re obnoxious times ten, yet everyone still puts up with them and acts like they like them? Seriously, shut. Up. NO ONE cares that you forgot to sharpen your pencil before class, so why the crap do you sit there yelling …view more

Don’t judge me 57

I want to be eaten out so bad. I’m the biggest Virgin. I’ve never been kissed or had a boyfriend but it’s by my choice but idk I just really want to be eaten out. Girl or boy I don’t care

ahhhhh 47

i built my blocks round how what effects witch and why and really that’s just funny.big sign that says not worth the trip anddd it dont make any difference. i shall live my life.

going to crawl under rock and wait out pain. left left quite an impression. just saying

with a t

Fuck 37

Blitzed out of my skull because I’m depressed and this is the only time I’m happy and the only way I can stop myself from cutting myself.

Fuck. 27

All I can say is fuck fuck fuck. My anxiety is so high! I like girls. but I’m married to a guy that I LOVE. So there’s that off my chest. I HATE my college (beauty school) but I LOVE doing hair. I LOVE PUSSY. Also, my sisters… All of them. Raging twats. They are so FUCKING selfish. My sister got MAD at me on the day of my wedding because I didn’t spend enough time with her. What the fuck? It’s my wedding! Also, for my wedding… 65 people RSVP’d. 65 people said they would be there, which is about …view more

Who wants to go get stinking drunk? 57

I think society fucking sucks the way it is; I’m depressed because I just want someone to talk to and have people to hang out with, but all I ever hear is “I know, I understand”. That doesn’t fucking help. How about saying, “Hey, want to hang out tonight/ Friday/ this weekend?” Is it that fucking hard to say, because you have friends and you really don’t give a fuck about me? Oh yeah, you only care when I’m drunk and coming back so you have someone to condemn, right? Everyone needs friends, …view more

windows 10 & fucking msft drones 47

dear msft fanboys/girls

— you do realize that to jump on any trend in its infancy, with zero stats to back up its improvement superiority that makes it ‘best evar!’, makes you look/sound/be like a bunch of coat riding trend hounds?

— just because it’s new makes it better?!? than what, win8? — a monkey using an abacus or even 6 year old blackberry OS was better than 8.

— Lets own it- 8 was a big steaming pile of crap, and 10 though is an improvement on its predecessor it’s really nothing …view more

It’s OK to look… but just don’t touch? 27

So I’m completely in love with my boyfriend and I don’t wanna be with anyone else but I have a tiny crush on one of his friends. I can’t believe I’m even saying this but I find his smile incredibly contagious and sometimes I feel like he either knows I like him or hes a little flirty with me too. I’ve never done anything with him and I don’t plan to, I just feel so guilty thinking he’s attractive

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