Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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“I told you I wanted the light on”! Dumb ass runt smarts off and Im expected to ignore it, Thats not how I was raised. When the light went off the kid shut his/her mouth and went to fucking sleep. But in this house is a fucking democracy and the ?older? kid as I have documented an pages is never at fault for very much. Coddled to the limit perhaps an over compensation for having a convict ?supa G? for a dad who is busy pumpin and pimpin the next blonde coloured moron for all her quid and eggs.
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i am always horny.. its not good..
my boss hired this mexican chick, she’s not even that good looking. now he only pays attention to her. he gives her all his attention, and i’m just supposed to sit at my desk. if i go talk to him, he sends me back to my desk. when she goes and talks to him, it is long conversations, and discussions, and everything.
i mean, first she’s a mexican. second, she doesn’t even have any tits or anything. third, she’s so small that when he fucks her she can’t even come up to his shoulders. i bet he has
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Why oh why oh why oh why cant i just bloody go to sleep. days and days and days and days of just staring at the ceiling instead of sleeping nothing particularly on my mind but stupid distracting thoughts like “ooh things beginning with the letter S…. types of bird… people I know…” It’s driving me fucking off my rocker. Sleeping tablets either dont work or give me a hangover the next day thats worse than not being able to sleep
okay, so I’m a pretty pleasant person and I try to get along with everyone. but this stupid BITCH who’s constantly miserable for reasons idefk, well actually maybe it has something to do with her having no ‘real’ life, only a virtual one. But every time I talk to her she’s always miserable as hell to me (and only me!), and I’m pretty laid back so I just ignore it and don’t let it get to me i don’t like starting shit. So today she was miserable (big surprise) and just decided to take it out on
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Everday I wake up and put on a nice outift and a smile but on the inside i’m all torn up. I just live this purposeless life. I don’t live for me. I don’t even want to live. I just want to die most days. I don;t trust my friends. My family doesn’t love me and barely acknowledges my existence. My mom wishes i was never born and my dad doesn’t even talk to me. My last two birthdays i cried from lonliness. My dad forgot to call me both times. My mom left me alone all dya on my 16th birthday. My mom
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My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years and he’s doesn’t planon marrying me anytime soon. I have been living with him for almost a year now and I’m pretty content with living with himforthe rest of my life. We’ve talked about marrige and it seems like he raising the dating time each time we talk about it. Just a minute ago he said he wants to wait 5 years. He is 23 going on 24. I don’t want to be old by the time we have kids together, also another topic we have talked about and
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i hate living in this apartment. 2 bedrooms, 5 boys (1 is my bf) and 1 girl..thats me. its so filthy and dirty. theres no privacy at all. i feel so uncomfortable here. im the odd one out.they always look at me disapprovingly if i come home late, as if iv done something wrong. its so noisy when im tryna study. and stupid mother fucken Cricket!! i hate it. most of the time im alone in the bedroom. its so tiny and cramped and im the black sheep of this place.i cant relate to anyone coz im not
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I just spent $150 on meds and doc that I was not expecting. I can’t believe this happens every time I have some extra money. I just want to buy something for me, for fun!!! I hate this responsibility B.S.!!!! I don’t want to grow up. THIRTY THIRTY, ugh! I can’t believe it. And this is what it’s come down to. I exercise, I eat right for the most part, I am more than a decent person and SOMETHING always has to come up when I get my bonus. This sucks!
I get that you don’t approve of some of the things we do, and I understand that you worry about all of us, but you are a serious bitch about it. Not everyone thinks the way you do and that doesn’t make them wrong. You think you’re being so caring and just looking out for people but you’re not. You’re being a control freak and can’t stand being told that you have a flaw. We are all aware of what you think. Thank you for your concern. But there’s a lot more to life and the world that you don’t
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It’s probably really selfish of me to think this, but for once I wish someone would notice me. I send out greeting cards to my friends when it’s their birthday, or when something good happened to them, so I send a congratulations cards, or even just a random ‘I’m thinking of you’ card. Recently I started getting a bit of pocket money and money from odd jobs here and there and I can safely say that 85% of my money goes to someone else, mostly in the form of gifts. The other 15% I keep for my
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i really love the show buffy the vampire slayer. i think it’s the best show ever. i use to watch it when i was younger and it was new and now so many years later i still like to watch it and i miss it. i found out there is an 8th season and it’s comic books!! i’m on a mission to find those. i even like watching the youtube buffy videos. this is my inner dork revealed.
WTF i am an american and i fully believe the english system is the dumbest shit on the fucking planet, i mean base 12 and cups and gallons it makes no damn sense and they always manage to put a question on a final with english units and i fuck it up. if you want to be taken seriously pull your head out of your ass and use metric you stupid cunts
I am in lust with my husband’s friend and can’t stop fantasizing about him. I do not want to have sex with my husband, I would rather masturbate and think about his friend.
I hate what you’re doing, that you can’t let that cunt you’re fucking go, that after 20 years of marriage you skip off with that tramp… She’s laughing at me right now, after all that’s been going on, she’s laughing, she got my man to take her out to dinner while I sit home with the kids. While I sit here and cry because you’re spending the night in her bed. I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU. I hope you both hurt each other… I hope that YOUR LIFE IS MISERABLE WITH HER.. She’s never going to trust you… you
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