Most Condemned Posts
Here is a selection of the Most Condemned posts.
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i never told this story to anyone and i just wanna let it all out here. when i was i think about 7 or 8 years old i was sexually molested by a man, and i didn’t said this to anyone until now to you guys whoever is reading or not i just wanna say this out. And i think because of this experience i have develop a mental illness called panic attack. i am suffering from panic attack for many years. But i can say that my panic attack is getting better through out the years. i used to cry every time
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I wish I was the guy I was supposed to be. My friends and family ignore that I prefer being male, and ignore it a bit. But it’s obvious. Still, I love my friends. I feel in place among them. though, I’m nobody’s favorite. I always say something stupid, or I mess up, or I forget to give someone special the attention they deserve.. At school I don’t really have friends either. I have one girl that I chitchat with, but she gossips behind my back and I know that. I have no anxiety, or scars,
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The thing that really fucking does my head in is that its always worse when it comes to someone else. I’m not a person to happily say how I feel yet by ‘best mate’ seems to think that means nothing ever bothers me. I went through the most stressful time of my life losing loved ones I was very close to, mum was diagnosed with depression and I was a mess, bottling things up and not eating etc, it was only when mum threatened to take me to the doctors, presumably for depression or for help with
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Oh my god. Have you got a mind like a sieve or are you just a sneaky bitch?
Passing off an Excel document that I created as your own. Saying that you came up with it.
Arrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh. I will have my own sneaky revenge.
Hope you feel as worthless and as miserable as you made me feel. I hope you are crying like a baby and realize it’s for treating me like shit.
people who abuse u and then crawl on over with the i`m sorrrrrrryyyyy. kick them to the curb. just a cycle. same with poooooor me and the never ending after all ive done for u. really these people make the world a sad place. teaching them lessons. seriously some people will never change and if they can dew it once or for yearsssssss really that aint going away.
how r we. seriously. really when the universe handed out the jobs mine was signed sucks beyond words. after that. pretty good. ummmm
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My friend sits and judges other girls saying they’re too skinny and have no boobs and blah blah cause compared to her blah blah but she fails to realize that shes not a curvy shes LUMPY.
She’s a racist and uses the N word all the time. She’s a convicted felon, I looked at her mug shot on google. She’s a fall down drunk alcholic and a pothead. She’s dangerous. She has weapons and drugs which convicted felons aren’t supposed to have. She’s growing pot which is illegal for felons. If she ever comes on my property I will call they sheriff. And she is a nasty butch dyke lesbian. I assume the nasty acne and marks on her face are from meth. My wife loves her, course she’s a lesbian
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You make me want to commit very strong acts of violence. I hate you. I want you to just eat shit and die already. Fuck you fucking fuck…
till i can get my sea legs. certainly getting up big this time. pointed in generally the right direction. clean slate anddddd idk the closer it gets the more excited i am about legal. made some smart business moves and meh less presure forrrr sure.
starting over, in small ways we dew it everyday. future before me anddd who knows whats round the corner :D.
some people i know never get to bee mom’s, it’s all i got to bee but really if i had to pick one job it would of been that one. i am
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cant say as i feel one way or the other bout much. really a sad state of affairs buttt really manipulated and molded for purposes unknown. shrug i dont plan my life solo i deal with what is and what is possible. i enjoy what is available andddd keep on keepin on.
goofin off presently andddd it certainly has it’s moments. :D
object is to grow old and tired of purception of crazyland. shrug longgggg time back but it’s part of a base that the dancers play in…shrug. i tend to see the players and
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enchanting. also deeply deeply aware of lastnights meeting. 2 different levels. from one it’s like playing with toys. i am not a toy. i DONOT consider others toys. see them walk their paths and do what i can. and hide alot. saying anything tends to make it worse. usually for me soooo sighhhhh. i have said a few things. things aint always what they appear. remain calm. idk a few. i think if i could say something it would be. dont be afraid. warry and skeptical and mad as fuck but dont let fear
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Her lover is a bull dyke. I really knew for a long time that she was. She never would have sex. Always had an excuse. Then would lie to people about me having an affair, which I never did. And her bull dyke lover is disgusting. A convicted felon. A fall down drunk and pothead. A liar and man hater. Disgusting. Both of them.
i would like to think changes have occured as results became appearent. altho i still think already a known buttt it’s really not for me to know or say and idk. and i think i am typical therfore the results based in the majority not moi. i dont take much personal. i would like to hope for the future and who knows maybee i will live to see some of it.
i think by the time i realized some stuff i already addressed some closest. idk i think of everybody on their own journey just wont drag any
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I fucked my best friend 3 days before christmas….I’m trying to act like normal but it is so hard especially now that I’ve just met him and his gf because I went to spend a day in the city….I don’t know how to act and shit ughhhh during the time spend at his house we kept having eye contact and he keeps on looking at me when we are alone I feel so bad for his gf and shit but I don’t know fuck pls don’t tell me I’m falling for my bff ughhhhhhhhh
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